Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 373 I can’t hold it back any longer

After Lin Yun entrusted Chen Yu to Zhou Damao, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The people around him are more or less capable of dealing with trouble.

Because of this, Lin Yun doesn't need to worry too much.

But Chen Yuke is completely different.

With his current level of strength, if he really ran into trouble, it would probably be difficult for him to expose himself.

Therefore, Zhou Damao's protection at this time is very critical.

After doing all this, Lin Yun found Qin Xiyan.

"Senior Brother Lin."

After seeing Lin Yun return safe and sound, Qin Xiyan was also very excited. She had been worried for a long time before.

She also knew that the trouble Lin Yun had to face was not simple, and she was afraid that something would go wrong that would make it difficult for her to protect herself.

But seeing Lin Yun return safe and sound, he finally felt relieved.

What surprised Lin Yun was that Qin Xiyan's strength had improved significantly compared to before.

It can be seen that Qin Xiyan is practicing more diligently than she imagined.

"I know you want to fight alongside me."

"But with your talent, I'm afraid it's just a matter of time if you want to get to the next level. There's no need to be so nervous."

“Sometimes if you are too anxious, you will lose sight of the other.”

Lin Yun patted Qin Xiyan on the shoulder. With Qin Xiyan's talent, it would only take time to become completely stronger.

Unlike others, in the process of cultivation, others may need to break through themselves again and again.

What Qin Xiyan has to do is just follow the steps. As long as certain conditions are met, she can successfully break through without any restrictions.

This is also the advantage of the reincarnation of the empress.

But he never expected that even with such talent,

, Qin Xiyan still works so hard.

The reason for doing this is probably all for him.

"Senior Brother Lin, don't worry."

"I know what I'm doing."

Qin Xiyan just smiled and accepted Lin Yun's criticism.

But there is absolutely no intention to cooperate.

Lin Yun looked at Qin Xiyan's serious look and could only nod.

"I found you this time because the Beast Control Sect has not been peaceful recently, and it is very likely that there will be big trouble in the future."

"So don't trust others easily during this period of time."

Of course, Qin Xiyan's character would not trust others easily, but if these people deal with Qin Xiyan in their own name, they will be in trouble.

Lin Yun doesn't have many weaknesses.

Therefore, if Fang Yan and others really wanted to deal with him, they could only do so by threatening the people around Lin Yun.

Among these people, I am afraid that only Qin Xiyan is easier to deal with.

Lin Yun just said this, and Qin Xiyan immediately understood what Lin Yun meant.

She smiled and nodded, looking serious.

"Senior Brother Lin, don't worry."

"No matter who finds me, I will not cooperate with them easily."

After hearing Qin Xiyan's affirmative answer, Lin Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

In the next few days, Lin Yun did not do anything else, just secretly waiting for Fang Yan and others to take action.

Originally, Lin Yun thought that they would definitely make a reasonable arrangement.

Wait until the right time to act on yourself.

But only for a few days.

Lin Yun immediately discovered that the situation within the Beast Control Sect was no longer the same.

First, many outer disciples were recalled urgently.

There are also inner disciples here

Many of them interrupted their missions directly and returned to the Beast Control Sect.

This kind of thing might not be anything special in normal times, but now it is a battle record after all.

The Beast Control Sect requires too much time to prepare.

At such a critical time, these disciples who were performing tasks outside were suddenly recalled.

It is enough to see that the internal damage must be a problem.

Of course, it was impossible to hide this matter from Jiang Zhengqing's eyes.

But Jiang Zhengqing also had no special means for this matter.

He couldn't act rashly before everything happened.

Whether it's Fang Yan or Cao Yuke.

At least they wouldn't be stupid enough to reveal their identities so quickly.

But this time, Fang Yan also believed what Lin Yun said before.

His enemies are not just what meets the eye.

There are more powerful enemies hidden behind.

Fang Yan was also quite helpless about these things.

How easy is it to solve these things completely with my current self?

So it was noon one day later.

The civil war in the Beast Control Sect completely broke out.

Led by Cao Yuke, nearly three hundred people suddenly announced their rebellion against the Beast Control Sect.

This number of people is naturally nothing to the Beast Control Sect.

Especially after they defeated Liuyun Sect, the number of disciples increased even more.

But these people who left can be regarded as the mainstay of the entire Beast Control Sect. If this is the case, the trouble will be quite serious.

Although Jiang Zhengqing was mentally prepared for this, he still felt a little uncomfortable when this happened.

It was not easy to cultivate so many disciples, but now they are all used as wedding clothes for others.

Jiang Zhengqing really couldn't understand why

Will these disciples choose to betray themselves?

Over the years, Jiang Zhengqing has worked conscientiously and has not acted against his will at all.

At this time, there were not many disciples within the Beast Control Sect.

It was of course difficult to fight against Cao Yuke and others who suddenly rebelled.

Fang Yan led a group of disciples who had rebelled from the sect and quickly attacked the main hall.

In the main hall, Shen Miaokong just waited quietly.

If these people betrayed before, it was just because they were strong enough and believed that they could defeat Jiang Zhengqing.

Then Fang Yan and Cao Yuke must now think about how they can defeat Shen Miaokong.

With Shen Miaokong's strength, it was like a mountain lying in front of them.

No matter how hard they struggled, it was impossible to challenge such a powerful existence.

Jiang Zhengqing sighed.

This was the last thing he wanted to see, but it was also the most helpless situation at the moment.

Although he wanted to stop all this from happening, he could only passively accept it more often.

"I really can't understand why they chose to betray us at this time when they already had everything they wanted?"

With the war imminent, Shen Miaokong didn't want to waste time on such things.

Even though Lin Yun's words were true before, he still had a glimmer of luck in his heart.

But now it seems that he should be more objective in looking at any problem.

Otherwise, facing the sudden betrayal of Fang Yan and Cao Yuke, he might really be helpless.

At this time, Fang Yan in the hall glanced at Shen Miaokong who was sitting there.

Indeed, the only trouble now is that Shen Miaokong is too strong.

With his

own strength, he can completely change the current situation.

At this time, Cao Yuke slowly stepped forward: "Are you going to intervene in this matter, ancestor?"

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