Bai Zhuqing is like a puppet controlled by someone.

Standing up unsteadily.

The look he looked at Lin Yun was full of evil.

I have known for a long time that Bai Zhuqing's current state is not even a little worse than before.

"Lin Yun."

"You deceived your master and destroyed your ancestors. I will not let you leave here alive today."

Bai Zhuqing stared at Lin Yun.

He looked like he was completely part of the puppet now.

Naturally, Gu Xiande would not miss this opportunity.

He knew that Bai Zhuqing must have become a puppet now.

He also knew that for some reason, Lin Yun was not willing to kill Bai Zhuqing easily.

And all this gave Gu Xiande the best chance to take advantage of Lin Yun's delay by Bai Zhuqing, and he could take action against Lin Yun.

Facing the siege of Bai Zhuqing and Gu Xiande, no matter how good Lin Yun's movement skills were, he still had a headache at this time.

"As a practitioner, it is natural to abandon one's emotions and desires."

"And now you are bound by your own thoughts, how can you defeat me?"

Seeing Lin Yun's increasing injuries, Gu Xiande felt that his chance had come.

In the final analysis, for Liuyun Sect, the most important person in this battle is Lin Yun.

As long as Lin Yun is dead, everything can be arranged at their will.

At this time, Lin Yun also had fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Even with the help of Xiaobai and Chongqingniao, facing such an opponent, the situation is getting worse and worse.

"Bai Zhuqing, before he has complete control over you, you have to wake up in your own way."

Just as Gu Xiande thought, if Lin Yun completely abandons emotions, he can completely abandon Gu

Xian De and Bai Zhuqing suppressed.

Even killing both of them wasn't that hard.

But Bai Zhuqing can be regarded as a friend to him, and he is not completely controlled at this time.

Even if he only had some hope, Lin Yun would not give up easily.

Seeing Lin Yun, who was still like this, innocent, Gu Xiande laughed.

"You are still a young man after all. Even in such a situation, you are still so naive."

"If you could wake him up with just a few words, he would be free long ago."

Facing such naive Lin Yun made Gu Xiande extremely sure of his thoughts.

With this young man's methods, he simply cannot withstand the pressure that will follow.

For them, this is just the beginning.

Bai Zhuqing seemed to have not heard what Lin Yun said just now, and his attacks became more fierce.

In his hand was an ink-colored dice.

It also looks like a specially refined treasure.

The attack power of this dice is very powerful.

The most terrifying thing was the streaks of black energy on his body, which Lin Yun did not dare to underestimate easily.

Just when Gu Xiande thought Bai Zhuqing would be completely controlled and turned into a puppet.

But to his surprise, he discovered that Bai Zhuqing suddenly stopped at the critical moment.

At that moment, both Lin Yun and Gu Xiande's eyes widened at the same time.

How can it be?

Gu Xiande knew that this time it must be a senior who took action.

Although puppetry is more evil.

But in the entire practice world.

There are not a few people who learn puppetry.

It's just that once this kind of magic is performed, it's so easy and impossible to reverse.

But the changes in Bai Zhuqing are beyond everyone's expectations.

At this time, Bai Zhuqing's face was distorted, two kinds of

Different expressions are constantly changing on the face.

It looks like two personalities are fighting for control of the body.

If Bai Zhuqing's main personality had completely fallen into a deep sleep.

Then after passing Lin Yun's own self at this time, he also understood what he was doing.

For Bai Zhuqing at the moment, the most important thing is to break free.

"Get out of my head."

Bai Zhuqing's voice was trembling, and he used all his strength to drive away the other party.

Fan Zuming, who was hidden among the crowd, had a very ugly expression on his face at this moment. His plan should have been accurate.

But he never would have thought that something unexpected would happen while controlling Bai Zhuqing.

So much so that now Bai Zhuqing still has the strength to resist its control.

"What good thing did this brat do in his last life that he was able to evade this move of mine?"

Fan Zuming muttered softly, and at this time he tried his best to suppress Bai Zhuqing's mental power.

As long as he completely controls Bai Zhuqing, it will be easy to deal with Lin Yun.

He expected that Lin Yun's character would not dare to be cruel to Bai Zhuqing easily.

And this is his only chance to open a breakthrough.

Liuyun Sect is very important to many people, and they will naturally not let Liuyun Sect collapse like this easily.

What's more, it was only Lin Yun and Deng Pengzu who took action this time.

"Hmph, brat, let me save your life for now. I'll take care of this guy first and then I'll deal with you properly."

Fan Zuming looked coldly at Lin Yun in the distance.

He said something very casually.

Just the moment those words fell

Suddenly, he felt a cold gaze looking towards him.

Fan Zuming soon realized that his identity had been exposed at that moment.

Fan Zuming, who was originally hiding among the crowd, hoped to complete all this quietly.

But now when he saw Lin Yun, he realized that his disguise had been seen through.

Without any hesitation, Fan Zuming was ready to give up and leave completely.

But at this moment, Bai Zhuqing kept struggling, causing the puppet technique to backfire.

A terrifying force rushed straight into my heart.

This powerful force also made Fan Zuming groan and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Although all this happened in a flash of lightning, it was accurately captured by Lin Yun.

Especially when Fan Zuming had threatening murderous intent towards him, Lin Yun became aware of this guy's existence.

Here I have to say that the role of the murderous aura field is really too great.

At this time, Gu Xiande also realized something. Following Lin Yun's gaze, he naturally discovered a somewhat panicked Fan Zuming.

But before Gu Xiande could do anything, he saw Lin Yun rushing toward Fan Zuming using a false step.

Lin Yun's step came so fast that many people didn't even have time to react.

By the time they came to their senses, Lin Yun had already rushed in front of Fan Zuming.

Oops, was this guy discovered?

Gu Xiande groaned secretly in his heart.

But unfortunately it was too late.

At this time, Fan Zuming also noticed Lin Yun rushing towards him.

Although all this happened suddenly, he was not bad at all in terms of strength.

So we responded promptly.

I saw Fan Zuming's feet a little bit, and his body was pulling towards Lin Yun at an extremely fast speed.


Is it possible that a mere disciple of the Yukong Realm wants to kill me?

Fan Zuming sneered in his heart.

He just felt that Lin Yun's action this time was too appropriate.

Then he immediately controlled Bai Zhuqing to catch up.

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