Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 203 It turns out it was because of him

Looking at Ouyang Chun at this time, Lin Yun had a bad feeling in his heart.

He knew that with this guy's character, he probably wouldn't let them leave like this.

But there are things that Lin Yun can know.

Then He Changxu here also knows.

But at this time, He Changxu didn't think about stopping it.

"You don't really think you can turn it around, do you?"

"Ever since you sealed me here, I have been waiting here for this day."

"You don't think everything I do is meaningless, do you?"

He Changxu said with a smile.

But Ouyang Chun can no longer think so much.

"Things have already reached this point, don't think about what else I have to say to you."

"Let's all die together!"

Ouyang Chun laughed and raised his arms.

A small black pebble was thrown from his hand, and it fit perfectly into the mechanism on the wall.

What followed was that the stone room shook violently.

He Changxu glanced at Lin Yun and said, "Let's go quickly."

Lin Yun didn't hesitate at all.

When he knew that Ouyang Chun was not going to let him go, he turned around and ran away.


Wasting even a second at this time is irresponsible to yourself.

With Lin Yun's speed, escaping was no problem.

"Senior, don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he waved and the Resurrection Wood was taken away by him.

"Xiaobai, let's go."

He Changxu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, but didn't say anything.

At the critical moment of life and death, this kid didn't forget the treasure?

On the other hand, Lin Yun didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him at all.

There's no point staying here anyway.

Not really

If you take it and use it yourself.

At this moment, he almost used all his strength to feed.

The ground is shaking.

The stone chamber, which was not spacious in the first place, looked like the throat of a giant beast.

There is darkness ahead, with no light in sight.

Lin Yun could only move forward according to the route in his memory.

Just hope they can get out of this place before everything closes down.

"You are such a bad boy, you will cause a lot of trouble no matter where you go."

"I'm afraid the entire spiritual world will be turned into a muddy water by you this time."

Erzu said angrily.

It was because I underestimated Lin Yun's abilities before that I overturned, otherwise I would have solved everything long ago.

Lin Yun wasn't angry either, he just smiled.

It's the truth after all.

Ever since he truly embarked on this path of spiritual practice, he has caused quite a lot of trouble.

But every time, danger can be saved.

This time, Lin Yun didn't think he would overturn here.

"Hehe, I made a lot of money this time. Not only did I get this Resurrection Wood, but I also solved the big problem of Ouyang Chun."

For Lin Yun, the next step is to leave Surabaya Tiangong.

Once you leave the spiritual world, you will be truly safe.

Chong Qingniao couldn't help but sigh: "You are really awesome for causing such a big trouble and still being able to escape alive."

Lin Yun didn't refute, he just kept running ahead.

The strong physique gained from daily exercise finally had a great effect at this time.

It didn't take long before they finally saw the exit.

I was expecting to get into trouble.

I never thought everything would be so safe.

After rushing out of the secret passage, Lin Yun held his knees.

At this time, the Sishui Heavenly Palace was already in chaos.


Damn, are you playing so big? "

He looked around in shock.

The Sishui Tiangong, which was once magnificent, is now mostly destroyed.

Ruins of ruins can be seen everywhere.

There were also many corpses of practitioners being thrown aside casually.

It can be seen that the fighting scene is very fierce.

Many cultivators have treasures with them. Although they have lost their cultivation, they are still difficult to deal with.

But even so, they were all killed one by one.

Gu Xiande and Ancestor Xue Mi were covered in blood at this time.

And standing in front of them was Ai Tian.

The guardian of the Panlong Cauldron is Ang Tian.

Its strength is very terrifying, especially in this Sishui Heavenly Palace, it can be said to be invincible in the world.

"Hey, it's really miserable."

Lin Yun snorted, but he had no sympathy.

Since you want to snatch the treasure, you should think of the consequences.

What's more, these people who died in the battle here are nothing to him.

Not thinking about staying here any longer, Lin Yun ran outside without looking back.

But not long after running, I saw a figure suddenly appear.

"Humph, Lin Yun, it turns out you have been hiding here all this time."

Zhou Zeming looked at Lin Yun coldly.

Resentment could also be sensed in his tone.

Lin Yun frowned.

He was not very willing to deal with this guy.

Isn't this old man out of his mind?

The frontal battlefield has been fought like this. Shouldn't we be thinking about escaping now?

Why are you still coming to trouble me?

Have you got nothing to do?

"Elder Zhou, if you really have nothing to do, I think you can help them deal with the monster behind them."

"I'm just an ordinary disciple, why do you stare at me like this?"

It’s really a narrow road between enemies.

Zhou Zeming's face was ferocious: "Huh, if they had believed me before, these things wouldn't have happened."

"I knew that all this was a conspiracy by this kid like you."

He looked determined.

These things that happened in the Sishui Tiangong must have been intentional by Lin Yun.

"You look like a harmless kid, but in fact you are just a cunning and cunning little beast."

"You can fool others, but don't try to fool me."

"Here today, I must stop you."

Zhou Zeming acted as if he was an enforcer of justice.

But in Lin Yun's eyes, this guy seems to have some brains that are not easy to use.

"You can say whatever you want, I'm too lazy to explain to you."

"But I'm very busy now and don't have time to waste time with you here."

"If you don't want to cause trouble, get out of the way."

Zhou Zeming's cultivation level is definitely not bad.

But in a place like this, he wasn't even afraid of Ouyang Chun, so why should he be afraid of a little Zhou Zeming?

Seeing Lin Yun's proud look, Zhou Zeming also felt itchy with hatred.

"You killed An Shenyu, do you still think you can stay out of it?"

After hearing this, Lin Yun finally understood why this old guy kept staring at him.

The relationship turned out to be because of An Shenyu?

However, An Shenyu was seeking his own death after all.

"If that idiot is obedient, I can save his life."

"But it's a pity that he seems to be more confident in his own strength."

Lin Yun laughed.

This is true.

If An Shenyu had been willing to obey before, none of the following things would have happened.

However, after hearing these words, Zhou Zeming

Even more unbearable.

It’s too much, and he’s still laughing at me!

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