Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 428 The Empress's Opportunity

"Are you kidding? Is this kid really that powerful?"

Some people murmured in a low voice, unable to believe what they saw in front of them.

I originally thought that Lin Yun and the middle-aged man would still be entangled for a long time.

But who could have thought that all of this would end in such a short period of time.

After doing all this, Lin Yun turned his attention to the other casual cultivators present.

"I don't care what everyone here is planning to do next."

"Whether you want to stay here or leave together, it's your choice."

"But if someone wants to go against the Beast Control Sect, then he must consider his own abilities."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Many more people will die here.

What he has to do now is to seize the time to join the large army of the Beast Control Sect.

Under Lin Yun's intimidation, some sects left honestly.

Even if he doesn't cooperate with Lin Yun, he doesn't dare to stay here and wait for death.

But there are some sects, even at this moment, still covet the treasures of Zhenhuang Palace.

"What are you afraid of?"

"It's just some monsters."

"You can destroy them with just one move."

A young man said with a sneer from the side.

In the eyes of this group of monks, the threat from alien beasts is indeed not great.

So the young man quickly persuaded some people to stay.

Most of these people are people who lick blood at the tip of a knife.

If not, it would be difficult for them to achieve such a state.

These people have no idea that what awaits them next is the truly terrifying nightmare of the ancient survivors.

Lin Yun already knew all this through the panel, so he took everyone away in time.

This journey has been smooth sailing.

Now the entire Daye Dynasty

Already besieged on all sides.

When King Evergreen learned about the battle reports coming from various places, his expression was quite ugly.

"Your Majesty still underestimated the methods of these guys."

"After sleeping for so many years, the abilities of the ancient survivors cannot be underestimated."

Although there are different factions within the ancient relics, their purposes and ways of getting along are also different.

But today's war still makes them extremely threatening.

Lin Yun glanced at the Evergreen King.

At this moment, they had already left nearly a thousand miles away from the ancestral land of the Beast Control Sect.

Here, various sects set up camps.

Before the real war begins, what they have to do is relocate all these innocent people.

They simply couldn't make a correct statistics on how many people this war would involve.

But it is certain that many people will be displaced.

"Please, Your Majesty, hurry up and send this news back to the court."

"What the Daye Dynasty is seeking now is to cooperate with all parties to jointly suppress the Zhenhuang Palace, otherwise this disaster will spread to more distant places."

Lin Yun glanced at the Evergreen King next to him.

He was not sure whether Chen Su Ning could understand the importance of this matter.

If Chen Suning is still the same as before and thinks that the Daye Dynasty can resist the enemy on its own, then it would be a big mistake.

Nowadays, the ancient relics have begun to pose a threat, and they will become more difficult to deal with in the future.

So under the current situation, they have to be even more cautious.

The Evergreen King also understood the importance of this matter, and Lin Yun was not kidding himself.

"I have already reported this matter to the court early."

"It's just that Your Majesty hasn't given me an answer yet.

complex. "

I originally thought that I was just here to get gold plated, and these guys would soon be solved by various sects united.

But I never expected that I would witness the beginning of a huge disaster here.

At this point, King Changqing could only push all the problems to the emperor to solve.

Lin Yun nodded, somewhat relieved.

As long as Daye Dynasty knows the ins and outs of the matter, I believe they will respond soon.

"Then we just need to be patient and wait."

Everyone looked at each other, even the powerful elders couldn't do anything at this moment.

At this time, Qin Xiyan suddenly pulled Lin Yun outside.

"Junior sister Qin, what's wrong?"

Looking at Qin Xiyan, who looked a little ugly, Lin Yun was also quite surprised.

With Qin Xiyan's character, she can usually keep her composure.

It's really rare to be as panicked as he is now.

"Senior Brother Lin, I don't know why, but I am always restless today."

"It seems to be vaguely connected to something."

After hearing what Qin Xiyan said, Lin Yun brought up her panel.

After all, Qin Xiyan is a woman with great luck.

So her current reaction is most likely normal.

But under the current situation, no matter what kind of opportunity she has, it is probably very dangerous.

When Lin Yun saw the panel, he was relieved.

[Name]: Qin Xiyan

[Realm]: Seventh Level of Tongyou Realm

[Fate]: Reincarnation of the Empress (Gold)

【Fate】: Cangxuan (black)

[Ending]: The ninth reincarnation finally broke through the great avenue of heaven and earth, but died under the nine-day thunder calamity when he ascended!

[Recent turning point]: The cycle of cause and effect, going to mysterious places to explore the truth


At this time, it depends on Lin Yun's own choice.

He also glanced at his own panel.

If he had not gone with Qin Xiyan, his life would not have been in danger in a short period of time.

Nowadays, Lin Yun has basically eliminated several enemies in the Daye Dynasty.

The remaining Shangqing Temple can't do anything to him in a short time.

But choosing to go with Qin Xiyan now is obviously a very risky move.

"Senior brother should know what happened."

Looking at Lin Yun's expression, Qin Xiyan knew that he knew the inside story.

However, with Qin Xiyan's intelligence, she immediately realized that there were many things involved in this matter.

"If it's really dangerous, then let's forget it this time."

She shook her head and said with a smile.

He looked like he didn't care.

Anyone else would want to figure out the ins and outs of the matter at this time.

"This opportunity is extremely rare. Are you really willing to give it up?"

"You also know that you have a special constitution. You have just passed the first difficulty now. You don't know what troubles will be waiting for you next."

"If we just give up, it could undo all the work we've done."

Lin Yun knew that Qin Xiyan's future was limitless. If he didn't choose to seize this opportunity this time, he didn't know what would happen.

"But, I always feel like something bad will happen."

Qin Xiyan was not sure about this.

Lin Yun then asked Chong Qingniao questions.

"Tell me what you think."

"Junior Sister Qin is the reincarnation of the Empress."

"It's just that based on what happened to her before, there should be a very complicated cause and effect entangled with her."

This is also Lin Yun's guess,

Not accurate.

Chong Qingniao pondered for a moment and gave his own thoughts.

"Now that we are entangled in these causes and effects."

"It's definitely impossible to dodge."

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