On the other side, King Zuo Cheng was still planning everything in his palace.

When Chen Su Ning summoned Lin Yun to Wangjing, he was indeed worried.

After all, what happened in Liuyun Sect was extremely detrimental to him.

Once this problem is proven to be valid, he will be in danger in the entire Daye Dynasty.

He didn't know if Chen Suning had any other power in his hands that could threaten him.

But the only good thing is that the idiot King Changqing still believes in himself.

King Zuo Cheng immediately took advantage of this opportunity to plot the current situation, and wanted to solve the problem smoothly through this matter.

As long as Lin Yun is solved, Chen Suning will have no other options in the short period of time.

King Zuo Cheng could take this opportunity to investigate the secrets of Shou Xing and His Majesty the Emperor as soon as possible.

"Your people need to be faster."

"Looking at this, our Emperor has gradually lost his patience."

King Zuo Cheng glanced at the mysterious man wearing a mask standing next to him.

"In order to help you complete these things, I also paid a lot of price."

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

The mysterious man smiled and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty."

"We won't let you down this time."

"We have already investigated many key clues about the guardian."

"According to our understanding, although the guardians are powerful, they do not recognize the current emperor."

"It is a token in the hands of the current emperor, but this token can appear in the hands of anyone."

King Zuo Cheng was still a little nervous.

But hearing this

After answering, he looked a little brighter.

This means that if you can get this token, you can then control the guardian.

"Does the prince want to get this token?"

"As long as the prince can get this token, then not only the Daye Dynasty, but also the entire spiritual world will crawl at your feet."

Hearing what the mysterious man said made King Zuo Cheng even more excited.

A long time ago, King Zuo Cheng was very dissatisfied with the current system.

In his opinion, both the Daye Dynasty and the cultivation world are actually the same.

King Zuo Cheng really didn't understand, since the Daye Dynasty controlled the entire cultivation world.

Why does it not interfere with the internal affairs of the spiritual world?

If they could convert the power of the spiritual world into a part of their great cause dynasty.

With their powerful strength, wouldn't they be able to sweep across the entire Qianlong Continent?

But as a result, even with such a possibility, today, the Daye Dynasty is still just a corner.

at this time.

A stream of light flew in from the outside and fell directly on King Zuo Cheng's hand.

After taking a look at the contents, Zuo Chengwang raised the corners of his mouth.

"My plan has worked."

"King Evergreen is dead, and Lin Yun has also been imprisoned for this matter."

The mysterious man took a look and it was clear that King Zuo Cheng did not believe this matter.

Although everything was in their plan, it was too easy.

So in the eyes of the mysterious person, there must be some unknown secrets behind this matter.

"The prince is happy too early."

"We still don't know whether this is true or not. I will arrange for someone to investigate.

Next, let’s see if King Evergreen is really dead or faked. "

Unlike King Zuo Cheng, the mysterious man is more cautious.

After all, this matter concerns many people, and they dare not act rashly.

Although King Zuo Cheng was a little dissatisfied.

But I'm too lazy to say anything. It's always a good thing to be careful.

But I want to make it clear that I was not arrested, but just ran away.

Presumably, with Lin Yun's current strength, there are few people even in Wangjing who can be his opponent.

Although King Zuo Cheng was a little helpless, there was no need to worry about anything at the moment.

Lin Yun was just a lost dog, and of course there was no way he could help Chen Suning complete his mission.

Unfortunately, King Zuo Cheng didn't know that Lin Yun entered the palace directly the day after the incident.

However, he had also gone through a lot of dressing up, and coupled with his superb body skills, it was impossible for anyone to detect him.

In the imperial study room, Chen Su stared at Lin Yun.

"I originally asked you to investigate the relationship between the two, but you were involved in this troublesome matter."

"Now, everyone's eyes are on you."

"As expected, I really want to know how you should arrange it."

Looking at Lin Yun standing below in disguise, Chen Su Ning felt a little angry.

Not only was he unable to investigate the situation of King Changqing and King Zuo Cheng, but he was also involved in it and could not escape.

Since then, Lin Yun has been unable to move in Wangjing.

Seeing Chen Su Ning's nervous look, Lin Yun laughed.

"Your Majesty, you are too nervous."

"This time it is indeed a trap set by King Zuo Cheng, but unfortunately I have seen through his scheme a long time ago."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, King Changqing has not

There is death. "

"He can also prove that King Zuo Cheng wanted to kill him."

Chen Suning stood up silently after hearing this answer.

"you sure?"

Lin Yun nodded: "I dare not talk nonsense."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, everything this time is completely under my control."

Chen Suning breathed a sigh of relief. At least they now had some information.

Including that he soon realized that this was not enough.

If they want to bring down the big tree of King Zuo Cheng, they need to pay more price in the process.

"I didn't expect you to have such a method."

"What are you going to do next?"

Lin Yun said: "Now I am naturally acting in secret. The people in Wangjing can't catch me anyway."

"I came here this time to ask Your Majesty what the second thing is?"

Chen Suning stared at Lin Yun and said, "The problem of Zhenhuang Palace."

"Naturally, I don't want to see the Desolation Palace opened, but judging from the previous situation, it cannot be stopped."

"I got news that there seem to be some disciples of the Red Ghost Sect in Wangjing City who are plotting something secretly. If you can, help me find them."

"Remember, I want a living person."

Especially the last request, Chen Suning said very seriously.

Lin Yun nodded and agreed.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, these guys can't escape my grasp."

What threat can a mere disciple of the Red Ghost Sect pose?

With Lin Yun's current strength, it is only a matter of time before he can defeat them.

However, it is really a bit troublesome to avoid Zuo Chengwang's people in this process.

"Although I know that you are innocent, I still feel guilty about your

The arrest must continue. "

"Please, as soon as possible!"

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