Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 334 Fang Yuer was seriously injured

Huang Zelin has seen a lot before and is knowledgeable.

Now I still can't resist Fang Yu'er's weird method.

This makes Huang Zelin a little worried.

If things go wrong, I cannot bear the responsibility.

Qi Hengtian had been watching with cold eyes, originally thinking that Huang Zelin could deal with these opponents at an extremely fast speed.

Unexpectedly, just Zhou Damao and Fang Yu'er joining forces could make Huang Zelin unable to fight.

"That's so stupid."

"Facing two such naive young juniors."

"You actually made yourself so embarrassed."

When Qi Hengtian saw this, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Indeed, Huang Zelin seems to be too weak now.

How could such strength defeat these two people?

But before Qi Heng could say anything, Huang Zelin also started to move.

Obviously he knew that he had spent too long, and he was really angry at the moment.

"Two guys who don't know how to live or die."

"I will let you two be buried here today."

After Huang Zelin finished speaking, there was no movement.

Zhou Damao has already attacked.

Turn into a bull and run rampant.

Not only is the terrifying strength of his rough skin and thick flesh also giving Huang Zelin a headache, this guy is always able to break through his own defenses.

And ignore all his attacks.

Before Zhou Damao's energy is exhausted, Huang Zelin may not be able to cope with the transformation.

This is also Zhou Damao's current trump card.

"You brat, just don't worry and fight."

"This old guy has some abilities, but he can't do anything to me."

Zhou Damao's ears were filled with the voice of Bei Niu.

Nodding heavily, Zhou Damao did not dare to neglect.

At the same time, a ribbon was offered.

Magic weapon?

When Huang Zelin saw this ribbon, his expression darkened.

With Zhou Damao's strength, he could actually possess a magic weapon.

It can be seen that this boy's status in the sect should not be low, otherwise how could he have such a precious thing as a magic weapon.

"That's fine. I'll kill you today and snatch all the valuable things from you. It won't be a waste of time."

Huang Zelin looked up to the sky and laughed.

Zhou Damao said coldly: "Then it depends on whether you really have the ability?"

"But in my opinion, you probably won't be able to eat and carry around today."

No one knows how terrifying Huang Zelin is when he goes all out.

Zhou Damao and Fang Yuer knew that they didn't have much chance.

So now we can only delay as much time as possible.

Just when they thought they could prolong the battle with their own methods.

Sudden changes occurred.

I only saw the moment when he turned into a bull and rushed towards Huang Zelin.

Huang Zelin threw a peach core from his hand.

"I also have a love for talents."

"I thought if you two followed us, you might have a good future."

"But it's a pity that you are so stubborn and don't take our mercy into your heart at all. In this case, I will kill you earlier today so that you can grow up."

The moment he finished speaking, he saw countless crystal light spots flying out from the peach core.

Although it's unclear exactly what these views are.

But Zhou Damao already felt a hint of threat, and subconsciously wanted to bring Bian Niu back.

But it still took a lot of effort to become a cow.

"This old guy may be playing some trick."

"If I give up the attack at this time, I'm afraid you

will bear the brunt. "

With Huang Zelin's strength, once Zhou Damao was seriously injured, he would never have a chance to counterattack.

Although Zhou Damao was worried, he also knew that the idea of ​​becoming a cow was right.

But in the next second.

The countless light spots were like bullets, instantly piercing through Huan Niu's body.

Zhou Damao's eyes widened in disbelief.

This absolute power suppression made him unable to accept it for a while. You must know that the skin of the transformed cow is originally rough and thick, and ordinary treasures are impossible to damage his body.

But this time, those bright spots made Bian Niu unable to bear it at all.

The donated blood spurted out, transforming into a body as big as an ox, and finally fell to the ground.

Huang Zelin stepped on the horns of the transformed cow.

"You are in the realm of Tongyou, and you can control the transformation into a cow. I'm afraid it's because you have a lot of connection with each other."

"It's a pity that your strength is too weak and you can't use the power of transforming into a cow at all."

"Today's outcome was determined a long time ago."

He sneered, not caring about Zhou Damao who was fighting so hard just now.

"Become a cow!"

Zhou Damao roared and rushed towards Bian Niu.

He didn't expect that he could turn into a bull without any disadvantage before, but he was suppressed by Huang Zelin in an instant.

Looking at Zhou Damao rushing towards him, Huang Zelin was not afraid, but instead raised a blood-sucking smile at the corner of his mouth.

"The mantis' arm blocks the car."

"When you want to stop me, you should think of such a day."

I saw him slowly raising his right hand.

Pure energy condenses at the fingertips.

"The only thing to blame is that you are too stupid."

"You actually naively think that you can resist us with your own cultivation level."

Accompanied by a while

With a roar, this pure energy shot out like a bullet.

Zhou Damao's expression changed and he crossed his arms.

The ribbon in his hand turned towards Huang Zelin at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, another shield-like treasure appeared in front of him.

It was originally intended to resist the attack.

Unexpectedly, Huang Zelin's power was obviously stronger than he thought.

This shield was penetrated directly.

And it was accompanied by a roar.

Although Zhou Damao was already prepared from the very beginning.

The body twisted at the moment the attack hit.

But this blow still made most of his body dripping with blood.

As for the ribbon Zhou Damao threw out.

Before he even got close to Huang Zelin, he was directly burned to death by a ball of flames.

Fang Yu'er stared at the scene in front of her in stunned silence, feeling a little desperate in her heart.

She originally thought that standing up could help Zhou Damao delay some time.

But this battle left her completely heartbroken.

Huang Zelin's attack didn't succeed, he just stopped.

Instead, he directly waved the spear in his hand and attacked again.

Of course, Yu'er couldn't just look at her like this, so she immediately used her charm skills.

While trying to disturb Huang Zelin's mind.

At the same time, he wanted to deflect his attack.

As a result, just when Fang Yu'er thought she could succeed, she found a contemptuous smile on Huang Zelin's face.

And at some point, there were earrings in his ears.

It is also a magic weapon.

Obviously this magic weapon has the effect of calming the mind, so Fang Yuer's charm is meaningless.

But Huang Zelin just hit with a backhand.

Fang Yuer suddenly felt as if her whole body was falling apart, and her whole body was moving so quickly

flew out...

Blood spurted out.

For the first time, Fang Yuer felt that death was so close to her.

at the same time.

But she found that she did not fall to the ground.

Instead, it seemed like someone had caught him.

"Thank you for your hard work just now."

"But leave the rest of the battle to me."

A man's voice rang in his ears.

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