Zhou Damao originally wanted to kill all these reckless guys to avoid long nights and nightmares.

But looking at Lin Yun's current state, it was obvious that he had no such idea. In the end, of course, he had no choice but to believe in Lin Yun.

As for what the final result will be, this is not something that Zhou Damao can clearly explain now.

"You really trust these guys to not mess things up for us."

Zhou Damao muttered softly.

"Senior Brother Zhou, don't worry."

"If they dare to take action, I can kill them all in an instant. These guys are just tools for me to use."

Lin Yun's words were full of contempt, and he didn't take these guys to heart at all.

No matter what they think.

In this situation, it is best not to act rashly, but anyone who dares to make any unexpected move against Lin Yun can imagine what they will face next.

Zhou Damao looked at Lin Yun's serious look and nodded seriously.

He is still quite confident about his junior brother. It seems that Lin Yun must have his own ideas on this issue.

Fang Yu'er subconsciously moved closer to Lin Yun.

When she came here, she felt that this place was far more dangerous than she thought.

If she hadn't been worried about running into trouble outside, she would never have chosen to come to such a dangerous place.

Fortunately, there was Lin Yun by his side.

Lin Yun is also the only man who can bring her some sense of security.

"What will we encounter next?"

For some reason, in Fang Yuer's view, Lin Yun seemed

It's clear what's changed here.

But this time Lin Yun shook his head.

"As much as I want to tell you that there is nothing to worry about, the fact is that I don't fully understand everything here."

When Lin Yun said this, there was also a helpless smile on his face.

Some things look simple.

But it's actually more troublesome than they imagined.

Just like now.

Cao Yuze watched Lin Yun and others walking further and further away, while several Red Ghost Sect disciples around him were still encouraging them.

"Brother, are we going to just let these guys leave?"

"Yes, Senior Brother Cao, we were so humiliated by them before, now is the best opportunity to fight back."

Look at these disciples looking arrogant.

Cao Yuze just sneered.

When they were in chaos before, they couldn't kill Lin Yun. How could they have a chance to deal with Lin Yun, a troublesome opponent in this situation?

In Cao Yuze's eyes, this was simply a joke.

So at this time, I didn't take what these people said to heart at all.

"I don't care how you viewed this matter before, but now I advise you to be careful."

"If you really think that Lin Yun is your opponent that you can defeat with such naivety, you are totally wrong."

Knowing how powerful Lin Yun was, Cao Yuze didn't take it to heart at all at this time.

Even if they join forces, they may not be able to defeat Lin Yun easily.

Rather than seeking death at this time, it is better to do your job honestly.

His eyes turned to the baby over there.

"Since this guy doesn't care,

Then we can just take this opportunity to grab everything there. "

Following Cao Yuze's order, several strong men rushed towards the room.

All of this is of course also under Lin Yun's control.

As you can imagine, the place was originally a trap. The moment these so-called disciples broke in, it meant that their lives could no longer be saved.

Soon the screams began.

In the eyes of everyone, those objects were originally jewels.

All of them turned into hideous and terrifying monsters.

And these monsters not only killed the disciples in the room.

Even rushing out at this moment, the target is obviously these people outside.

Originally, these disciples outside just had the mentality of watching a show.

But now when they saw these monsters rushing up, they were filled with fear.

The first thing that came to mind was naturally to run away in order to barely resist the fear in his heart.

In this way, the results can be imagined.

Originally, Lin Yun, Zhou Damao and others were about to enter the passage on the right.

Lin Yun had long noticed that these guys would cause trouble, so he was not prepared to stay here, even if he knew the final result.

But it's good for him to avoid some trouble as much as possible.

But what Lin Yun didn't expect was that these guys ran towards him without hesitation after encountering danger.

Of course he knew what these people meant.

It's just that Dongyin knew he couldn't deal with the monsters behind him.

So I want to leave this troublesome matter in Lin Yun's hands.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be fine, but how could Lin Yun

I don't know what these guys are thinking.

At this time, he just sneered.

"Even if I make a promise to these people I mentioned, it doesn't have any protective meaning. After all, it won't be long before they themselves break this so-called promise."

Lin Yun was not surprised at all when he saw these disciples of the Red Ghost Sect acting crazy.

Instead, he just sneered, and the next moment, the sword box was slammed to the ground by him.

At the same time, a terrifying energy quickly spread out around him.

These disciples of the Red Ghost Sect were completely insane. They had no idea that if they continued to rush forward, they would probably die at Lin Yun's hands.

Anyway, he is going to die anyway, why not try at this moment to see if he can drag Lin Yun into the water?

Lin Yun was not surprised when faced with these incompetent guys.

I saw him snort.

The Sky Sword flew out.

First, a move called Dahe Sword Technique.

The disciples of the Red Ghost Sect who rushed at the front were instantly killed in front of this arrow technique.

This scene was of course a bit scary in the eyes of the disciples behind.

But just then I heard someone shouting.

"The monster is coming, why are you still standing there?"

"It's death no matter what, how can you live if you stop?"

"As long as you rush over, this kid will also be in trouble."

In their opinion, the monster behind them was obviously more terrifying than Lin Yun.

As long as they can get close to Lin Yun, they can let this monster deal with Lin Yun.

At this time, Lin Yun just sneered.

The next moment his voice sounded like thunder.

"Stop everyone! Get back."

The sound was so loud that everyone was

At that moment, I felt a little dazed.

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