Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 493: Offering Treasures

Even if Lin Yun knew the danger, he would definitely go.

He didn't know exactly what Song Jingshu was going to do.

But as long as Song Jingshu's plan can be destroyed, all Lin Yun's efforts will not be in vain.

This time he didn't know if he could solve the problem smoothly.

But Lin Yun was very willing to give it a try.

And once Song Jingshu's plan could be destroyed, he wouldn't have to worry so much.

Yu Minbo looked at Lin Yun with firm eyes and said nothing.

"Sanlijie is now a well-known trading city."

"So the people who come here are businessmen from all over the world, and you can get some news from them."

"But don't expect us to really do anything for you."

What Yu Minbo said was very obvious.

His ability not to kill Lin Yun was considered exceptional, and he was merciful outside the law.

Don't let Lin Yun think about what he can do to help him at this critical moment.

This is something Yu Minbo will never allow.

What Sanlijie needs to do now is to remain invincible.

Let several other people do whatever they want, but they do not participate in the battles of these people.

In this way, he has nothing to worry about.

And what Lin Yun will do next will not have much impact on the Sanli world.

It's just that it's absolutely impossible for them to help Lin Yun.

At this moment, Lin Yun took out a piece of Liyang Divine Iron from his own space and placed it on the table.

Yu Minbo, who originally had an attitude of absolutely refusing, changed slightly when he saw this piece of Liyang Divine Iron.

Lin Yunke still remembered that not long ago, the City Lord's Mansion also emphasized that Liyang Divine Iron was very needed.


The amount we want is quite a lot.

But now the entire Sanli world is in chaos.

The battle between the various city lords is not over yet, how can it be possible to get such a thing?

Unexpectedly, Lin Yun would bring out this kind of treasure just as the thought passed through his mind.

Yu Minbo didn't know what to say.

With Lin Yun's current ability, I'm afraid it can really bring him a lot of surprises.

"Lord City Lord."

"I know you're lacking these things."

"So I can donate something to the Sanli world in exchange for your help."

During the negotiation process between Yu Minbo and Lin Yun, Song Jingshu had been thinking about how he could escape from here.

After the battle with Yu Minbo, he also understood that he was no match for the Ghost King.

Yu Minbo's methods were too weird, and his physical fitness was hundreds of times stronger than Song Jingshu's.

In this case, how easy is it for Song Jingshu to defeat the opponent?

He knows this very well, so he is also looking for other solutions.

But now he has become a prisoner and cannot run away, let alone other things.

Especially when he heard that Lin Yun and Yu Minbo were chatting happily, Song Jingshu understood that if he didn't leave, he would not have that chance.

With Lin Yun's sharp tongue, he would definitely be able to satisfy Yu Minbo.

And when that time comes, the situation they have to face will only be a hundred times more complicated than it is now.

At this moment, Lin Yun had finished negotiating with Yu Minbo.

Then he walked up to Song Jingshu with a smile.

"Sect Master Song."

"You also know that you have made a big mistake now.


"According to the rules here in Moyuan City, you will be sent to the Lingchi execution platform soon."

Song Jingshu just snorted coldly.

"Kill or behead him as you please."

"But if you think this can make me afraid, you are totally wrong."

By now Song Jingshu also knew that he had no choice and it was simply impossible to cooperate with these guys.

So he has to hold on to his bottom line.

Song Jingshu also knew that Lin Yun was very curious about the trump card he was holding, so he said these things to him again and again.

However, Song Jingshu knew better that he could only solve the problem now by grasping this bottom line.

"Of course, there is no precondition for this matter to turn around. I still have to send the sect leader to cooperate with me."

"I know you want to resurrect someone."

"But you should understand that it is very difficult under current conditions."

Song Jingshu's eyes flickered briefly, but he soon calmed down.

But being caught by Lin Yun was an instant change.

He knew that what he said just now was indeed right. Song Jingshu did so much because he really wanted to save someone.

Lin Yun stood up: "I originally wanted to give you a chance."

"But now it seems that Sect Leader Song does not seem to have this idea."

"In that case, I have no choice but to leave by myself."

Song Jingshu sneered.

"walk on my own."

"You know how you got in, so you know even more clearly that there is no way for you to leave voluntarily."

"Unless you prepare yourself to stay in this damn place forever."

He looked at Lin Yun with gloating.

Only he knows the way out.

And what about Lin Yun?

It's impossible to figure it out.

Song Jingshu thought so and believed so.

However, Lin Yun believed that there would be a road for cars to reach the mountain and for boats to reach the bridge.

"Of course I won't stay here forever."

“But I also believe there’s nothing in this world that I can’t do.”

Lin Yun laughed heartily.

Lin Yun was about to turn around and leave.

Song Jingshu had no choice but to call him out.

"Cooperate with me."

Lin Yun knelt down and looked at Song Jingshu: "Cooperate with you?"

Song Jingshu nodded: "You little guy does have some skills. You can force me into this situation again and again. You are considered to be quite strong."

"But it's impossible for you to leave here alone."

"You don't want to be trapped here forever."

"So working with me is your only option."

Song Jingshu was very confident when he said this. It was obvious that he was absolutely sure of the way to leave here.

He believed that no one in the world could know this.

Among them was Lin Yun, who was standing in front of him.

Lin Yun looked at Song Jingshu's expression and muttered in his heart that this guy was probably not joking.

If Song Jingshu was not sure, he would have honestly surrendered under Lin Yun's repeated threats.

But this guy still adheres to his original attitude, leaving Lin Yun with no choice now.

"What do you want to do with me?"

Song Jingshu said: "You let me leave here, and I will tell you how to leave Sanli Realm."

"As for other matters, we will not interfere with each other and each will do his or her own thing."

This is a risk for Lin Yun


After all, he didn't know whether what Song Jingshu wanted to do was dangerous to Qianlong Continent.

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