Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 313 A third party suddenly appears!

Chong Qingniao felt helpless when he heard what Lin Yun said.

"I know you're wondering now about the identities of these monsters."

"But unfortunately I can't tell you the truth."

"Because I don't know much about these creatures either."

In ancient times, there were indeed many creatures that had never been heard of on this continent.

But that time was so far away that even Chongqingniao couldn't explain some of the mysteries.

Not to mention that these guys in front of them are far from as easy to deal with as they thought.

Lin Yun became even more uneasy after hearing what Chong Qingniao said.

Several people moved on.

And as they continued to go deeper, the sounds became clearer and clearer.

However, most of what was heard at this time were terrified shouts and injured screams.

Obviously, the resistance of these disciples of the Red Ghost Sect has become weaker and weaker.

It seems that their enemy is far more powerful than they imagined, and these guys can't stop this battle at all.

This also made Lin Yun more determined in his current thoughts.

Zhou Damao, who was walking in front, obviously wanted to know where these monsters came from more than Lin Yun.

So he thought of rushing out as soon as possible.

Lin Yun also saw Zhou Damao's face at this time and stopped him in time.

"Senior Brother Zhou, be careful. These guys dare to do something here. They must have some tricks we don't know about."

With so many people in the Red Ghost Sect, they still can't take advantage in this battle.

And there are only three of them. No matter how strong they are, they will definitely be injured if they are attacked by a sneak attack.

Only then did Zhou Damao realize that he was indeed a bit rash.

The three of them carefully leaned forward.

In front of them is

A small burial chamber.

Probably hundreds of square meters.

But in this tomb, there are more than thirty disciples of the Red Ghost Sect.

These are the disciples of the Red Ghost Sect who survived the battle just now.

Surrounding them are those white-skinned monsters.

Only then did Lin Yun observe that the eyes of these monsters were not pure blue when they were alive.

These Red Ghost Sect disciples were obviously preparing to ambush Lin Yun and others.

After all, the Red Ghost Sect also knew that soldiers from Nanjing would rush in soon.

They probably never thought that Lin Yun would choose to risk breaking into this place with Zhou Damao and Fang Yu'er.

However, these disciples were intercepted by these monsters before they could provide timely support.

At this time, Lin Yun's eyes fell on one of the disciples of the Red Ghost Sect whose strength was in the realm of Tongyou.

【Name】: Cao Yuze

[Realm]: The fifth realm of Tongyou

[Fate]: Born evil star (purple)

[Fate]: A person in the evil way (blue), as crazy as crazy (white), with extremely high understanding (purple)

[Ending]: He was besieged by the Qiluo people in the tomb. He was unable to break out due to exhaustion and was eventually besieged to death.

[Recent turning point]: Being surrounded by Qiluo people in the tomb, you can survive if you choose to surrender.

This disciple is obviously Lin Yun's hope for breaking through the gap next.

Cao Yuze probably didn't expect that one day he would become the key to the problem.

At this time, Zhou Damao took a look at the situation over there and frowned.

"Junior brother Lin, although we are lucky enough to help, you can see that these monsters are too many."

"And they are still coming in a steady stream. Even if you and I take action, we may not be able to get any benefits from them.

. "

Zhou Damao was also quite helpless when he said this.

Of course he also knew that if he could catch one or two of these guys now, he might be able to find out what happened in his tomb.

But unfortunately, for now, this situation is not as simple as they thought.

Of course Lin Yun knew what he meant.

If we could unite with these disciples of the Red Ghost Sect now, we might still have some chance of winning.

With the super fighting power of the three of them, they were barely able to deal with these monsters.

But the question is whether these disciples of the Red Ghost Sect are willing to cooperate with them.

Judging from the circumstances that just happened, this matter should be considered quite reluctant.

"These disciples of the Red Ghost Sect have always been very proud. Of course they cannot take what we say to heart, and they will even try their best to deny what we say."

Fang Yuer knows better than anyone else the character of these disciples of the Red Ghost Sect.

Don't look at them now as being at a disadvantage.

But if they really want to talk about cooperation with them, these guys will not take Lin Yun and the others seriously.

But just like Lin Yun said, what other options do they have in this situation?

If they can't cooperate now, they will all be swallowed up by the Qiluo people in a short time.

Lin Yun didn't know much about the history of the Qiluo people, he just knew that these guys were very troublesome.

And since the Qiluo people have barged into this place this time.

Obviously, he has been prepared in advance for many situations in the future.

And what they have to do now is to stop the Qiluo people as much as possible


While Fang Yu'er and Zhou Damao were deciding, Lin Yun was also observing these Qiluo people.

He had read a lot about the history of Qianlong Continent before.

But there has never been any record of this aspect.

So when these guys appeared in front of Lin Yun.

His feelings are also quite complicated.

On the other side, the Qiluo people launched a new round of offensive.

Lin Yun soon discovered that among this group of Qiluo people there was a very tall man who seemed to be their leader.

If this guy can be defeated in advance, this group of Qiluo people can be turned into a mob.

Different from humans.

The Qiluo people's will seems to be highly concentrated.

Although there are a large number of Qiluo people here, they all obey the orders of one of them.

This also makes them extremely efficient in combat.

However, there are disadvantages that cannot be changed.

Cao Yuze on the other side was not so lucky.

When the Qiluo people launched another attack, he knew that he and others might not be able to hold on for too long, but it was impossible for them to give up now.

But anyway, things have reached this point today.

It seemed that Cao Yuze really had nothing to do with the Qiluo people in front of him.

"It would be absolutely impossible for me to give up like this."

Taking a deep breath, Cao Yuze's tone was firm.

He didn't want to die in this damn place so easily.

At this moment, three people appeared in front of him.

Lin Yun looked at Cao Yuze from a distance and said, "If you still want to survive, you can only cooperate with me to deal with them now."

Lin Yun said

After saying this, he walked step by step towards the leader of the Qiluo people.

Cao Yuze was also a little surprised when he saw Lin Yun.

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