Once upon a time, Fang Yuer thought that her life in this world had no meaning.

So she also regarded herself as a walking zombie.

But everything changed completely after meeting Lin Yun.

She didn't expect this man to be so charming.

It changed Fang Yuer's views on many things time and time again.

Now, of course, Fang Yu'er can't act as relaxed as before.

Since everything was said to this extent, Lin Yun certainly would not refuse one more person.

What's more, he also knew that if Fang Yu'er was with him this time, it might make things easier.

The opponent is strong. And they also need to prepare in advance.

Soon the group was ready to enter the tomb.

And this is just Lin Yun who has already made a plan in advance.

Since you have predicted the opponent's next move, you will definitely prepare a counterattack in advance.

The Red Ghost Sect no longer has any particularly strong power at this time, and the only thing they can do is try their best to delay time.

As long as Lin Yun and others are always on guard, these people are not in any danger at all.

"Master, even when I left, I kept emphasizing that I must ensure your safety no matter what."

"Junior brother Lin."

"Although I also know that if you want to continue to make breakthroughs, you have to go down the mountain to practice, but no matter what, you still have to put your own life first."

"If you really have a problem, the entire sect will feel sorry for you."

If Lin Yun had many people in the Beast Control Sect who were not convinced before.

So after going through so much

After many things, they were convinced of Lin Yun.

Now Lin Yun didn't say anything.

Even he is not completely sure about what his future will be like.

On this issue, the only thing Lin Yun can do is to fight with all his strength.

"Senior brother, don't worry."

“I know what I’m doing, so I’ll put myself in the most critical position wherever and whenever I can.”

Lin Yun said, and several people began to move towards the tomb.

At this moment, in the tomb, several disciples of the Red Ghost Sect who had just hid inside were forcibly driven here.

They originally thought that after entering this tomb, they could sit back and relax.

After all, there are many masters of the Red Ghost Sect here.

It was only when they actually came in that they discovered that the situation was not as simple as they thought.

And because their strength was not strong enough, they were thrown directly here to delay time.

Everyone in the entire Red Ghost Sect doesn't know how tragic the fighting situation outside is. If they stay here to ambush, it is basically the same as seeking death.

But even so, they still have no choice.

Just when they thought they would definitely die this time, they saw Lin Yun and others swaggering in.

They were already disheartened, but at this moment, their hearts were burning with endless fighting spirit.

After all, Lin Yun, Fang Yu'er and others seemed completely unaware of how dangerous their current situation was.

You can even see a proud smile on their faces.

Because of this, everyone present knew that this opportunity was extremely rare.

They must seize this

A rare opportunity to teach you a lesson.

"If we can kill this kid today, we can claim the reward from above."

There was a trace of greed in the eyes of the leading disciple.

The strength of these few people is not bad, otherwise they would not be able to hide here alive.

But now if they were allowed to fight Lin Yun head-on here, they would definitely have no chance of winning.

But if it was a sneak attack, that would be unknown.

Even a powerful master like Lin Yun would definitely not be able to protect himself all the time.

Even if there is only a moment of flaw, it is enough for them.

These disciples of the Red Ghost Sect didn't even realize that Lin Yun had known about their existence for a long time, but they had been pretending to be themselves.

For Lin Yun, he knew what these guys wanted to do, but he was too lazy to tell them anything.

I was really worried before.

But this time they have a large number of people and have made arrangements in advance, so how can they lose?

Sure enough, just when they pretended that they were not aware of the danger at all.

These disciples of the Red Ghost Sect also launched attacks at the same time.

Just as Lin Yun thought, once these guys take action, they will never waste time with them.

Every move is aimed at killing people.

In this case, if it were a fight, someone with little experience would do so.

He might have been so panicked that he didn't know why, but Lin Yun still acted very calm.

Facing the few people rushing over, he just raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then snorted coldly.

With this little ability, you still want to hurt him?

"I thought that in this tomb

Who knows how powerful the masters are, but they are just a few rotten fish and shrimps. "

"Today is the day you die."

There was a murderous look in his eyes.

Then Lin Yun raised the sword in his hand high.

Cut it down with a sword.

The sword energy surged in an endless stream.

But the few at the front couldn't stop it at all.

These people rushed so fast because they wanted to make contributions in advance and improve their status in the Red Ghost Sect.

But who would have thought that Lin Yun was so terrifying?

Just a face-to-face meeting, and they were instantly killed.

The remaining few people also stopped suddenly and stood there.

No matter how they underestimated Lin Yun before.

But after the battle just now, they all realized that the man in front of them might not be that simple.

Seeing how cautious these guys were, Lin Yun also sneered.

"What's wrong? Weren't you still very excited just now?"

"Now I'm standing here to see what you want to do."

As he spoke, the murderous aura field was still expanding rapidly.

Since we are determined to kill these guys, we will never let anyone go.

No matter what methods they had before, it was time to pay the price for their recklessness now.

The remaining Scarlet Ghost Sect disciples also looked at each other in confusion.

Originally they were sure of victory.

Who would have thought that they would be counterattacked in advance by Lin Yun the moment they made the surprise attack.

"What more do you have to say to these guys? Just kill them all."

Zhou Damao also said disdainfully.

But Lin Yun still shook his head.

Maybe we can get some useful information from these guys.

"It's true

You can kill some, but you still have to leave a few alive. "

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