Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 407: A medicinal garden full of treasures

Although, Lin Yun didn't take it to heart when Erzu said it.

It's just a small medicine garden.

It shouldn't be much grander than I thought.

Only when Lin Yun actually arrived here did he realize that the medicine garden in front of him was far larger than he had imagined.

What is grown here are all kinds of natural materials and treasures.

When Peng Yuanbai saw Yaoyuan in this state, he couldn't help but sigh.

He knew that everyone was now blinded by profit, and had no idea that this was Lin Yun's planned method, waiting for them to jump into the pit.

By the time they recovered, it was already too late.

Although I clearly understood it, it was impossible to take any objection measures in a short period of time. I could only watch these people push me into a pit of fire.


"It's really fun."

Song Jingshu sighed one after another. He originally thought something dangerous was really happening here.

Unexpectedly, after arriving here, I unexpectedly found that the situation in this place was not more difficult than I thought.

On the contrary, he saw many opportunities here.

Song Jingshu was the first to enter the medicine garden.

And he also successfully picked some herbs from it.

I saw Song Jingshu directly absorbing the effects of these herbs with Yuan Li, although it was a bit wasteful.

But for such a large number of medicinal gardens, this Tianhuang grass is indeed nothing.

After the first few people followed quickly.

This group of elders had long forgotten what Peng Yuanbai said before.

Following Song Jingshu, he frantically absorbed the power of these herbs.

Although it is a bit wasteful


But who cares about so much?

Lin Yun originally wanted to go up and join in the fun.

But he always felt strange in his heart.

Since Erzu has said before that this place is very dangerous, there must be a reason.

And it is not possible to let people pick herbs freely like now.

After thinking of this, Lin Yun immediately told Song Jingshu what he thought.

Avoid this guy from turning the problem onto yourself later.

Song Jingshu just smiled and waved his hand.

"I don't care what dangers there are here. If there are any enemies secretly watching, then call them. I really want to see if these guys can beat me."

Obviously after experiencing the previous battle, Song Jingshu is now very confident in his own strength.

He also believed that the opponents he faced did not pose any threat to him at all, and he had no intention of taking these guys to heart.

But Lin Yun knew the matter and couldn't calculate it like this at all.

Song Jingshu's previous ability to defeat Daye Pluto was indeed due to his own strong strength.

But there are too many unexpected things happening in the land of sin, and the situation in the medicine garden may be completely different from that of Great Cause Pluto.

It's just that Lin Yun is not allowed to talk about these things here. Everything depends on Song Jingshu's own thoughts.

No matter what this guy wants to do, the only thing Lin Yun can do now is to wait quietly for the result.

When the elders heard Song Jingshu's words, they felt confident that as long as Song Jingshu was here to guard them.

They are unlikely to get into any trouble.

Everyone placed all their current hopes on Song Jingshu, thinking that as long as he followed

Song Jingshu didn't encounter any trouble at all.

But he never thought that Song Jingshu would encounter some unsolvable troubles one day.

But from Lin Yun's perspective, he was very happy to see this happen.

If these guys are too cautious.

On the contrary, it will make the implementation of Lin Yun's plan more difficult.

This situation is very suitable for Lin Yun, making these guys naively think that there is no threat to the medicine garden.

Coupled with Song Jingshu's powerful power, he can suppress all enemies.

This created a good condition for them to commit suicide.

After these elders determined that there was no danger here, they began to absorb the nearby herbs more intensively.

Even Qin Xiyan felt a little jealous when she saw such a grand occasion.

After all, these are all genius treasures, and it is impossible for anyone to pretend that nothing has happened.

Qin Xiyan's behavior is naturally reasonable.

However, Lin Yun told him seriously that this matter was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"After absorbing the effects of the herbal medicine, the strength of each of these guys has increased."

"If there is really a danger here, shouldn't it be a counterattack now?"

Qin Xiyan followed Lin Yun and asked curiously.

Lin Yun shook his head. He didn't quite understand the operating rules of the medicine garden.

But he was willing to believe that Erzu would not deceive him.

If the herbs here could really be easily absorbed, Erzu would definitely have told him in advance so that its power could be enhanced.

Now since Erzu has never spoken about this issue, it means that even Erzu has not mentioned this matter.

Have complete assurance.

If Lin Yun was smart, he should never place his hopes on such illusory things.

Even if Song Jingshu is very powerful, there will be inevitable troubles when facing such a challenge.

So the only thing Lin Yun can do now is to be prepared for any response. He will be overwhelmed by things that may happen at any time.

Song Jingshu's people were not aware of the seriousness of the problem at all, and after absorbing a few herbs and confirming that there was no problem, they became even more unscrupulous.

In this way they moved forward.

After walking for nearly half an hour, a thatched house suddenly appeared in front of us.

It looks like this place is quite old, but the entire thatched house has been cleaned very clean, and it seems like someone lives here.

Song Jingshu also felt threatened by the chair at this moment.

Almost subconsciously, he summoned his treasure.

Peng Yuanbai wasn't too worried at first, but when he saw the Imperial Soul Jewel in Song Jingshu's hand, he was completely dumbfounded.

At this time, the Imperial Soul Jewel was dim and dull, and it was not as dazzling as before.

There is only one possibility for why it became like this, and that was during the previous battle with Pluto.

Song Jingshu must have used the Imperial Soul Jewel to win the final victory.

Even so, Song Jingshu was still injured.

It can be seen that the strength of Daye Pluto is still very terrifying.

It's just that this matter is obviously dangerous to this extent.

But at this moment, Song Jingshu still dared to act like this, which also made Peng Yuanbai feel baffled.

Didn't Song Jingshu ever think that everything he did had consequences?

Could it cause him trouble?

A few people stood there silently, not daring to move rashly, just staring at the thatched cottage.

After a while, the door of the thatched cottage was slowly opened.

Then a white-haired old man walked out of it.

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