Deng Pengzu.

Wearing green clothes.

His face was full of exhaustion, but he still felt energetic at this time.

He strode to Lin Yun's side.

With a wide smile on his lips, he looked up at Gu Xiande in the sky.

What I said just now has only one purpose.

Support Lin Yun.

They also want to know now.

How much price could Gu Xiande pay to kill Lin Yun?

When Gu Xiande, who had a serious face before, saw Deng Pengzu, something was wrong with his expression.

Why is this guy back?

Originally, according to his previous plan, Deng Pengzu would definitely die this time.

"Elder Deng, you also know that this matter is our Liuyun Sect's business."

"As the leader of a sect, you don't want me to listen to you, do you?"

I was a little nervous when I saw Deng Pengzu. This guy was also an unstable factor.

But at this time, Gu Xiande still hoped to use his position to suppress Deng Pengzu.

Facing the crowd's pressure, Deng Pengzu smiled.

He glanced at Ye Qian: "It's thanks to you that I can catch up this time. Don't worry, this kid won't die today."

Ye Qian nodded, completely ignoring Gu Xiande's cannibalistic eyes.

She also understood that she had brought a lot of trouble to Liuyun Sect today.

But it doesn't matter.

After experiencing so many things, Ye Qian could see it.

If you want to be stronger, you have to rely on yourself.

Even if he is in Liuyun Sect, he cannot have strong power.

She looked at Lin Yun with a smile: "I hope you can survive, because you are my opponent."

Seeing Ye Qian's serious look, Lin Yun smiled and nodded.

Watching her disappear from his sight


Then, Deng Pengzu looked at Gu Xiande.

"The sect leader is right."

"But what if we can prove that Lin Yun did not betray Liuyun Sect before?"

These words made Gu Xiande even more anxious.

So far, everything is still under control.

But if it was really easy for Deng Pengzu to prove all this, it would be over.

"Elder Deng, what do you mean?"

"I know that you have a good personal relationship with Lin Yun, but you are now the elder of our Liuyun Sect."

"Is it because of such a boy?"

"Are you really willing to stand up and prevent our Liuyun Sect from exercising our rightful power?"

The two sides confront each other and are at war with each other.

If it were ordinary elders, they would have taken action long ago.

However, Deng Pengzu was not an ordinary elder.

Not only that, even Gu Xiande would have a headache.

When Deng Pengzu was asked to leave in order to deal with Lin Yun, he wanted to take the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

Unexpectedly, this old guy came back.

"If Lin Yun really betrays the sect, I will naturally not let him go."

"But I haven't known this guy for more than a day or two. I naturally know what his character is like."

Deng Pengzu refused to give in at all.

Lin Yun was still a little grateful at this time.

After all, not everyone can do this for themselves.

But at this moment, he glanced at his panel.

At the same time, Bai Zhuqing, who had been silent on Lin Yun's back, took action.

I don't know when there was a dagger in his hand.

Stabbing Lin Yun's heart violently.

All this happened very suddenly, and it was difficult for anyone to prepare for it.

Besides, Lin Yun should have been

I believe in Bai Zhuqing!

The sudden change made everyone open their mouths.

"Bai Zhuqing actually wants to kill Lin Yun?"

"Is everything Liuyun Sect said before true?"

Everyone was still doubting Gu Xiande at first.

But now I'm starting to see the outcome of it all differently.

I thought Lin Yun was going to explain it like this here.

But who would have thought that the situation would be different the next moment.

Lin Yun was seen grabbing Bai Zhuqing's wrist easily.

Then he threw him off his back.

Bai Zhuqing fell to the ground and looked at Lin Yun with some surprise: "Have you been guarding against me?"

This situation is terrible.

After all, Lin Yun would not be able to dodge such a close-range attack, no matter how talented he was.

Lin Yun did not answer the question, but looked around keenly.

Gu Xiande's eyes clearly flashed with relief when he saw Bai Zhuqing take action.

If these two people are really allowed to make this matter a big deal, it will be difficult for them to explain themselves when the time comes.

Not to mention the various sects in the cultivation world, the pressure from the Daye Dynasty alone will not be small.

So if Bai Zhuqing succeeds, he will naturally solve all this.

But who would have thought that something that should have been simple would turn out to be like this.

How could Lin Yun survive in such a dangerous situation?

Gu Xiande was really puzzled.

I had this feeling when I dealt with Lin Yun several times before.

It seems like this kid has seen through your every move.

"At this critical moment, of course I can't let myself be in any danger."

Lin Yun said calmly: "Moreover, your performance has been revealed from the very beginning. You are not Bai Zhuqing at all."

Gu Xiande said hurriedly: "Lin Yun, please stop confusing the public here."

"Do you think I really want to kill Bai Zhuqing?"

"That was just a way to get you back to the sect. You killed so many Liuyun Sect disciples in the spiritual world."

"You also used a trick to snatch the Panlong Cauldron from our hands. No matter what, we cannot let you continue to cause trouble to the cultivation world."

Listening to Gu Xiande's high-sounding answer, Lin Yun was not angry, but just looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Gu Xiande, Gu Xiande, you are really hypocritical!"

"Obviously it was my own lack of strength that led to a series of things that happened later."

"Then I have absolutely no idea where the Panlong Cauldron is, and now you just say that it's my fault?"

Bai Zhuqing also took the opportunity to frame him.

"Lin Yun, whatever you say so far is just sophistry."

"The Liuyun Sect's evidence is conclusive. I was deceived by you before so I believed you."

"Today is the time for the sect leader to clean up the house in front of everyone!"

Faced with everyone's false accusations, Lin Yun didn't take it to heart at all.

He just looked at Gu Xiande coldly.

"Okay, if Sect Master Gu really wants to clean up his family, then let's give it a try."

"I'll stand here, waiting for you!"

He waved the Cold Flame Sword in his hand, and the scorching air waves and murderous intent exploded instantly.

Several elders were already old enough to take action.

They are all in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, so it is no problem to deal with Lin Yun.

Deng Pengzu looked at them coldly.

"I want to see who dares to take action today?"

"If I say Lin Yun hasn't done these things, then he hasn't done it. If anyone doesn't believe it, then I'll beat you until you believe it.

! "

After he finished speaking, he also drew his sword.

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