Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 381 Are you really ready?

Haoze Tianzun didn't know what was special about Lin Yun.

But the battle just now made him feel a little bit strange.

No matter how strong Lin Yun's body is, it is absolutely impossible for him to withstand his attack without any reaction.

I don't know how much time passed like this, but even Haoze Tianzun began to wonder if Lin Yun had other purposes and conspiracies?

But at this moment, Lin Yun suddenly opened his eyes.

His cold eyes swept over Haoze Tianzun.

At the same time, Haoze Tianzun landed a punch.

Lin Yun crossed his arms.

The punch hit him hard.

It was like a big mountain was pressing down.

Lin Yun's whole body flew out like a cannonball, smashing several stone pillars before he stabilized his body.

Haoze Tianzun shook his head.

He moved the muscles and bones of his body with a satisfied look on his face.

"How is it? I feel comfortable with this punch?"

Haoze Tianzun had already shown his true power just now.

Even if Lin Yun survives this attack, he will probably lose a layer of his skin.

After a while, Haoze Tianzun saw Lin Yun stand up slowly.

His eyes were cold.

The clothes on my body were very torn.

However, the unique Xuantian silk armor was exposed.

"Haha, let me ask you, where did you get the ability to withstand so many attacks from me without dying?"

"Now it seems that everything depends on this real treasure?"

Haoze said this with some mockery: "That's what you damn humans are like."

"If it weren't for these treasures

If so, you are on a completely different level from us. "

The corners of Lin Yun's lips raised slightly.

He joked: "Yes, you ancient remnants are indeed different from us."

Haoze Tianzun's consciousness has not yet reacted.

Could it be that this guy has changed his attitude?

See how powerful you are, and then choose to cooperate with him.

It does make sense logically.

Just as this thought crossed my mind, I heard two loud noises.

Lin Yun was seen taking off his wrist guards.

The two seemingly ordinary wrist guards made two craters the moment they hit the ground.

"Are you kidding? This kid had such a heavy thing tied to his body just now."

Seeing the two wrist guards on the ground, Haoze Tianzun's wide eyes were a little unbelievable.

The kid in front of me has been under such pressure just now. Is he here to fight with me?

But the idea of ​​Haoze Tianzun had just come up, and it didn't take long before he saw Lin Yun taking off a lot of weights from his ankles and thighs.

And the weight of these things is no less than that of wrist guards.

Haoze Tianzun was completely speechless at this time.

Before, I thought that with my own strength, I could easily win this battle if I could completely suppress Lin Yun.

But now Haoze Tianzun has no such idea at all.

"This is impossible."

"How can a human body reach this point?"

Haoze Tianzun thinks that he has seen too many powerful people among humans.

It is simply impossible for an ordinary person to reach such a high level of power.

Lin Yun still had the same joking expression as before.

"Times have changed."

"Do you really think humans are as weak as you originally thought?"

"Why do you think

It's impossible, because you have little knowledge. "

"But that doesn't mean there's no one in the world who can do it."

Lin Yun said with a smile.

Then he walked towards Haoze Tianzun step by step.

For some reason, Haoze Tianzun felt a hint of fear when looking at the young man in front of him.

But then, he was overcome with anger.

What is your identity?

How could it be possible to be intimidated by a tiny human being?

"I'll kill you right now!"

Haoze Tianzun once again displayed his proud speed. Did he think he could still completely suppress Lin Yun like before?

Unexpectedly, Lin Yun actually kept up with his speed this time.

No matter how Haoze Tianzun improves his power.

There is always no way to go one step faster.

Lin Yun just followed him step by step.

It seems that he has always reached an equal level with Haoze Tianzun.

But only Haoze Tianzun himself understood that Lin Yun was like a cat catching a mouse.

It's obviously faster than him.

But at this moment, he forced himself to keep his speed at the same level as him.

The purpose is to let Haoze Tianzun know the gap between the two of them.

In this way, Haoze Tianzun can be completely defeated psychologically.

This heart-breaking method also made Haoze Tianzun a little angry.

But apart from that, he really couldn't think of any other means he had.

"Hey, do you have any faster speed that you can use?"

Originally, Haoze Tianzun wanted to distance himself from Lin Yun, and then adjusted before attacking.

In fact, he did exactly this.

But just when Haoze Tianzun thought he could get rid of Lin Yun soon,


However, he found that this guy appeared behind him again at some point and patted him on the shoulder.

This sudden change made Haoze Tianzun's heart beat faster.

Then he staggered and fell heavily to the ground.

Lin Yun looked at the embarrassed Haoze Tianzun and laughed.

"I asked you, do you want to be so funny?"

"I used to say that I was some kind of supreme ancient remnant, but I didn't expect that I was just a tease."

Haoze Tianzun slowly stood up from the ground.

He really never thought that he would be suppressed to such a situation in this battle.

Facing Lin Yun, no matter what method he used, he could never win.

As an ancient remnant, Haoze Tianzun is not the best among them.

But it's definitely not something that can deal with him.

Even among human beings in the realm of ten thousand laws, most of them have nothing to do with him.

This is also the reason why he ran over triumphantly this time and wanted to join the battle.

After sleeping for so many years, Haoze Tianzun really wanted to experience this feeling again.

He trampled those ignorant humans under his feet and looked at their desperate faces when they were dying.

For Haoze Tianzun, this is the greatest enjoyment.

But he didn't expect that all this would completely change after meeting Lin Yun. The man in front of him was too strong.

"It seems you have reached your speed limit."

"Let's do this, I'll stand here and you punch me with all your strength."

Lin Yun was still smiling.

Haoze Tianzun stood up from the ground doubtfully: "Are you serious?"

Lin Yun still looked innocent.

But the tone is very firm


"Of course I'm serious."

"I'm not kidding you. Strike with all your strength and let me see what you can do."

Haoze Tianzun knew that Lin Yun was laughing at him.

But he was really helpless.

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