Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 345 Meeting an old friend in a foreign land

"This is bad."

"This guy is looking for his own things with his head covered and doesn't communicate with others at all."

"In this way, I can't be sure who wants to kill me."

Lin Yun sighed in his heart.

I had a little idea at the beginning, but now I have no idea what to do.

Looking at Qi Hengtian like this, he doesn't want to solve the problem at all.

Lin Yun has been thinking about who will attack him, and now he can veto Qi Hengtian.

But there are still so many big demon kings, which are not easy to deal with.

While the two of them were continuing to think.

Suddenly, the woman spotted them.

Then, before the two of them could leave, they were stopped by a woman.

The woman was a little surprised to see Lin Yun, but then her eyes fell on Qi Hengtian.

"Where do you want to go?"

It seems that he and Qi Hengtian have a close relationship.

Qi Hengtian also confirmed this.

"I didn't expect to see you here."

"I came here just looking for something."

Qi Heng said.

The woman snorted coldly.

"Looking for something?"

"I felt very strange when I met you before. Why do you hide your cultivation level?"

"Are you afraid that we won't be able to watch?"

The woman stared at Qi Hengtian.

Those eyes seemed to be able to see through all the thoughts in Qi Hengtian's heart.

Then Lin Yun heard her sneer and say

"Now I understand, your body is hurt."

"You are afraid that someone will cause trouble for you, so you simply hide your strength and cultivation and wait until you recover before competing with them."

The woman and Qi Hengtian are obviously old acquaintances.

So both sides know the basics and are balanced.

The sky faces women.

Every question he asked was rendered speechless.

"I never said that my strength was not as good as before."

"Go and ask if anyone dares to fight with me alone."

Qi Hengtian was still quite casual.

However, the woman did not continue to struggle with this issue.

"I didn't take it to heart on purpose, but now that I see you here, let's just settle the past matters together."

Lin Yun originally thought that the relationship between the two people seemed to be good, and they should be able to cooperate with each other in the future, which would save him a lot of trouble.

Unexpectedly, after talking to this woman, they broke up directly.

Then, before Lin Yun could do anything, the woman rushed over.

Qi Hengtian was not to be outdone and immediately fought back when faced with the woman's attack.

Women are indeed very powerful. Among the many practitioners Lin Yun has seen, he is quite unique.

But it's a pity that Qi Hengtian is definitely not a vegetarian.

After a while, Baidong still didn't seem to be at a disadvantage.

On the other hand, Lin Yun always wanted to escape during the fight between the two.

Finally, after fighting for a while, the woman stopped.

"I didn't expect you to make some progress over the years."

Qi Hengtian is now stronger than before.

Qi Heng’s words.

Now he is just strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

I just didn't want to show weakness, so I went all out.

I just hope that I can hide it from the truth.

And Lin Yun was sweating profusely now.

Of course he could also see Qi Hengtian's state, but he was just wondering whether this woman would be concerned about this issue.

Should we continue to struggle?


After the woman confirmed Qi Hengtian's strength, she didn't want to waste time anymore.

Judging from the battle just now.

If you want to kill Qi Hengtian, you will miss a lot of treasures.

"You are lucky this time, my aunt is too lazy to waste time on you."

"But next time we meet, we won't have such good luck."

After she finished speaking, she left.

Lin Yun was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this first fight would end so easily.

Qi Hengtian's eyes looked at Lin Yun even more filled with anger.

This guy doesn't take himself seriously at all.

"I think you don't want to leave here alive."

"Do you think these people will let you go back safe and sound if I die?"

He roared angrily and looked at Lin Yun.

But Lin Yun still looked calm and calm.

"You seem to have not understood one thing. You are all Yin-Yang level masters."

"And I'm just an ordinary practitioner, how can I compare to big shots like you?"

"If you start taking action, the most I can do is watch from the sidelines. If you really want to take action, I can't stop you."

Lin Yun said it with confidence. After all, his cultivation level has not reached such a high level.

So now Qi Hengtian has no other way to refute whatever he says.

Seeing Lin Yun's cunning look, Qi Hengtian felt unhappy.

But at this moment he could only let Lin Yun do this.

The two men moved on.

In the next few days, Baidong took Lin Yun and wandered in the desert.

According to Qi Heng's method, this kind of sunflower grass grows in the desert.


However, they are entirely inside the sand, with only a small tip exposed.

In this vast desert, trying to find such a treasure is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But even though he knew it was difficult to do, Qi Hengtian still did it.

Lin Yun also hopes to find the Sunflower Grass as soon as possible.

As for escaping, he had tried it before.

But in this vast desert, Lin Yun still gave up.

He believed that Qi Hengtian knew how to leave here.

But if it were Lin Yun himself, I'm afraid it would take too much time.

This is very unwise for him.

Another day passed like this.

It's night time.

The temperature in the desert has completely dropped.

Lin Yun huddled in a pit.

He glanced at Qi Hengtian who looked sad in the distance.

Before I could find any herbs.

Once he encounters his mortal enemy, Qi Hengtian is doomed.

After all, the same method cannot be fooled a second time.

"We have found nearly 90% of the locations."

"If you haven't found it yet."

"That means this thing doesn't exist in this world at all."

In fact, Qi Hengtian also looked desperate when he said this. If he had a choice, he certainly couldn't give up easily.

But there is no way.

Sometimes they are just so helpless.

Of course Lin Yun doesn't care what Qi Hengtian does.

But after searching for so many days, they had also seen the entire desert's ley lines.

Lin Yun is more willing to believe that there will be a more magnificent ruins in this desert.

The so-called Sunflower Grass should be in that kind of place, right?

Lin Yun told Qi Hengtian his thoughts.

When Qi Hengtian heard this reply,

I was quite happy after answering.

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