Qin Xiyan just nodded blankly, not knowing what to do for a while.

She glanced at Lin Yun beside her.

"Senior Brother Lin."

"I feel like I'm in a better shape."

Although it was strange, it was indeed the case. The moment Qin Xiyan walked into the Ghost Wood Forest, she felt something originally attached to her body.

At this moment, he seemed to give up resistance and gradually merged with her.

Although this process is very slow.

But for Qin Xiyan, this seems to be a good way to enhance her strength.

In just such a short period of time, she found that she seemed to be on the verge of a breakthrough.

Lin Yun glanced at Qin Xiyan and immediately noticed the change in Qin Xiyan's body.

Although I don't know what's going on, I can probably guess that it is closely related to this place.

"So much the better."

"It seems that there should be a lot of secrets about you buried here, since your guidance led us here."

"Now that it's come, let's make peace with it."

"We can't just leave empty-handed. Let's go in and investigate now to see what they are capable of."

Although this ghost forest is very dangerous, there is no trace of nervousness on Lin Yun's face.

Qin Xiyan originally wanted to remind Lin Yun of such a dangerous place, but they should not take too many risks.

This time after the Ghost Wood Forest opened, everyone came towards the Demon King's tomb.

Naturally, they are no exception.

But how many people are really capable of taking away these things?

Most people come here only to die in vain.

"Brother Lin."

"It's so dangerous here, we're just on the periphery

One turn and you're in trouble. "

"If we enter a more dangerous place inside, can we really swallow everything here with our strength?"

Qin Xiyan was still worried about Lin Yun's safety, after all, Lin Yun was too important now.

And it's already good that she can feel this change in power on the periphery.

Qin Xiyan no longer dared to expect anything more for herself.

"Silly girl, after finally getting here, just turning around and leaving is really not your character."

"What's more, all the casual cultivators have rushed in. They are not afraid of you. What are you afraid of?"

Lin Yun certainly knew what Qin Xiyan was thinking.

But at this time, he just patted Qin Xiyan's shoulder gently.

Although I also know that the situation behind is not as simple as I thought before.

However, with Lin Yun's current strength, he can always solve these problems easily.

Seeing Lin Yun's serious look, although Qin Xiyan still had many questions in her mind, they were all offset in the end.

He knew that what Lin Yun was doing now was all to help him.


"Only when I become truly powerful can I help Senior Brother Lin do something. Even though this place is dangerous, we must get through it."

She clenched her fists and whispered.

After the two people made up their minds, they walked inside without stopping.

Even Lin Yun never thought that there was such a strange place here.

On the way, Lin Yun and Qin Xiyan encountered some ordinary strange beasts.

The strength of these strange beasts is not very strong.

Even Lin Yun can wipe them all out with his fingers.

It’s just that I didn’t know that Zhenhuang Palace was coming

How did these guys come here?

Lin Yun sighed casually, and after dealing with those guys who dared to come forward to make trouble, he led Qin Xiyan to move forward at the same speed as the two of them, and it didn't take a while.

Then we came to the foot of a mountain in the center.

If you look carefully, you can see that there is a lot of cold air here.

The entire mountain was actually covered in white snow.

But there was no sign of wind and snow at all around this big mountain.

"That's weird."

"Obviously there is no snow in other high mountains, but here, there seems to be a lot of snow."

After Qin Xiyan looked at it for a while, he was keenly aware of the difference here. He glanced at Lin Yun beside him and said curiously.

Lin Yun nodded very seriously.

"You're right."

"This place is indeed extraordinary, but because of this, it is more like the tomb of the Demon King."

Lin Yun said lightly, and then pulled Qin Xiyan up the mountain step by step.

During this process, he also saw many powerful practitioners who wanted to come here directly.

But the scary thing is that this group of practitioners is coming to the sky above this mountain peak.

It only took a few seconds for the body to completely freeze.

Then he fell to the ground and turned into a pool of blood.

When Lin Yun saw this scene, he was quite shocked.

Unexpectedly, this mountain directly cut off their ability to fly.

In this way, even the most powerful master would probably have to go up like him.

Lin Yun took a look at himself. He should be among the top few here.


But this is not a good thing for Lin Yun.

After seeing someone die, the practitioners behind slowly became more honest.

They fell to the foot of the mountain one after another, and then started climbing up the mountain one after another.

Although some of the ancient remnants are simple-minded, they still want to fight head-on.

But after suffering a loss, they quickly changed their tactics.

It seems that these guys are not a bunch of idiots as rumored.

On the contrary, they also have their own minds.

It's just that there aren't many.

Lin Yun ignored these guys and took Qin Xiyan up as fast as possible.

As long as they can reach the top in time, they might be able to enter the Demon King's tomb.

Everyone was very fast at the beginning.

At this time, Lin Yun noticed that the pressure on himself began to gradually increase.

He glanced up at the end.

They probably understand that as long as they keep moving forward, the pressure they have to bear will increase.

In this way, it is a wise choice to preserve your physical strength as much as possible.

So Lin Yun's speed suddenly slowed down.

Soon a man passed by him.

"It seems that your physical strength is no more than this."

"It hasn't even been an hour yet and you can't hold it anymore?"

"It's rubbish."

Lin Yun took a look.

The speaker was none other than Mahonda, who had met him once before.

Unexpectedly, these guys also came over.

Lin Yun ignored Mahonda and turned around to take a look. Many people seemed to know this.

But most of them are just like the idiot just now, a fool.


Da didn't think much about it at all.

How do you understand that now is the time to preserve your strength.

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