Jiang Zhengqing looked at Cao Yuke helplessly.

Even if I have already made this mental preparation before this.

But when everything happens in front of you, it's still not easy to accept it all.

Fortunately, Jiang Zhengqing also understood that some things would never go as smoothly as he thought.

"The Beast Control Sect has existed for so many years. Of course, it is impossible for the entire Beast Control Sect to be wiped out because of you alone."

"Lin Yun is very important to the Beast Control Sect, so no matter who comes, they can never take him away from us."

Jiang Zhengqing's attitude was extremely clear, and Shen Miaokong next to him was also ready to fight.

At this time, Lin Yun stood directly behind Cao Yuke.

The first time Fang Yan saw Lin Yun, he clenched the treasure in his hand.

But even he was not completely sure about the current Lin Yun. After all, this boy's cultivation was growing much faster than they imagined.

"If the Scarlet Ghost Sect is really not prepared to help this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to escape unscathed just by relying on you."

Fang Yan expressed his thoughts very seriously, and it was obvious that Lin Yun and others were confident now.

They couldn't take any advantage in this battle.

If it had been the other way around, Fang Yan would have already turned away.

But this time he had no choice.

Cao Yuke also knows how much pressure there is now, not to mention that Lin Yun and Jiang Zhengqing are not easy to deal with now.

Shen Miaokong just standing there was also a trouble.

"The Red Ghost Sect also knows that this may be their only chance. If we don't cooperate inside and outside, they want to catch Lin Yun.

That is more difficult than climbing to the sky. "

Taking a deep breath, Cao Yuke said in a very affirmative tone.

But even if the Red Ghost Sect didn't come to support, Cao Yuke couldn't do anything now. He could only go all out.

Even if you risk your own life, you must defeat these people in front of you.

"I knew before that you really wanted me to die."

"It's just that I don't understand. How did I offend you?"

Lin Yun looked at the two people and expressed the questions in his heart.

Lin Yun had long known Cao Yuke's hostility towards him.

But before that, Lin Yun didn't know where this inexplicable hostility came from, and he and Cao Yuke didn't seem to have any direct conflict of interest.

"Do you think the situation in the world of immortality you have created now is what everyone wants?"

"Originally everything was stable, but just because of your appearance, the world was completely thrown into chaos. It's all because of you."

Cao Yuke took a look, and Lin Yun scolded loudly.

Lin Yun also understood at this time that Cao Yuke might not be aligned with the Beast Control Sect.

This guy has been closely related to Liuyun Sect from the very beginning.

"I originally thought that I had offended you somewhere, so I let you target me everywhere, but now it seems that I am overthinking it."

"Sure enough, some resentment comes from this and is completely unreasonable."

Now that he knew that the conflict between Cao Yuke and himself was irreconcilable, Lin Yun was too lazy to continue working on this matter.

Jiang Zhengqing even let out a long sigh.

"I have given you a chance. As long as you know what you are doing and admit your mistakes and apologize, then

Everything is not irreversible. "

"But I never imagined that even at this stage, you would still be so stubborn."

"In this case, Benze will have no choice."

Jiang Zhengqing has indeed given Cao Yuke and Fang Yan opportunities in many places. As long as they can rein in the situation in time, everything will still be possible.

But now that the war is imminent, the two men not only failed to realize their mistake.

On the contrary, at this moment, conflicts within the entire Beast Control Sect were set off.

Under such circumstances, if you continue to turn a deaf ear to them, it will only make the problem of the Beast Control Sect more serious.

For the current Beast Control Sect, this is very fatal.

Looking at Jiang Zhengqing who looked guilty, Fang Yan not only did not feel any guilt at all.

Instead, he sneered at this moment.


"Senior brother, at this time, you should stop saying these high-sounding words here."

In Fang Yan's view, Jiang Zhengqing is just a hypocritical villain who always likes to talk about these benevolence, justice and morality.

But in Fang Yan's view, everything Jiang Zhengqing did had nothing to do with the so-called benevolence, righteousness and morality.

The moment Fang Yan finished speaking, a huge monster was summoned directly by him.

And Shen Miaokong raised his hand and slapped him without mercy.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yan flew out from Lin Yun's side.

And Cao Yuke also took action directly at this time.

I saw a huge giant ape appearing out of thin air.

Even Lin Yun was surprised.

This Cao Yuke's spiritual pet is simply a mutant version of King Kong.

I saw that the body of this giant ape was covered with a large number of scales.

At the same time, there are many bulges on the back, just like Godzilla.

There are many mysterious runes on this giant ape's body. As he breathes, these runes are constantly flashing.

It is enough to show that this giant ape must have undergone many changes and transformations.

When Jiang Zhengqing saw the giant ape, his expression changed slightly.

They knew what Cao Yuke's pet was.

But the one in front of them was quite unfamiliar.

That is to say, in this short period of time, Cao Yuke was very likely to have changed his pet.

Shen Miaokong was not nervous, but laughed out loud at this time.

"Interesting, really interesting."

"If you are really so easy to deal with, it would make today's things meaningless."

"Since you are struggling now, I will give you a quick death."

Shen Miaokong chased after him directly.

Fang Yan's pet was a huge python.

However, the scales covering his body had partially changed from the original green to gold.

Lin Yun didn't know what the giant python would evolve into next.

But the power of this giant python was imaginable.

Coupled with Fang Yan's unique talent, the power of the giant python was also very terrifying at this moment.

When Shen Miaokong rushed out, he saw the giant python roaring to the sky, and then suddenly spewed out a ball of green fog.

The speed of the fog was very fast, and it almost wrapped Shen Miaokong in the blink of an eye.

And Lin Yun came to Jiang Zhengqing at this time.

With Shen Miaokong's strength, he might not find an opponent in the entire Beast Taming Sect.


Jiang Zhengqing is different.

The clinical beast in Cao Yuke's hand has obviously undergone some kind of transformation and is very difficult to deal with.

Even Lin Yun is a little worried now.

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