Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 419: Fighting Alone Against a Group of Invaders

Unintentionally, Peng Yuanbai saw Qin Xiyan next to Lin Yun again.

If this kid just encountered some adventure that instantly improved his strength a lot.

So it's unreasonable for Qin Xiyan to improve so much now?

Intuition told Peng Yuanbai that they must have encountered something in that cave just now to make their strength increase so much in an instant?

But now Peng Yuanbai has no way to investigate clearly what is going on.

Looking at Lin Yun in front of him, he also knew that he had only one choice left.

"If you really want to kill me, take advantage of this as your best opportunity. If you don't seize this opportunity, there will be no hope."

Lin Yun looked around. If it was just Peng Yuanbai, he wouldn't be able to stop him.

If he really took action, Lin Yun was confident that he could solve it.

Now Zhenhuang Palace has completely appeared.

And the next problem will be more terrifying than they imagined.

Therefore, Lin Yun could not waste too much time on Peng Yuanbai.

No matter what this guy is going to do, all Lin Yun has to do now is to resolve the grudge between them.

Then he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the process of dealing with Zhenhuang Palace.

Peng Yuanbai stared at Lin Yun, originally thinking that everything was under his control.

But now it turns out that Lin Yun seems to have regained control of the matter.

What this guy did left him with no choice.

"You brat, don't be arrogant."

"Do you think that with a slight breakthrough in realm, you can sit back and relax?"

Peng Yuanbai clenched his fists tightly

, he has not forgotten that he was very embarrassed by Lin Yun before, but now he has people surrounding this kid.

The phenomenon made him easily admit that he was inferior to Lin Yun, which was absolutely impossible.

Even though he knew that this boy was more powerful than he thought, Peng Yuanbai still would not give in at all.

This is his strength and his confidence in himself.

As Peng Yuanbai's phantom fell, many elders of the Red Ghost Sect also appeared in the surrounding area.

These people come from all over the world. Although they are elders of the Red Ghost Sect, most of them are outsiders.

This time they were also aiming for their common goal, so they did it in one fell swoop.

However, they would be happy to see Lin Yun killed now.

"This should be the famous Lin Yun."

"I didn't expect that he would have cultivated his own strength to such a level at such a young age. He is indeed a very powerful little guy."

"That's right, but it's such a pity. Even if the strength has improved, the final result is still far behind."

Several elders said sarcastically to the side, as if they could take Lin Yun's life at will in the next moment.

Of course, Lin Yun could not turn a blind eye to the ridicule of these guys.

A wave of his right hand directly summoned the sword box.

What followed was the expansion of the murderous aura domain, completely encompassing these elders.

Several elders looked at each other, originally thinking that at this time Lin Yun would bow his head and admit his mistake to them, asking for a chance to survive.

But who would have thought that this kid would take action in advance.

Make them a target for attack.

"We originally wanted to let you go, but we didn't expect you to

Attack us at this time. "

"You brat, do you take yourself too seriously? Don't think that if you break through a little bit, you can show off your power in front of us."

Seeing the proud expressions on these elders' faces, Lin Yun retorted.

"When you were in the medicine garden before, I never saw you so arrogant."

"Why have you forgotten how embarrassed you were before?"

"You don't really think that being in large numbers can scare me, do you?"

Several elders frowned. They didn't expect that Lin Yun's strength was not bad, and his mouth was also not inferior.

They clenched their fists and sounded a little cruel.

Seeing this, Peng Yuanbai looked at the few people with a smile: "You have all seen that this kid doesn't take us to heart at all. If we just let him go today, you can imagine the consequences."

Several elders nodded one after another, and now they were determined to kill Lin Yun to avenge this.

"That's right, this kid underestimated us so much. If we just let it go today, we will be laughed at by others."

While talking, several elders sacrificed treasures one after another.

When Lin Yun saw their action, he just laughed contemptuously.

"It's best if you go all out and want to go. Others say I'm bullying you."

After saying this, the scabbard was opened.

Several flying swords began to attack several elders directly.

Several elders were still full of confidence at the beginning.

In their opinion, even Lin Yun's current state is about to reach the Wanfa state.

But compared with people like them, they are still far behind.

It's just that the first few elders completely underestimated Lin Yun's ability.

When the sword energy of the river surged in.

They have absolutely no way to respond.

The billowing sword energy quickly swallowed them up completely.

These elders have no means at all to solve it.

Peng Yuanbai originally thought that even if Lin Yun's strength improved, it wouldn't be so scary.

After all, it is still only a realm of Tongyou. He will never be able to withstand his own offensive until he reaches the realm of Wanfa.

But who could have imagined that Lin Yun would kill all the people around him in an instant.

Of course, this was also because these elders did not take Lin Yun to heart at all, and did not go all out at the critical moment, which ultimately led to this end.

But this also reflects that Lin Yun's strength is far superior to them.

If he goes all out, the few people present may not be his opponents.

"So, do you still think you can kill me?"

"You chase me all the way."

"You don't have this chance to do anything to me now, do you?"

The corners of Lin Yun's lips raised slightly, and he looked at Peng Yuanbai, who looked shocked.

This guy probably wouldn't have thought of anything.

Lin Yun could only rely on intrigues to deal with him before.

Now he can directly kill the elders around him on the battlefield.

Although Peng Yuanbai's current strength far exceeds that of these elders, it is indeed difficult to deal with Lin Yun on his own.

So without any hesitation, he started thinking about how to get out of here.

Now that the Red Ghost Sect has completely gained the upper hand, the various sects in the practice world are completely unable to stop this.

And what they want to do now is just to return the world to chaos.

Only order reborn in chaos is what they want


Lin Yun also saw the retreat intention in this guy's heart and sneered.

Come when you want and leave when you want.

It's too simple to think.

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