Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 379 You Can’t Even Break Defense

Of course Lin Yun knew that Xiao Duo was definitely not sure of defeating him.

So now we use this signal to call for help. Soon, many powerful beings will follow us.

"Since you don't want to leave, then stay here forever."

"When those people come, I want to see where else this kid like you can go."

Xiao Duo smiled triumphantly.

He insisted that Lin Yun had no way out now.

On Lin Yun's side, Xiao Duo's mood swings didn't change much.

Xiao Duo originally thought that Lin Yun might be a little scared.

But seeing Lin Yun's now calm expression.

On the contrary, it made him feel less confident. Could it be that the boy in front of him was really not afraid of others coming to support him.

"Boy, do you know that if you wait until they come, you will have no way to escape."

Lin Yun looked at Xiao Duo's frightened look and shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. No matter who comes today, I will kill you."

"Come on, I'll kill one."

"If you give me a pair, I'll kill them all."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, his figure flashed.

Before Xiao Duo could even see Lin Yun's movements clearly, the man was already in front of him.

"Refund me."

Xiao Duo roared angrily, and then his whole figure flowed backwards like liquid.

And a huge blister appeared in his original position.

Lin Yun was knocked directly into the bubble.

Immediately afterwards, the body changed as if it was completely solidified.

At the same time, he felt that something in the water pool was trying to penetrate into his body.

"Don't struggle, kid."

"This is a bone-cutting insect."


Qingtiao's voice was just the right reminder.

Sure enough, there is something in this water bubble.

Xiao Duo, who was in the distance, laughed.

"The famous Lin Yun is nothing more than that."

"I just used some small tricks to get you easily hooked. I want to see how you come out now."

Xiao Duo was very happy. He originally thought that his plan this time would be impossible to deal with Lin Yun.

But now it seems that in the eyes of others, this seems to be extremely powerful, and Lin Yun seems to be nothing more than that. He has plenty of time to deal with Lin Yun.

Faced with such an arrogant Xiao Duo, Lin Yun didn't bother to say anything more.

“How do I handle this situation?”

He glanced at the blisters all over his body.

If it weren't for Lin Yun's special physique, these bugs might have gotten into his body long ago.

"These disciples of the Red Ghost Sect have always been known for their insidiousness."

"Although they have fixed techniques, each of them practices in a different direction. The guy in front of you should be the best at using poisons and Gu insects."

"These things may be a bit threatening to others, but they're nothing to be concerned about at all for you."

Chongqingniao said this with certainty.

When Lin Yun heard what Chong Qingniao said, he probably had some ideas.

Most other treasures cannot cope with this situation.

But Lin Yun's various methods can be said to be endless.

Coupled with the Xuantian Silk Armor, these insects had no way of breaking through his defense.

So in Xiao Duo's eyes, Lin Yun might soon have his bones eaten by insects.

at last

Turned into a thick water.

But he never would have imagined that Lin Yun's physique could be so powerful.

"These bone-cutting insects can even eat strange beasts in the realm of ten thousand arts."

"Even if you can rely on the Force to support yourself now, I'm curious how long you can hold on?"

Xiao Duo made no secret of his current proud mood.

After all, if he hadn't played a trick in advance in this battle, how could Lin Yun have fallen into such a passive situation?

Xiao Duo believed that all of this was a situation he was able to create thanks to his intelligence.

Seeing Xiao Duo's happy look, Lin Yun wasn't angry either.

He just slowly mobilized the mysterious fire in his body.

Xiao Duo originally wanted to win a quick victory. As long as Lin Yun entered his trap, he would be devoured in a short time.

As for what he left behind, he could naturally accept it as he had completed his mission within the sect.

But for the past quarter of an hour, Lin Yunchue was still intact.

He didn't even look injured.

This made Xiao Duo start to wonder, could this guy really be able to resist the Gu insects he carefully cultivated?

You must know that cultivating these supplements has taken Xiao Duo a lot of thought, and the resources invested in it are also astronomical.

If Lin Yun had no choice but to take such terrible things, he would really cry.

"It seems the quantity is a little less."

"In that case, let's have a little more."

"I want to see how you can resist."

Xiao Duo said loudly, seemingly unable to hold back his emotions.

Seeing that there are more and more bone worms.

Lin Yun's watch

The situation remains unchanged.

Just when Xiao Duo was about to add more money, he heard Lin Yun roar.

Immediately afterwards, some indescribable power seemed to erupt from his body.

In an instant, Xiao Duo felt a wave of hot and cold air coming towards his face.

This feeling of two worlds, water and fire, made him unable to figure it out for a while.

But when Xiao Duo came to his senses, he unexpectedly discovered that Lin Yun had escaped from trouble.

The bug attached to Lin Yun also completely severed contact with Xiao Duo at this moment.

I saw Lin Yun holding a dead insect with two fingers.

"This method is quite new."

"I've fought against people so many times, and this is the first time I've seen such strange tactics like yours."

"It's just such a pity that I have no chance of winning."

Seeing Lin Yun kill all his Gu insects so easily, Xiao Duo was dumbfounded again.

I was originally full of confidence, and I came here just to get rid of Lin Yun and get the reward.

Unexpectedly, the Gu worm that he was so proud of could not survive in front of Lin Yun, and was instantly burned to death in just a few rounds.

"This is impossible, how did you do it?"

Xiao Duo shook his head with an expression of disbelief.

He would never have thought that the method he was so proud of would have no effect in front of Lin Yun.

"There are still many things you don't understand."

"Think about it carefully when you get down there."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he made a leap,

Before Xiao Duo could react, Lin Yun was already in front of him.

Then a sword stabbed over.

Under this situation, it stands to reason that Xiao Duo will definitely die.

But at the critical moment, Lin Yun was beaten away by someone

go out.

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