"You guys are really ridiculous. You haven't found the real entrance to the God Realm yet, but you have made the entrance to the God Realm worthless."

"Is it because you are worried that we will seize the opportunity to enter the God Realm from you, so you use this method?"

Lin Yun looked at the stubborn appearance of Genji's name and then said.

"Since you want the entrance to the God Realm so much, I can give it to you, but at a certain time after this, I will give you all the fragments of the entrance to the God Realm in my hands. As for the next step of opening the God Realm, Whether you want to go into the world or do other things, it all depends on you.”

Now that he knew what Genji was thinking, Lin Yun's current thoughts and attitudes were naturally much simpler.

Genji Ming looked at Lin Yun and was also considering the feasibility of this matter. If Lin Yun was really willing to hand over the key to the entrance to the God Realm, then even if he lost the war today, it would not affect his performance in the future. .

Lin Yun had already noticed this, so he said with a smile.

"The fight is over and you managed to get caught."

"If this news spreads back, it will definitely have a big impact on you. Now you are strong and need a chance to make a contribution to prove yourself, don't you?"

Lin Yun said with a faint smile, and Genji Ming was completely convinced by Lin Yun at this time.

Although he didn't know what this young man wanted to do next, he was certain that under the current situation, he had nothing to worry about.

"I didn't expect you to be so cunning. What you said now makes me even more confused.

Reasons for rebuttal. "

Genji looked at Lin Yun and said with a smile, no matter what he had considered before, but now this may be the only choice.

Not only can he survive, but he can also make meritorious deeds. As for the final result, no one knows.

"It seems that the cooperation between us has been reached, then you can go back and convey this news to your lord."

"If they have time, we can have a good meeting."

Lin Yun knew that there would be no results in negotiating with Genji Ming, so he wanted to have a good exchange with higher-level people to reach a consensus on this issue.

Genji looked at Lin Yun and nodded, without further entanglement on this issue.

He also knew that Lin Yun now had the absolute initiative. If he didn't want to cause trouble, obedience was his only option.

"I will learn about this matter as soon as possible as you said, but I can't be sure what the final result will be. I can only say that I will go all out."

After saying this, Genji left directly, while Lin Yun just smiled indifferently. He understood that the next plan would not be much different from what he had guessed before.

It is impossible for Genji Mingya to change the final situation of this war in a short period of time.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, was able to successfully take the absolute initiative through this series of events.

"We had the opportunity to kill Genji Ming. This would definitely cause the Alliance of All Realms to suffer a heavy blow."

"In a short period of time, we can even make them afraid to attack us again, but now they have missed such a great opportunity.

I don’t know if we can promote cooperation in the future. "

Lin Yun let go of Genji's name, but this matter was opposed by many people, and even at the last moment they still had differences of opinion.

However, Lin Yun had already guessed that this would be the result. The reason why these people's attitude towards him was inappropriate at this time was because they had already had the idea of ​​rebellion.

Therefore, the collapse of this matter is only a matter of time. Even if Lin Yun wants to stop it, the final result may be completely different from what he thought.

Since he has already been prepared, it doesn't matter what these people will do next. Anyway, Lin Yun has already prepared for the worst, so he is not afraid of what will happen next that he cannot control.

It's just that Lin Yun still hopes to avoid any situation beyond his control as much as possible during this period. This is enough.

"I know what everyone is thinking right now, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that this person cannot be killed in Genji's name."

"Even if I kill Genji today, there will be thousands of Genjis who will stand up in the future. Do I want to kill all of them?"

"Maybe I can solve this, but what if I can't solve it later?"

Lin Yun looked at the people in front of him and then said: "This war has barely stopped due to my attack. As for the final result, I don't know."

"But I can tell you with absolute certainty that I hope everyone will have a completely different view on this issue."

"Now that the war is over,

What we have to think about now is how to deal with other troubles, rather than continuing to insist on our own ideas on this issue. "

Lin Yun's words also made everyone present lower their heads. They were indeed a little unconvinced.

But at this time, I had to admit that Lin Yun might be right.

Continuing to persist will not bring any benefits, but will make their situation more dangerous after this.

I have tried so many times, but I have never been able to change my destiny. Now maybe I really should change something because of this.

Seeing the expressions on these people's faces changing slightly, Lin Yun finally laughed.

Just as I guessed, as long as I could convince them, the subsequent situation would be much simpler.

But even so, this situation is still not easy to resolve. Now it depends on how far Genji Ming can go?

Within a month, Lin Yun disbanded all the defenses of the Shitian Alliance, and at the same time, the entire Yaoguang Ancient Territory was deserted.

All living creatures have already left here.

And they took away what they could as much as possible. What was left here was an empty shell of Yaoguang Ancient Domain.

Even if all the worlds successfully control this place, the improvement they can get is almost zero.

So from this point of view, All Heavens and All Realms has actually completely lost, let alone they can take Lin Yun, but there is nothing they can do.

After this strengthening of Dantian Xinghai World, its strength has reached a very terrifying level.

Even Lin Yun can't help but lament that this test

It is quite wise to consider.

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