"My name is Yu Minbo."

The Ghost King said lightly when he saw Lin Yun.

That's his name.

And Yu Minbo is the lord of Moyuan City.

Lin Yun did not expect that this incident would alarm the lord of Moyuan City.

"I heard that the Lord of the City has kept many humans in captivity. I wonder if I can taste them this time."

Lin Yun asked with a smile.

He has completely brought his own identity into it.

When Song Jingshu next to him heard these words, he felt that this kid was really perverted. He actually wanted to eat people?

Who would have thought?

Yu Minbo just glanced at Lin Yun and snorted: "I don't care about those rubbish."

Obviously, Yu Minbo didn't like keeping slaves in his home.

This is a unique one.

"You have two choices now, either leave here with me, or try to resist me yourself."

"But no matter what choice you make, the end result won't change much."

This is one of the benefits of being absolutely powerful.

Song Jing has no temper at all towards Min Bo in writing.

If it were different before, he might really agree, but the current situation is different for Song Jingshu.

If you just promise yourself this, all the efforts you have made before will be in vain.

Song Jingshu finally got to where he is today step by step.

So no matter what, we must not allow things to become like this.

"I don't care what you do."

Taking a deep breath, Song Jingshu clenched his fists: "But no one can stop me today."

After saying this, Song Jingshu rushed directly to Yu Minbo.

He also understands what he is doing now,

It is indeed a bit too reckless.

It may not take much time for Yu Minbo to deal with him with such a strong strength.

But Song Jingshu knew more clearly that he had no choice if he couldn't handle everything well.

I'm afraid the problem will only get worse in the future.

In order to resolve the current battle, all Song Jingshu can do is to do his best.

Yu Minbo originally thought that Song Jingshu might choose a more peaceful way to negotiate with him, but he did not expect that this guy would dare to resist him.

Several ghost generals nearby also shook their heads. This behavior was tantamount to suicide.

They knew very well how powerful their city lord was.

Looking at the entire Moyuan City, it’s not like no one has come here to cause trouble before.

But most of the final results were easily killed by Yu Minbo.

So Song Jingshu is just buying a little time for himself.

But this will quickly lose its original effect over time.

"It's really stupid. If you are willing to cooperate with adults, maybe you can save a dog's life."

"But now he is dead."

Several ghost generals discussed with each other.

At this time, Lin Yun kept taking a few steps back.

It's not that I want to leave, but I want to stay safe.

None of them knew how strong Yu Minbo was, and Lin Yun was afraid that this battle would affect him.

But he soon realized that this was not necessary at all.

Yu Minbo has always been controlling his power.

When Song Jingshu rushed over, he punched Yu Minbo several times in a row.

Song Jingshu originally thought that this would

It was enough to cause some damage to Yu Minbo.

But who would have thought that when he saw Yu Minbo's serious look, he immediately realized that his attack just now had no effect at all.

Song Jingshu couldn't believe it. No matter what, he was a demonic monk.

His physical fitness is average and cannot be compared to practitioners.

So, did he believe that these punches just now could cause damage to Yu Minbo?

But the fact is that after his attack ended, Yu Minbo stood there, staring at him like an idiot.

"That's all you have."

Yu Minbo asked back, and then punched Song Jingshu in the stomach with his backhand.

This time, Song Jingshu flew out in embarrassment.

Originally, what Song Jingshu did before was really impressive, and even Lin Yun admired him.

But now.

He was really a little embarrassed.

After rolling on the ground for several weeks, Song Jingshu slowly got up.

He looked at Yu Minbo in the distance, unable to say a word for a long time.

This disparity in strength is really unacceptable.

Even Song Jingshu, a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, can't even imagine it.

What happened just now?

Yu Minbo moved his right hand, and then slowly walked forward.

"I've seen too many guys like you."

"Innocently, he is very confident in his own strength and thinks he can challenge the strongest person in the world."

"But what's the truth?"

"You don't have such ability at all."

Yu Minbo was a little disappointed. He originally thought he had encountered a tough problem this time.

So I’m done and have a good time with Song Jingshu

Preparation for a fight.

Unexpectedly, Song Jingshu was just a paper tiger.

Song Jingshu, who fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood.

He looked at Yu Minbo for a long time but couldn't say a word.

Now whether he believes it or not, his current situation is indeed not good.

Yu Minbo only used one punch and he was seriously injured.

"You two, bring this guy back to me."

Song Jingshu was now unable to resist, so Yu Minbo asked his men to capture him.

At this time, Yu Minbo's eyes fell on Lin Yun.

Although Lin Yun didn't seem to make any effort this time.

But he always felt that there was something special about this young man.

"follow me."

He said lightly and then ignored Lin Yun.

Lin Yun had two choices at this moment.

Either leave this damn place quickly, or go back with Yu Minbo.

However, he didn't know what would be waiting for him when he returned to Moyuan City with Yu Minbo.

But the way Yu Minbo showed just now may not be a bad thing.

But if Lin Yun chooses to leave like this, it is likely to make Yu Minbo suspicious, and it will be troublesome if his identity is really exposed.

Especially when Lin Yun took a look at his own panel before making a decision.

Sure enough, the content on the panel changes according to your different decisions.

In other words, the next person who decides his fate is Yu Minbo in front of him.

He had no choice but to choose to go back with Yu Minbo.

This powerful city lord is really admirable.

On the way, Lin Yun came to Song Jingshu: "Sect Master Song is convinced now.

? "

Song Jingshu was very angry.

He didn't understand how Lin Yun did these things.

But that didn't stop him from hating Lin Yun.

"You brat, now you dare to be so arrogant in front of me."

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