Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 368: The Fall of Liuyun Sect

"You kid, please stop being so polite in front of me."

"You also know the purpose of my coming here this time."

Duan Wuya didn't tell Lin Yunduo, but went straight to the point.

The purpose of coming here this time is to prevent the Red Ghost Sect from completing its purpose here.

And this mission obviously failed.

They had to admit that the Red Ghost Sect was indeed very capable in this regard.

But besides this matter, Duan Wuya also has another important task.

Seeing Duan Wuya's serious look, Lin Yun also suppressed his smile and sat aside obediently.

"I am here this time, and there is one more thing I want to tell you."

"Liuyun Sect is completely destroyed!"

Lin Yun was not surprised by this.

The last time, I had beaten those guys to half a breath.

Even if it is completely destroyed now, there will be no problem.

But what Duan Wuya said next made Lin Yun worried.

"According to our investigation, this matter has nothing to do with any sect in the spiritual world. It is most likely those ancient relics."

"We sent many disciples to search."

"The final clue points to Weiyang Mountain."

Lin Yun actually didn't take this matter to heart before.

But after hearing Duan Wuya say so much, the most critical point is Weiyang Mountain.

This suddenly made the expression on Lin Yun's face become extremely solemn, and Duan Wuya also saw the change in his mood.

"So, you know something about Weiyang Mountain."

Indeed, Lin Yun had fought several battles in Weiyang Mountain before.

So if anyone in the entire Beast Control Sect is interested in the future,

If Yang Shan knew it, it would be Lin Yun in front of him.

But now various thoughts flashed through Lin Yun's mind.

If it is really related to Weiyang Mountain, then it can only mean that the Evil Blood Dragon Clan has appeared.

It's just that he doesn't understand why the Blood Dragon Clan wants to deal with the Liuyun Sect after they appear.

Is it intentional, or is it a random target?

These are things that Lin Yun cannot determine now, and based on his previous experience of dealing with those guys.

It made him sure that these people were very scary.

"Now, Zhenhuang Palace has not even appeared yet, and there are already so many troubles. I'm afraid there will be more problems coming in the future."

Zhou Damao also said with a worried look on his face.

Duan Wuya didn't answer, but he was noncommittal.

Almost everyone present can be sure that there will be trouble in the future.

"I can't say yet whether it is related to Weiyang Mountain."

"If it is really Weiyang Mountain, it is most likely the legendary Blood Dragon Clan."

The moment they heard this answer, both Zhou Damao and Duan Wuya were stunned.

They do know a lot of news about the Blood Dragon Clan, but that is a legend after all.

No one considered this issue to be important.

But if this time is really related to the Blood Dragon Clan, it means that what they will face next may be a more complicated situation.

"It's not enough just for us to know about this matter. In this case, you should hurry up and follow me back to the Beast Control Sect."

"You must tell the sect leader first."

Before, they thought this matter was just related to some changes in Zhenhuang Palace.

But now it seems that these problems go far beyond that.


After that, the group immediately set off towards the Beast Control Sect.

The situation in the Daye Dynasty is stable for the time being, and the next step will be to see how Chen Suning can rectify the entire court.

This time to deal with the Zhenhuang Palace, relying solely on the power of the cultivation world is far from enough. The entire Daye Dynasty must be completely united, and there is still all hope.

But the most important thing is the attitude of the Wukan Dynasty.

Lin Yun was a little worried before, but later he heard from Chen Su Ning that Chen Youhui handled the matter personally.

So there is probably a solution.

Although the arrival of Zhenhuang Palace this time is a big trouble, it is a rare opportunity for Lin Yun.

Even if the entire dynasty is destroyed.

He also has many ways to stay out of the matter.

The worst possible outcome is to leave the Daye Dynasty.

According to records throughout history, the Qianlong Continent is extremely vast.

Even now, no one knows how large this continent is.

As long as Lin Yun keeps migrating.

Those ancient remnants cannot catch up with their own pace.

When Lin Yun returned to the Beast Control Sect, the entire sect was under martial law.

It can be seen that the Red Ghost Sect's plan should have been completely exposed, and now the entire cultivation world knows it.

The Desolation Palace may come at any time, and all sects are ready for the battle.

In addition, the Beast Control Sect is the main one and takes the lead among various sects.

An alliance has been formed to jointly fight against the Zhenhuang Palace.

This time it's no small matter.

Instead, the arrival of truly terrifying creatures is a huge challenge to the entire spiritual world.

After the Liuyun Sect was killed, everyone thought that the entire spiritual world was hopeless.


But I didn't expect that the Beast Control Sect would still take on this responsibility. Now it has stabilized the situation, and then it is waiting for the arrival of the Desolation Palace.

As soon as Lin Yun returned to the sect, he was called away by Deng Pengzu.

"You have to find a way out of here."

Deng Pengzu didn't mean to joke with Lin Yun, so he said straight to the point.

The upcoming Suppression Palace is very dangerous, and even in the entire cultivation world, few people can guarantee that they can handle it.

No one knows how the last disaster caused by Zhenhuang Palace ended.

But this time there is also a Red Ghost Sect, and the internal and external cooperation will only make the impact of this problem more terrifying.

So no matter which aspect he thinks about, Lin Yun should leave here for now.

Deng Pengzu originally thought that Lin Yun would agree to his request.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yun just smiled.

"Elder Deng, even if I leave now, where can I go?"

"The reason why you want me to leave is because there is something in me that the Red Ghost Sect wants."

"But since it is something that you all know, doesn't the Red Ghost Sect know it too? How could they let me leave the Daye Dynasty?"

Regarding the upcoming trouble, Lin Yun was calmer than anyone else.

The reason why this is possible.

Completely thanks to his own ability to see other people's panels.

It has to be said that this time the Desolation Palace did involve too many people.

Many of the people Lin Yun saw so far would probably die in this war.

The only thing Lin Yun can do now is to protect the people around him from being threatened as much as possible.

But I'm afraid most people will be in this war


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