Lin Yun glanced at Qin Xiyan beside him.

Then he pulled her to his side.

"Since you must follow me in."

"Then follow me next time."

Lin Yun knew that the place he was going to was very dangerous, and he should not have taken Qin Xiyan with him.

But he believed that Song Jingshu also understood that Qin Xiyan was of great significance to him.

So even if Lin Yun didn't take Song Jingshu with him, he wouldn't let Qin Xiyan go.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to simply take Qin Xiyan with him.

On the contrary, it can solve the problem here faster.

Qin Xiyan also understood what Lin Yun was thinking. He originally hoped so, so he didn't think it was anything.

The group of people soon arrived at the entrance of Zhenhuang Palace.

Feeling a strong suction, like a whirlpool, wanting to swallow their souls together.

Then the group of people gradually walked into the door.

Lin Yun felt like he was stuck in a quagmire.

I don't know how long this situation lasted.

He saw a bright world.

At the same time, he seemed to be freed from it.

Then the whole thing merged into this extremely magnificent world.

This is the world inside Zhenhuang Palace.

The entire Zhenhuang Palace is grand in scale.

After entering through the entrance, they could see a broken world.

Surrounding this broken world is a dark void.

And in this void, there are no less than dozens of huge sky islands floating in the sky.

These empty islands all have palaces with completely different architectural styles.

And there is a huge teleportation array on every empty island.

This teleportation array is used to connect with other air islands.

And if they

If you want to visit all the corners of the Huangzhen Palace, you will naturally have to use the teleportation array.

Each island has a completely different climate and style.

When you set foot on the sky island, the top of your head seems to be covered by some kind of illusion.

Make you feel like you are in the real world.

And this group of them is standing on a huge platform at the moment.

It looks like a pier, and in the center of the platform you can see a stone monument dozens of meters high.

There are many strange words carved on this stone tablet.

Lin Yun knew what it was talking about just by looking at it.

Behind this stone tablet is the largest teleportation array in the entire Zhenhuang Palace.

And on this stone tablet, the place where each teleportation array goes is clearly written.

They only need to mark the direction they want to go on the teleportation array accordingly, so they can reach their destination.

However, some islands can be teleported in both directions, while others can be teleported in one direction.

So the choice depends on their abilities.

Once you make the wrong choice, you will most likely be trapped on the empty island forever. No matter how high your cultivation level is, you will ultimately be unable to escape.

Lin Yun frowned, there were so many empty islands.

Who knows where the real Zhenhuang Palace is?

Just then Song Jingshu walked over.

"Your mission is very simple, just follow me."

Obviously, the Red Ghost Sect had already investigated everything before coming here.

Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan could only follow behind them.

Lin Yun didn't know how Song Jingshu planned to treat him next.

But now that things have reached this stage, the next step can only be taken slowly.

Jiang Zhengqing and Shen Miaokong originally

Want to follow.

But he was rejected by Song Jingshu.

"You have entered the Desolate Palace, and that is enough."

"If you can have that kind of luck and get out of here alive, that's your skill."

"But as far as I know, it's not easy to get out of here alive."

When Song Jingshu spoke, there was a hint of teasing in his tone.

Lin Yun also took the opportunity to look at the panels of Jiang Zhengqing, Shen Miaokong and others.


Although they will encounter some troubles, their lives are not in danger.

It seems that both Jiang Zhengqing and Shen Miaokong are conservative.

They also know that Zhenhuang Palace is dangerous, although it is full of opportunities.

But one mistake can make you fall on the spot.

As some old fritters, they would certainly not allow themselves to get involved in such a dangerous place easily.

Lin Yun knew that Song Jingshu probably didn't know that he could read these ancient texts clearly.

So when Song Jingshu determined the coordinates, Lin Yun immediately understood the meaning.


This is the largest empty island in the entire Zhenhuang Palace.

But it is also the most dangerous place in the entire Zhenhuang Palace.

Even the strongest practitioners among humans will most likely die here.

Lin Yun glanced at Qin Xiyan's and his own panels.

Although it is still in a safe state.

But there were already signs of doom on Lin Yun's panel.

Maybe it won't be long before they get involved in big trouble.

At this point, Lin Yun could only bite the bullet and go in with Song Jingshu.

And then a familiar voice sounded in his mind.

"You brat, I didn't expect you to actually come."

When Erzu said this, he felt

More like mocking.

Perhaps in his opinion, Lin Yun simply didn't have the guts.

But I have to admit that Lin Yun really did it.

At this time, Lin Yun also sighed helplessly.

"There's a lot of trouble here."

"If there's anything you can do to help me, just ask."

Now Lin Yun doesn't have so much hostility towards Ezu.

Moreover, Erzu actually has some kind of connection with these ancient Yi people, and maybe we can get some useful information from him.

It would be even better if he knew something about Zhenhuang Palace.

Erzu was silent for a while.

On the contrary, Chong Qingniao couldn't hold back his anger: "Hey, if you really know something, you'd better say it right away. You also know that this little guy is in danger now."

"If you don't keep him safe, you won't be much better off if he dies later."

Hearing Chong Qingniao's anxious voice, Erzu laughed twice: "You trapped me here, and now you dare to threaten me."

He was naturally very angry, but if he thought about it carefully, what Chong Qingniao said just now made sense.

The key issue now is Lin Yun.

If Lin Yun died like this, it would really be a big trouble for them.

No one hoped that Lin Yun would be in danger.

So now Erzu has no choice.

"The place you are going to is a large prison."

"Some extremely vicious people are being held here."

"They are very powerful. Once you encounter them, it's best to avoid them. Of course, if you think you can defeat them, you can. These guys have countless treasures on their bodies."

When Erzu said this

Still quite excited.

But Lin Yun heard something else.

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