Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 400 Ancient Battlefield

Listening to the answers of the two people, Lin Yun was a little confused for a moment.

The prompts given on the panel are very obvious. There is indeed some mysterious force that has imposed a curse on himself.

But for now, he really couldn't determine the source of this power.

But Lin Yun couldn't imagine what he would face with the Gods and Demons Canyon?

Since Chongqingniao and Erzu were unable to help him in a short period of time, he could only rely on his own abilities.

Although the current situation is indeed somewhat complicated.

However, with the means at Lin Yun's disposal and the people around him, perhaps he could divert the trouble away.

At this time, Peng Yuanbai looked at Lin Yun: "Why are you standing still and not leaving? Could it be that you were frightened by something inside?"

Lin Yun said: "You also know that this is the realm of sin."

"There are countless powerful beings imprisoned here."

"So this canyon seems to be full of divinity and there is no danger, but I think there must be a greater crisis waiting for us inside."

Lin Yun did not hide the truth of the matter, but told them the current situation openly.

So that these guys in front of them understand what kind of challenge they are about to face.

It would be best if they could successfully pass through the Gods and Demons Canyon.

But what Lin Yun said made them understand that this God and Demon Canyon was also a place of challenge.

Song Jingshu laughed casually.

"It's just a small canyon."

"So what if there really is something powerful here? Are so many of us still afraid of him?"

Song Jingshu is very confident in his abilities, and at the same time he is surrounded by so many


They have an advantage in terms of numbers, and they can still deal with it even if they face some guys with high levels of strength.

Not to mention that this guy's strength itself is a secret.

Lin Yun was not sure whether the great demon king in the Gods and Demons Canyon could pose any danger to Song Jingshu.

But even if it doesn't work, I'm afraid it can still help Erzu a lot.

Peng Yuanbai looked at Lin Yun thoughtfully, and some hostility could be seen in his eyes.

Although Peng Yuanbai is very reluctant to cooperate with Lin Yun now.

But there was no way, Song Jingshu believed what Lin Yun said.

So now Peng Yuanbai can only reluctantly follow the action. Even if he is unwilling to do so, it is hard to say anything now.

So the group of people headed to the Gods and Demons Canyon in a big way.

There is no defense at all in this process.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, was very energetic.

Although the Gods and Demons Canyon shouldn't be in any danger to him.

Given his current importance, Song Jingshu would never let him suffer any harm.

But who can imagine what potential enemies there are in this canyon.

Seeing Lin Yun's cautious look, Peng Yuanbai came to his side: "No matter what your purpose is."

"I can tell you very seriously, stop dreaming, your plan will not succeed."

Lin Yun replied with a smile: "Since I can't stop you, it's better to let this happen earlier."

"That's fine, let the world understand what you have done, and then attack in groups and defeat you all."

"It's also the best way to solve problems."

Lin Yun said it so seriously that Peng Yuanbai didn't even refute it.


He just glared and walked away in despair.

Qin Xiyan smiled from the side and said, "Senior Brother Lin is really getting better and better at attacking people."

Lin Yun said seriously: "This canyon is very dangerous. For people like them who are strong, they may not have anything to worry about."

"But for you and me, any little detail here is fatal enough."

He was still worried that Qin Xiyan didn't take the problem here seriously. If so, it would be troublesome.

Even Lin Yun didn't dare to act rashly here. He was afraid that all his previous efforts would be buried here due to a small detail.

Qin Xiyan patted Lin Yun on the shoulder: "Senior Brother Lin, don't worry."

"I also know that this canyon must be full of dangers."

"I have my own way."

She had a determined look on her face, and her eyes showed absolute confidence.

After all, she was the reincarnated empress, and Lin Yun knew that she must have some powerful tricks that he didn't know about.

Soon, the group entered the Gods and Demons Canyon.

Originally, it looked like a place full of divinity from the outside.

It gives people a refreshing feeling even though they are far away.

But when they arrived, they found bones everywhere in the canyon.

This place is like an ancient battlefield.

This reminded Lin Yun of his own experience in the ancient forbidden land.

The battle situation in the Gods and Demons Canyon is even worse.

There are some special ones among these white bones that are actually glowing with golden light.

There are even some white bones that are still shining with five colors even after so many years.

Just from the color of these bones, we can see how powerful the warriors who fell here were.


But even such a powerful warrior could not survive in the Gods and Demons Canyon.

Lin Yun is now more and more certain that the strength of this great demon king may be far more than he thought.

Even Er Zu couldn't help laughing at Lin Yun who was so cautious.

"With your current strength."

"If this guy really wants to attack you, do you always think you have the ability to defend yourself?"

"Although he is called the Great Demon King, his strength is far more than that."

Although the two people had not dealt with each other before, Erzu had no intention of belittling each other.

Lin Yun did not doubt whether what he said was correct.

After all, these bones on the battlefield have already explained everything.

Those who died here were all powerful monks, but even with such strength they still could not withstand the general trend.

Compared with Lin Yun's current ability and these people, it may be just a drop in the bucket, nothing.

At the beginning, even these disciples of the Red Ghost Sect were cautious when entering the canyon.

Several powerful elders were even more energetic.

Although they all knew the dangers of Zhenhuang Palace before coming here.

But to what extent the danger is, no one can tell clearly.

After walking for a long time, I didn't encounter any enemies.

On the contrary, it made them relax a lot.

"I thought there really was some powerful beast in this canyon."

"If that's the case, we'll have to fight."

At this time, an elder walking in front said with a smile.

As he finished speaking.

Everyone who was originally nervous gradually relaxed.

Indeed, this canyon doesn’t look that dangerous.


But at this moment, a red light flashed past, directly penetrating the elder's eyebrows.

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