Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1692 They must be afraid of me

Lin Yun happened to understand what Zhang Wendao was thinking at this time, but he was not in a hurry to take any action, but just watched quietly.

Just like Lin Yun said before, these people can't help him at all.

Unless we can work together, it is still possible to limit Lin Yun's safety.

Like now, everyone has their own Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts, let alone dealing with Lin Yun.

So when Zhang Wendao wanted to stop Lin Yun, Lin Yun had already seen through his thoughts and moved away at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, countless people were chasing Lin Yun at extremely fast speeds.

I originally thought that after surrounding Lin Yun, there would be nothing to worry about.

But they never expected that this guy would slip away from their hands.

Although what these people said just now sounded nice, they were still determined in their hearts, just in case Lin Yun really handed over the key to the God Realm.

There was no way they could keep Lin Yun alive. After all, this kid probably knew many clues about the God Realm.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yun had already run away before they could take action.

For a moment, everyone's attention seemed to be focused on Lin Yun. They no longer cared about what happened before and focused on chasing Lin Yun.

And their scene was quite funny in Lin Yun's eyes. They had just picked someone like this, and now they were trying to stop him.

These guys didn't want to think about how Lin Yun could be able to deal with these guys after going through so many things.

Ever since, this tug-of-war lasted for several hours.

Throughout the process, Zhang Wendao could

It was getting harder and harder, because he found that even he seemed to have no particularly good way to deal with this man.

Although others also used various treasures, their so-called treasures had no meaning at all in front of Lin Yun's cunning movement skills.

It only took a moment for Lin Yun to successfully escape from their hands. Although everyone was speechless, there was really no good way to deal with Lin Yun.

"What should we do if we let this kid keep running like this? With his strength, I'm afraid we won't be able to hurt him at all even if we chase him to the end of the world."

Everyone looked at each other, and at this time they were also extremely frightened by Lin Yun's ability.

This person's physical skills can be said to be very terrifying, and he is something they have never seen before.

"That's right. I'm afraid this kid has already calculated that we will be in this state."

"I think you should let go of Xiao Jiujiu in your hearts at this time. Only by cooperating with each other can we have a chance to catch this kid."

Everyone looked at each other and had to admit that this seemed to be the case now.

What Lin Yun's ability could do here was beyond their imagination in a short period of time.

Since they didn't have any particularly good way to deal with this young man before, how can they be sure that they can solve the problem after this?

"We have tried all kinds of treasures but still can't deal with him. What else can we do now?"

Although everyone has the idea of ​​​​dealing with Lin Yun.

But the problem is that for them now, this matter is not feasible at all.


This Lin Yun was really too weird, and his abilities were definitely something they had never seen before. Now they simply couldn't imagine that they could catch Lin Yun with just their abilities.

This is when Zhang Wendao looked at everyone and said, "You are all considered to be top-notch experts."

"There is only one chance to enter the God Realm. If we miss it, it will be difficult to find such a good opportunity again."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell silent.

This is true. They have been waiting for so long and finally found a suitable time.

If they can't solve the problem properly this time, I'm afraid there will be even greater trouble waiting for them after this.

So no matter what angle they consider, they cannot give up easily now.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, the eyes of several people who had originally wanted to keep their hands became firm.

For Zhang Wendao, no matter what, there must be no mistakes in this plan. No matter how high the price is, he must control Lin Yun.

There are so many secrets about this guy.

No matter what considerations he had, he could never let these secrets fall into the hands of others so casually, so he had no choice but to solve this problem himself.

Lin Yun had been paying attention to the changes in the panel at this time, and of course he knew what the guys behind him were plotting at this moment.

The idea of ​​using formations to trap Lin Yun was very novel, but unfortunately they underestimated Lin Yun's ability.

How could Lin Yun, who had been prepared a long time ago, be beaten by a mere

controlled by the formation.

But this time he has been running for enough time, and it may not be necessary for him to continue running away like this now.

"I didn't expect these guys to be so angry and angry, and they would not let go of me no matter what."

Lin Yun also said helplessly at this time.

This situation is indeed somewhat different from what he thought before.

Chong Qingniao was also a little surprised when he saw Lin Yun gradually slowing down.

"You are running away now. If you stop in this situation, don't you want these guys to question you?"

Chong Qingniao didn't know what Lin Yun was thinking.

But he understood how dangerous the current situation was. If Lin Yun stopped, he might be caught by these guys.

But what Chong Qingniao didn't expect was that Jiang Ming just smiled.

"They should be the ones who should be most afraid now."

"I did all these things just to protect myself, but the greed in their hearts will eventually destroy everything they have."

When looking at these guys in front of him, Lin Yun knew that they would eventually pay a heavy price for their past.

Although Lin Yun didn't know what was waiting for them next.

But it was certain that these people could not turn the situation around under this situation.

Zhang Wendao's people in the distance finally took a lot of effort to catch up with Lin Yun, and at the same time began to set up formations next to him without any hesitation.

Sure enough, the overall situation was no different from Lin Yun's previous guess.

And everything shown on the panel was indeed true.

These idiots in front of him,

actually used this direction to trap him.

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