Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 205 You? Just cannon fodder

Zhou Zeming was originally thinking about how to deceive a few people.

Unexpectedly, these guys turned out to be on the right track.

Brothers, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Who said this guy's physical fitness is as good as that of a pet?

If he had continued to fight here, he would have been dead long ago.

Zhou Zeming thought secretly in his heart.

He didn't feel so shameless.

In this case, only if he survives can he truly kill Lin Yun.

Otherwise, their deaths would be in vain.

It's a pity that with so many people present, few can know what Zhou Zeming is thinking.

Lin Yun watched as several people surrounded him.

All of them had playful smiles on their faces.

"Lin Yun, I guess you are unlucky today."

"If you meet us here, you will definitely die."

"It's such a pity. He has such cultivation at such a young age. If he hadn't come to this place, he might have achieved a lot."

"Now I can only hold my hatred here."

Several people laughed.

Lin Yun didn't take what they said to heart at all.

Instead, he looked at Zhou Zeming with piercing eyes.

I saw Zhou Zeming pretending, as if he really had some powerful treasure ready to be sacrificed.

Lin Yun secretly asked Xiaobai to sneak out.

And he looked at these stupid young people.

The moment they took action to suppress Lin Yun, Zhou Zeming did not choose to attack.

Instead, he ran away in the opposite direction at this time and ran away into the distance.

Several people were stunned, and then they realized that they had been stabbed in the back by Zhou Zeming.

Seeing Zhou Zeming running away, they froze on the spot, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"Damn Zhou Zeming, did you trick me?"

"Damn it, this old guy wants us to give him some backing?"

Several people

Stopping what he was doing, he was no longer thinking about killing Lin Yun. He just wanted to drag Zhou Zeming to hell.

Zhou Zeming also heard what they said at this time.

"Everyone, I have no choice."

"This kid's physical fitness is like a monster. If we continue to fight here, we will eventually lose."

"Stop him later."

"When I leave this Surabaya Heavenly Palace, I will definitely avenge you."

What Zhou Zeming said was high-sounding, but how could these people behind him hear this?

"Ni Ma, stand there for me."

"Catch him and kill him."

Several people seemed to have completely forgotten what their original purpose was, and they all left Lin Yun to chase Zhou Zeming.

But after just a few steps, they found that Lin Yun, who was originally surrounded by them, was actually blocking them.

The leading man stared at Lin Yun.

"Is your brain broken?"

"Now that Zhou Zeming has betrayed us, you should stand on the same front as us and deal with Zhou Zeming together."

Lin Yun shook his head.

"Zhou Zeming has his own way to deal with it."

"But today some of you have evil thoughts towards me, and you should pay the price. Of course, I won't ask you to leave easily."

He spoke firmly when he said this.

The leading man was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Lin Yun, we all know that you are very powerful."

"You proved this just now, but now we don't want to continue to be entangled with you. We can treat today's events as if they never happened."

"This is the best for you and me."

"But if you still dare to continue to be entangled like this, then don't blame the rest of us for fighting against you."

This man looks so proud

It seems that he is very powerful.

The man standing next to him also echoed at this time.

"Lin Yun, don't toast me without eating as a penalty."

"Now we don't want to worry about you so much."

Looking at these frogs in the well, Lin Yun shook his head.

He thrust the sword into the ground.

"I think you guys think things are too simple. Do you really think you are very strong?"

"To me, you are just a bunch of cannon fodder."

Lin Yun also offended several people after saying this.

"Hmph, you ungrateful guy."

"Since you sincerely seek death, we will kill you first and then deal with Zhou Zeming."

After several people finished speaking, they rushed forward one after another.

But at this time, Lin Yun seemed like a different person.

The attention just now was entirely on Zhou Zeming.

So it's not enough to spare all your time to deal with these people.

But without the threat of Zhou Zeming at this moment, how easy would it be to deal with Lin Yun with just a few of them?

So when dealing with a few people, Lin Yun seemed to relax his hands and feet and open up and relax.

In just a few breaths, he put all the people down.

In the face of absolute strength, any bells and whistles are just a waste of time.

The man who was so arrogant just now was lying on the ground looking at Lin Yun who was walking towards him.

There was a hint of pleading in his voice.

"Lin...Lin Yun, we were the ones who spoke too much just now."

"We really didn't mean that, and we never thought about robbing you of your treasure."

Several people lay on the ground and were careful.

They no longer have any energy to continue fighting.

"I know exactly what you guys want to do."

"Those who will suffer disaster after I let you off today,

But me. "

"Do you really think I'm a fool?"

Lin Yun didn't believe what they said at all.

Although they want to live.

But unfortunately, Lin Yun never leaves himself a trouble.

After dealing with a few people, Lin Yun looked at the place where Zhou Zeming escaped.

This guy is quite fast.

It's a pity that he doesn't understand that Xiaobai has been following closely.

Not to mention that not everyone can escape from the Sishui Heavenly Palace.

So Lin Yun followed behind slowly.

At this time, Zhou Zeming was still on the run.

He didn't know how long it would take him to escape.

But there was still a last glimmer of hope in his heart.

He couldn't die here no matter what.

Even if he exhausted his last bit of strength, he had to leave this ghost place.

As long as he left the Sishui Heavenly Palace.

He had the ability to kill Lin Yun.

"Stinky boy, do you think you have the ability to compete with me in this Sishui Heavenly Palace?"

"Then let you see how I will torture you to death after leaving the Sishui Heavenly Palace."

But Zhou Zeming didn't expect that Lin Yun didn't take the initiative to catch up.

Did that guy think that he could stop him with the help of the few guarding spirit stones of Nansheng Gate?

Thinking about how he had walked past without any injury before, Zhou Zeming was very proud.

This was also one of the reasons why he dared to rush to Nansheng Gate so arrogantly.

Nansheng Gate might be very dangerous for others.

But it was the last chance for Zhou Zeming.

Fortunately, there were no major problems when he walked down the stairs.

The battle between Chentian and the two sides of good and evil seemed to have reached a fever pitch, and now the restrictions of the entire Sishui Heavenly Palace had problems.

Therefore, Zhou

Zeming's journey was smooth and there were no problems.

Until he saw the few guarding spirit stones.

At the same time, Xiaobai also blocked the way.

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