Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 424 Those who obey will prosper, those who disobey will perish

Just when everyone was planning what to do next.

There were deafening explosions in my ears.

Then the Zhenhuang Palace overhead began to tremble violently.

A terrifying purple vortex appeared above the Desolate Palace.

Lin Yun watched with his own eyes as Song Jingshu walked out step by step.

Looking at Song Jingshu's appearance, although he was a little tired, his overall mental state was still quite good.

Obviously, in the process of negotiating with the ancient survivors, they should have gained some upper hand.

Lin Yun didn't know exactly how they cooperated.

But what is certain is that such cooperation is an equal relationship.

The current Song Jingshu doesn't look like a chess piece in someone else's hands.

It seems that everything is progressing according to his requirements.

When Song Jingshu appeared in everyone's sight, he opened his arms and said loudly: "I think everyone already knows my identity."

"You also understand that those ancient relics who have appeared in the real Desolation Palace will return to this continent."

"From now on, those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish."

"It's time to join us."

Song Jingshu roared loudly, but no one dared to respond to Song Jingshu at this moment.

The Evergreen King got up angrily and wanted to rush over.

"These damn guys actually dare to poach people in front of us."

"Are we really dead?"

Looking at the state of King Changqing's body, Lin Yun hurriedly comforted him: "Your Majesty, things cannot be arranged in any way."

"Obviously, all this is the other party's conspiracy. If you really follow his request, I'm afraid it will be regarded as going well with him.

However, it is quite detrimental to us. "

Even Shen Miaokong nodded aside.

"The purpose of these ancient remnants is very simple."

"It's nothing more than hoping to control some things here through my own means."

"But they don't know what they're doing, and it's not easy at all to do it."

Song Jingshu received the support of the ancient relics this time, so he didn't take these sects in the practice world to heart at all.

And this is his only flaw now.

Believe too much in the power of these ancient remnants.

But he ignored that a long time ago, some strong men appeared among humans to suppress these ancient relics.

Then they can be expelled from this world.

After so many years, Lin Yun could not deny that the power of the ancient survivors would become much stronger.

However, human development has never stopped, and those strong people have never stopped practicing.

Today, it is very likely that some powerful masters have arrived in another world and are trapped in it. These people are also the best in the entire Qianlong Continent.

If Lin Yun can bring all these people together, then they will not be without the power to fight even if they face an extremely powerful ancient clan.

Song Jingshu still has appeal.

Some small sects came here this time naturally hoping to get some treasures from the Desolate Palace.

But they didn't expect that they would face such a cruel situation when they came here.

But even if they wanted to leave, it was already too late.

The situation of each sect is very dangerous, not to mention their

What about such a small sect?

But now that Song Jingshu has stepped forward and is willing to give them a chance of survival, it is natural to imagine the choice of these small sects. They are the first batch to come to Song Jingshu's side.

Lin Yun saw all this in his eyes and didn't think it was anything surprising.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero."

"The Red Ghost Sect has endured humiliation and endured heavy burdens over the years, and it's not easy to achieve such a day of pride and pride."

"If you don't want to die here today, you'd better make a wise choice?"

At this time, he had no intention of pretending.

What he said was also very simple.

Either always obey and cooperate with them, or become a sacrificed pawn in their hands.

More and more sects did not dare to act rashly, and finally chose to join Song Jingshu's side.

The pressure was naturally put on several major sects.

Before Lin Yun could speak, he heard Shen Miaokong reply coldly: "It is absolutely impossible for us to surrender to you."

"Even if we die here in battle, we can't join in with you."

Song Jingshu naturally heard Shen Miaokong's answer.

But he didn't take it to heart.

There are many people in this world who naively believe that they have the ability to resist.

But in most cases, they simply don't have the means.

Facing the general trend, the only thing we can do is to endure it silently.

Except for a few major sects, they were completely unwilling to surrender.

There are also some relatively strong-minded small sects who are not willing to cooperate with Song Jingshu at this time.

It's just that Song Jingshu didn't take these guys to heart.

Don’t want to cooperate with yourself?

Very simple.

I saw Song Jingshu making one move, and then from the strange teleportation array behind him

Countless monsters with ferocious faces rushed out.

These guys should be the remnants of ancient times.

After these ancient relics appeared, they went directly to those small sects without any hesitation.

Anyone who dares to disobey Song Jingshu's consciousness will be killed.

Although Lin Yun and others also took action during this process.

But in the end, they still suffered from the small number of people. There was no way to protect so many people, and the strength of these ancient relics was really strong.

It was even completely beyond their expectations.

The whole process was more confusing than they thought.

Lin Yun saw all this in his eyes and was quite helpless.

Song Jingshu didn't even read it, Lin Yun continued to put pressure on these small sects.

"You see, this is the price for rejecting us."

"If you don't want to be eliminated by us, then offer your loyalty."

After the previous destruction, these small sects no longer dared to act rashly and a large number of them chose to surrender directly.

The rest also have a wait-and-see attitude.

Lin Yun glanced at Prince Changqing: "Do you understand now, Prince?"

"These guys never thought about negotiating with us from the beginning."

"Their real purpose is to destroy everything."

Listening to Lin Yun's words.

King Evergreen was silent for a long time.

Indeed, he never thought that this time things would cause such a big trouble.

But it is no longer easy to stop this.

"How do we defeat these guys if they can't negotiate?"

King Changqing also looked confused.

But no one could answer this question for him.

The ancient remnants are approaching fiercely. With families like them,

Talking to a partner is of no use.

Far less meaningful than your own fist.

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