Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 415 A Place Without Time

Hearing Lin Yun's question, Chong Qingniao sneered and denied it directly.

"You brat, are you kidding me?"

"You just came to this room and didn't give me a chance to see it clearly, okay?"

Hearing Zhong Qingniao's determined tone, Lin Yun glanced at Qin Xiyan beside him.

Both of them had a very bold idea in mind.

But it can't be confirmed yet.

"Are you sure I just got here?"

Facing Lin Yun, he confirmed Chong Qingniao again, but still gave the same answer as before.

At the beginning, Lin Yun didn't know where he was.

But after a period of testing, he slowly understood what was going on.

Where Lin Yun is now, there is no such thing as time.

Because when Lin Yun summoned the Chongqing Bird, the energy in his body should have been consumed at an extremely fast rate.

But for some reason, Chongqingniao didn't consume the force in his body at all, which shocked Lin Yun.

This feeling is like opening a plug-in, infinite blue medicine.

If you are just a Chongqingniao, you still can't be sure of this.

The subsequent communication between Lin Yun and Ezu further solidified this point.

There was no time for where they were now.

Maybe a second here equals decades outside.

It is also possible that hundreds of years here are equivalent to a moment outside.

Although no time has passed, it is excellent news for practitioners like them.

But if you can't leave here, it's still a waste of time.

At the beginning, Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan were happy because there was no concept of time here.

But when two people walked around here

Later, it was discovered that this place had been specially modified.

In addition to abundant spiritual energy, this place is almost indestructible. Lin Yun has tried various methods.

Even the God-killing Bow only left a shallow white mark on these walls.

This left Lin Yun speechless.

I originally thought that I would be able to find a way out of here soon.

Afterwards, the news of the incident in Zhenhuang Palace will be passed on to everyone in the cultivation world.

But Lin Yun soon realized that this idea was just a dream.

This place was completely restrained by some kind of force, and the only thing he could do now was to wait here quietly.

"Senior Brother Lin."

"We should be trapped here."

Qin Xiyan led Lin Yun to a corner, and then pointed at the dense bones in the corner.

Lin Yun had met many powerful masters before.

Their bones will take on different colors after death.

And here Lin Yun even saw a golden corpse.

Although I don’t know what the opponent’s strength and behavior are, it must not be too low.

Even such a terrifying strong man died here, so it can be seen how cruel this place is.

After practicing to this level, they really don't need to use whole grains anymore.

But if you stay in a state for a long time and cannot break through, you will definitely die.

These bones illustrate this point very well.

"Does it mean that no one can leave here alive?"

Lin Yun clenched his fists.

Finally, Erzu said something human at this time.

"This should be the Singularity Prison that those people often call it."

"When the real Zhenhuang Palace comes to this world, it represents the folding of two spaces."

"And in their

In the process of intersection, a prison of singularity will be generated. "

"There is no concept of time in this place. You can do anything here, and the spiritual energy here is also very abundant."

Erzu didn't say anything else.

But Lin Yun has already understood what it means?

This singularity prison was created by the collision of two worlds, for the creatures in the Qianlong Continent or the ancient relic world.

The existence of this singularity prison is related to the time when the two worlds separated.

But for those of them imprisoned in the Singularity Prison, this means eternity!

There was no way they were ever going to get out of this damn place.

And this is the fate Lin Yun will face next.

To be honest, when Lin Yun knew this, he was very angry.

Lin Yun never thought that what awaited him would be such a desperate outcome one day.

And even if he tried very hard to change everything, he would soon find that it made no sense at all.

In the face of absolute power, any efforts are useless.

Practitioners are like a gust of wind to a unique place like the Singularity Prison.

It was simply impossible to shake such a terrible place.

Although the truth is cruel and desperate.

But Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan did not give up because of this.

The two men began to search for clues on the bones.

Sure enough, they really found some leftover things on these bones.

Many practitioners of all kinds died here.

Among them are some shockingly powerful people with terrifying strength and cultivation.

but they are now

They have all become a withered skeleton here.

In Lin Yun's opinion, the reason why they were unable to leave here was because they were not strong enough.

If they could cultivate to the point where they could break through the rules here, then the so-called Singularity Prison would be meaningless to them.

Although in the eyes of Erzu and Chongqingniao, their ideas were simply naive.

However, they did not dampen the self-confidence of the two people.

In the next long period of time, Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan began to practice in secret.

Even though I know my path out of here is slim.

But he still didn't choose to give up. Instead, he was more active than ever at this moment.

Because Lin Yun knew that he had no choice.

If you can't succeed this time, then you will have to admit your failure.

This is something Lin Yun does not allow.

Even if it is almost impossible to do all this, he will definitely try.

It's not his character to just accept his failure without doing anything.

Qin Xiyan is as determined as Lin Yun.

The two of them continued to practice like this, and occasionally found some useful things from these bones.

It is true that some people tried many ways to get out of here after being trapped here.

Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan stood on the shoulders of giants.

Find solutions faster.

They even never let go of the techniques these people practiced.

I don't know how much time passed like this.

Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan's strength increased.

At this moment, Lin Yun had reached the seventh level of Netherworld.

Perhaps it was because of Lin Yun’s strength that he wanted to leave here.

Power, the lifting speed is extremely fast.

Even the way of swordsmanship has to reach the state of Dzogchen.

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