Zhou Zeming's eyes were about to burst.

The original plan was a joke at this point.

"Lin Yun, you must die a good death!"

he roared.

Immediately afterwards, the body was smashed and flew out by the guardian stone general.

This time, even if I don't die, I still have to take half my life.

Lin Yun snorted and chased after him.

These people are motivated by their own selfish desires and have no regard for the life and death of others.

The original Chenjiabao massacre was for the key to Zhenhuang Palace.

It is also the same reason why so many practitioners have died in the spiritual world today.

Give them a hard time, these guys always know what to do.

Like now.

While everyone was trying to compete for the treasures in the Huangzhen Palace, Lin Yun was thinking about something else.

"Lin Yun, don't think that you can stay out of this."

"If I die, Changyang Sect will not let you go."

Looking at Lin Yun with a dead eye, Zhou Zeming's teeth were about to be broken.

But Lin Yun just laughed it off.

He walked forward and patted Zhou Zeming on the shoulder.

"I said Elder Zhou, what's the point of hating me now? It's all your choice anyway."

"If you don't cause trouble for me, I won't kill you, right?"

Now that the matter of Surabaya Heavenly Palace has been resolved, the remaining ending has nothing to do with me.

Looking at the angry Zhou Zeming, Lin Yun didn't want to say much.

Just a few simple words, and then he raised the knife and dropped it.

The sharp Han Yan Sword pierced Zhou Zeming's chest directly.

"In the next life, I hope you can be smarter and stop thinking about making enemies outside."

"So that I don't have to die in such an unexplained way again."

Seeing Zhou Zeming breathed out with an unwilling look on his face, Lin Yun stood up silently.

Saw it

Eyes guarding the spirit stone general.

There was nothing unusual about these guys, they just looked at Lin Yun with a little more respect.

"These guys are really weird. I guess they have nothing to do with you."

Seeing the changes in the guarding stone general, Chong Qingniao also felt strange.

Lin Yun didn't say anything. He waved and asked Xiaobai to stand on his shoulder.

"Things are settled, it's time for us to go back."

After passing through the barrier of the Surabaya Heavenly Palace and returning to cultivation, Lin Yun immediately felt that his strength had increased.

He actually went directly to the third level of Yukong.


Lin Yun looked at his hands and murmured.

A bit unexpected.

At this time, no one outside the Surabaya Temple knew what happened.

Although the aborigines of Wutian Mansion attacked several times, they were all forcibly blocked.

However, the disciples who stayed here did not fare well.

So now almost no one is watching the Surabaya Tiangong.

Lin Yun came out without any effort.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately thought of the mantra in his mind.

Once you take away the Panlong Cauldron, you are done.

The moment Lin Yun finished reciting the mantra, he felt the presence of the Panlong Cauldron.

It actually works!

I have to say that Erzu is really awesome.

At this time, in the Sishui Heavenly Palace, the good and evil factions completely abandoned their original positions and worked together to fight against the angry sky.

But unfortunately, as the powerful being on the ceiling of the entire Surabaya Heavenly Palace, how could they be able to defeat it?

The battle becomes more and more confusing in the process.

But just when everyone thought there was a glimmer of hope.

Panlong Cauldron disappeared.

The first person to discover this matter was Gu Xiande.

"what happened?"

"The Panlong Cauldron was fine just now.

It was there, why was it gone all of a sudden? "

He was completely stunned.

Ancestor Xue Mi only realized this later.

The Panlong Cauldron is gone, what's the point of them fighting here for a long time?

On the contrary, Huitian showed no special reaction when he saw the treasure he was guarding disappearing.

It's like it already knew this would be the case?

When the two people were suspicious of each other, Hatian attacked again.

Ancestor Xue Mi said: "No matter what, this birth is our biggest trouble right now."

"Let's deal with this guy first. The Panlong Cauldron must be in the Surabaya Heavenly Palace."

They would never have thought that the Panlong Cauldron they had longed for had left the Sishui Heavenly Palace.

And it was also in Lin Yun's hands.

Lin Yun did not waste time after successfully snatching the Panlong Cauldron.

While everyone's attention was still on the aborigines, Lin Yun had arrived in the spirit world.

We had discussed the joint location with Zhou Damao before.

After the two met, Lin Yun watched as the solemnity on Zhou Damao's face disappeared.

He laughed.

"Junior Brother Lin, you have figured it out."

This trip took so long that many people even thought that Lin Yun's life was safe.

After all, it is the Surabaya Heavenly Palace that is full of dangers.

Although Lin Yun had spoken lightly before, at this point, who can really explain it clearly?

Lin Yun just smiled.

"Senior Brother Zhou, I'm sorry. I'm fine."

"Although we encountered some trouble this time, fortunately, we were able to overcome the danger in the end."

"Don't you think this is a good thing for me?"

He spread his arms and spun around.

Zhou Damao patted his shoulder happily: "That's right. Not only did he not suffer

Injured, the strength is even stronger! "

The third level of air control.

If Jiang Zhengqing knew about this matter, he would definitely be happy.

Their Beast Control Sect really won this time.

"Okay, don't talk here. It's still dangerous inside the spirit world. Let's get out of here first!"

Afterwards, the two left the spiritual world along the same route as before.

Apart from the Miaoyin Sect and the Beast Control Sect, there are not many people in the base camp of Mingdong Mountain.

This time Liuyun Sect mobilized many elites.

When Jiang Zhengqing heard what happened in the Sishui Heavenly Palace, he couldn't help but look solemn.

"So, they have succeeded."

"The Red Ghost Sect was in Chenjiabao before, also to open the key to the Huangzhen Palace?"

He did not expect that Lin Yun would be involved in so many troublesome things.

In the camp, several elders looked ugly.

Ning Changkong said at this time; "Sect Master, I think this matter is no longer something we can solve."

"If the real Huangzhen Palace appears, the entire cultivation world will be destroyed."

"At this time, do you want to go..."

Before Ning Changkong could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Jiang Zhengqing.

"There is no need to wait for the outcome of the treatment in the spirit world. The price paid by the Scarlet Ghost Sect and Liuyun Sect this time is too high."

"They will definitely hold Lin Yun accountable. Let's get out of here first."

Jiang Zhengqing didn't think about staying here and waiting for the result.

Anyway, a war is inevitable.

But he wasn't too worried.

You may not be able to win elsewhere.

But if he was in the Beast Control Sect, Jiang Zhengqing was still very confident that nothing would change even if the sects that cooperated with the Liuyun Sect came to him.

Just a few

People were surprised when they heard what Jiang Zhengqing said.

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