Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 504: No fight, no acquaintance

Obviously, Gu Santong is very satisfied with Lin Yun's current performance.

He looked up to the sky and laughed while chasing Lin Yun.

"Ha ha."

"This is the effect I want."

"Don't be hesitant and show off all your abilities."

"Let me see what's so special about you."

Gu Santong was chasing after him, and he had too much curiosity about Lin Yun.

And Lin Yun did not disappoint him.

Just when Fan Bian'an thought that Lin Yun would be like him and be easily dealt with by the ancient three links, the result changed.

Lin Yun turned over and stood firmly on the spot.

At this moment, Gu Santong had just rushed in front of him.

Facing this sudden enemy, Lin Yun did not panic.

His eyes suddenly became extremely sharp.

The moment the murderous aura field opened, Gu Santong's movements also slowed down.

I just heard Gu Santong say "Huh".

Probably he didn't expect that Lin Yun's method could actually affect him.

But after all, he is still experienced in fighting, although his movements are slow at the moment.

But it did not affect his offensive against Lin Yun.

Fan Bian'an originally thought that Lin Yun would be defeated soon, but what happened next was gradually destroying his cognition.

I saw Lin Yun facing Gu Santong's offensive, but he didn't even dodge.

The two men went head-to-head based on their strong physical fitness.

What surprised Fan Bian'an the most was that Lin Yun was evenly matched with Gu Santong.

He knew how powerful Gu San Tong was. The moment he saw this guy, he bumped into him like a phantom.

That terrifying power almost destroyed

Fan Bianan was demolished.

But such a powerful enemy was actually on par with Lin Yun at this time.

You can imagine how much impact this kind of thing has on Fan Bian'an.

He thought Lin Yun was a rookie, but he never expected that the person standing next to him turned out to be a hidden boss.

Fan Bian'an felt regretful.

If I had known that Lin Yun was so powerful, I should have cooperated with him beforehand, which might have made things easier.

But whatever I say at this moment is just an afterthought.

The battle between Lin Yun and Gu Santong began, and Fan Bianan could still see clearly.

But at the end, the movements of the two people were almost all afterimages.

They all raised their speed to the extreme, and this was without the blessing of any elemental power.

All they rely on is their strong physical fitness and outrageous explosive power.

"Is this the power that the master told me?"

Fan Bian'an murmured softly, and now he looked at Lin Yun with eyes full of envy.

It would be great if one day I could have such a powerful power.

It's a pity that Fan Bian'an also understands that it is not easy to achieve this step.

On the other side, Lin Yun gradually became more comfortable facing Gu Santong's offensive.

Of course he knew that Gu Santong couldn't really kill him, after all, this guy still wanted to return to Qianlong Continent.

But Gu Santong is really showing no mercy now.

Every attack he made almost forced Lin Yun to use his strongest moves, so that he could barely cope with it.

"Don't try to mess with me."

"If you want to survive you have to give it your all."

"I know what's going on in your mind, but those things mean a lot to me

is not important. "

Gu Santong looked into Lin Yun's eyes and knew what kind of crooked idea this young man was having at the moment, but he didn't care.

What he had to do at this time was to force Lin Yun onto this dead end step by step.

Facing Gu Santong's offensive, Lin Yun's breathing became heavier and heavier.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

During this process, Gu Santong and Lin Yun had been fighting with high frequency.

The two people's speed didn't even slow down at this moment, but even faster.

Fan Bianan was stunned.

But Lin Yun knew that Gu Santong was constantly pushing his potential.

From the very beginning, Lin Yun's burst of power was steadily suppressed by Gu Santong.

And no matter how outrageous Lin Yun's strength became after that, Gu Santong could always suppress 10%.

He controlled his power very well, making it impossible for Lin Yun to relax, but at the same time, he would not end the battle instantly.

Lin Yun didn't know what Gu Santong was going to do, so he could only cooperate with this weird old man as much as possible at this moment.


At this time, Lin Yun was in a daze and received a heavy kick in the chest.

His body flew out like a cannonball.

The moment he hit the ground, Gu Santong followed him again.

At this moment, Lin Yun's eyes flashed with murderous intent. As the saying goes, the clay figurine still has a certain amount of anger.

Being suppressed and beaten by Gu Santong all the time, he was now feeling quite depressed.

The moment Gu Santong's sword fell.

Lin Yun directly summoned the Baqi Sword and Qiongtian Sword.

Open the bow left and right, like scissors, ready to completely strangle the ancient three links.

The murderous look in Lin Yun's eyes also touched Gu Santong, and then he

His body was as tight as a spring.

With just a tap on the ground, he felt light and airy, and he was more than ten meters away from Lin Yun.

But now it was Lin Yun's turn to attack, so it was naturally impossible to give Gu Santong any chance to breathe.

Who would have thought that the old man who looked so old before could be so flexible now.

Lin Yun's speed continued to increase, and he had already used his physical skills to the extreme.

At this moment, Gu Santong was still trying to pull back from Lin Yun.

But it was obvious that he had been bitten by Lin Yun.

"Senior, don't even think about escaping from my hands."

"Now that you're here, stay here forever."

Lin Yun roared angrily and his feet suddenly collapsed on the ground.

The sound of sonic boom sounded, and his whole body quickly turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Gu Santong.

Facing such a swift and violent attack from Lin Yun, Gu Santong did not dare to neglect.


Fan Bian'an only saw Lin Yun and Gu Santong hit a hill on the top.

The entire hill was instantly flattened and turned into powder.

At this time, Fan Bian'an also stood up staggeringly. He originally wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

But now he also knows that he can't continue to watch like this, if he really wants the two of them to continue fighting like this.

I'm afraid I won't be able to complete my mission.

The moment Fan Bian'an stood up and stretched out his arms, he saw two figures rushing towards him at a high speed.

It was Lin Yun who was sweating profusely, and Gu Santong who was calm and gentle.

But seeing as both of them had put away their weapons, they probably had no intention of continuing the fight.

Fan Bian'an was relieved.

Gu Santong patted Lin Yun's shoulder with satisfaction.

Bang: "You are indeed quite capable."

"I read that right, he is a good swordsman."

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