At this moment, Zhang Wendao had no idea what Lin Yun was going to do.

"You brat, your wish to kill me is simply wishful thinking. Do you really think I can be killed so easily?"

Zhang Wendao was so angry that his teeth were trembling.

I didn't expect that the guy in front of me didn't take him to heart at all. At this moment, Douzhen has reached this level.

Seeing Zhang Wendao's angry look, Lin Yun just smiled contemptuously without any hesitation.

"Don't you always want the key in my hand? I'll give it to you now."

Zhang Wendao really wanted the key in Lin Yun's hand.

But this doesn't mean it's an occasion like this, because in the process of chasing Lin Yun just now, he unknowingly became a target surrounded by everyone.

Originally, he wanted to tie up Lin Yun completely by working together inside and outside.

But I never expected that this kid would not listen to what Zhang Wendao said, just threw down the key and ran away.

Others were also stunned at this moment. Some wanted to chase Lin Yun, while others looked at the key in Zhang Wendao's hand with piercing eyes.

For them, this thing is obviously more rare, so at this moment, some people even clenched their fists and considered how to arrange it next.

When he saw this scene, Zhang Wendao's face was filled with black lines.

He had thought of many possibilities, but he had never thought that a situation like this would happen. He never thought that one day he would be completely eliminated by Lin Yun's move.

It was very fatal for Zhang Wendao, but he could not think of any way to break the situation in a short period of time.

"Since that kid has escaped, I

We have nothing to pursue. If it is in our hands now, we might as well open the God Realm. Then everyone can see what the God Realm looks like. "

Originally, Zhang Wendao wanted to take this opportunity to himself.

But now, surrounded by so many people, if he dares to say this, he may really be dead.

But even so, everyone present looked at Zhang Wendao cautiously.

After all, it was an extremely powerful divine realm.

For them, it is the only chance to break through their own destiny.

But similarly, the rules for promotion in such a powerful world must be quite difficult, and not everyone is eligible for promotion.

Otherwise, after so many years, countless powerful people would have been promoted to the God Realm.

This is why these people conflict with each other when they compete for the key.

After all, when others are also qualified to enter the God Realm, it means that they will pose a mutual threat to you.

So no matter which aspect you consider, you cannot give up this opportunity easily under such circumstances.

Looking at Lin Yun, he behaved quite calmly. Of course he knew that these people would not come after him.

When the key was handed over to Zhang Wendao, the conflict between them was aroused.

Whether these people cooperate or fight next, it doesn't matter at all.

"I thought this thing would stay in your hand for a while, but I didn't expect it to be given to someone so easily."

Chong Qingniao also didn't expect that Lin Yun didn't use any means at all this time and simply handed over the things.

Lin Yun smiled at this moment


"If this is placed on me, it will have no effect. Instead, I will have to worry about losing the key."

"So instead of having trouble with me, it's better to just leave it all to someone else."

For Lin Yun, it was just handing over a hot potato to others. Other than that, there were no other problems.

After all, the opening of the entrance to the God Realm is bound to happen. No matter how powerful Lin Yun is, he can't stop the general trend.

So on this issue, instead of thinking about how to resist, it is better to think about how to deal with it.

They want to open the God Realm, so Lin Yun will give them this opportunity. After the God Realm is opened, the first wave of impact they will have to endure will definitely be the heavens and the demons.

As for how the demon clan will respond, this is what Lin Yun will arrange next.

On the other side, Lin Yun successfully handed the key to Zhang Wendao.

So Zhang Wendao became the target of everyone's attention.

At this time, Zhang Wendao looked at these powerful men he had invited, and the expression on his face was quite complicated.

Originally, these people were supposed to be his helpers, but now it seems that their attitude is completely different from before.

At this time, I saw one of them slowly walking forward.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, now that we have obtained the key."

"Then we might as well try to open the entrance to the God Realm. As long as we can use the power of the God Realm to successfully break through, no matter how powerful the heavens and the world are, they will not be able to resist us."

Others also nodded at this time, although they were very eager for the key.

But I will only use means to fight for the key after this. I definitely don’t dare to now

Continue to cause trouble for Zhang Wendao.

With so many people watching, if you were to take the lead, you would be in trouble if the crowd attacked you.

And here Zhang Wendao is also thinking of various solutions in his mind.

Of course he had this idea of ​​entering the God Realm, but at this moment he understood even more how difficult it was to do it.

"Although we have obtained the key, it is still unclear where the door is. There are still many places to investigate in the future."

Zhang Wendao took out the key in front of everyone, and then a simple door appeared in the mirror.

But it is a pity that no matter how Zhang Wendao operates, there is still no way to open the inner door. It seems that there are other ways to open the entrance to the God Realm.

In other words, this matter was not completed in the previous term.

But now the entire Yaoguang Ancient Territory has long been controlled by the heavens and the world, which is even more difficult for them.

Everyone looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces became more solemn.

"It seems that the war between us and the world is indispensable, but they have been looking for our location during this time."

"In this case, why not let Heavenly Court's elite army come out in full force and give them a head-on attack."

After the man next to him finished speaking, several other strong men immediately looked over coldly.

"Aren't you demons ready to help? When the Yaoguang Ancient Territory was fighting against all the worlds, I heard that you demons have been passive and lazy in the fight."

For a while, the two sides really couldn't discuss this issue. No matter what, no one wanted to suffer at this time.

And Lin Yun in the distance had already

Knowing that this would be the result, no matter how close their previous cooperation was, at least at this time none of them could change their situation.

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