The conflict between Blackwater City and Moyuan City naturally attracted the attention of many people.

But so far, no one believes that there can be a fight between these two cities.

After all, Moyuan City was famously kind before this.

It's a pity that this news didn't last long before things turned around.

When the other two main cities thought that Blackwater City and Moyuan City were still using negotiation to resolve their issues this time.

But to their surprise, they discovered that Mo Yuancheng had launched a direct attack on Heishui Shen.

At some point, his troops had already arrived near Blackwater City.

This change was unexpected by everyone.

At this moment, he was in the city lord's palace in Blackwater City.

Song Jingshu looked coldly at the body that had fallen to the ground: "I have said it before, this matter is definitely not as simple as you think."

"It's a pity that it was originally a chess piece that could be used longer, but because of my stupidity, I still have to pay the price."

Looking at the body that had been dead for a long time, Cao Cao snorted angrily, with a flash of disdain in his eyes.

People are just so stupid a lot of the time.

I know that this is a very unwise choice, but I still can't change my attitude.

He even naively thinks that he can change anything with his own abilities, which is simply ridiculous.

I saw Song Jingshu slowly packing up all his things.

His mission here has been completed, and he will leave next.

And Blackwater City will become a poor victim.

In this process, he was completely reduced to a vassal of Moyuan City.

With some emotion, Song Jingshu opened the door of the City Lord's Mansion and prepared to go out.

But at this moment, he saw a

A figure blocked in front of him.

When he saw this figure, Song Jingshu frowned. He probably didn't expect that this kid would follow him.

"Originally, these things may have nothing to do with you."

"But I didn't expect that you still insisted on getting involved."

He was a little unhappy.

Originally, with Lin Yun's current situation, he could completely stay out of the matter, and there was no need to get involved in these troublesome things.

"Although there are many things I don't know yet, at least there is one thing I understand."

"That is, no matter what, your plan cannot succeed this time, otherwise many people will die because of your decision."

Lin Yun stared at Song Jingshu.

It is indeed not easy to chase him all the way.

And fortunately, he knew before this that Song Jingshu must be prepared.

Although he didn't know exactly how Song Jingshu reached an agreement with the city lord of Blackwater City.

However, in his opinion, this kind of interest relationship will probably not last long.

Especially when there is no way for Blackwater City to continue to become the next chess piece.

So Lin Yun also hurriedly chased after him.

I was originally worried that Song Jingshu would escape at this juncture, but he was finally caught up by Lin Yun.

Song Jingshu sighed: "I have let you go many times, and even the last time I just gave you a lesson so that you know what you should do."

But what you are doing now has obviously touched my bottom line.

His eyes gradually became sharper, and the aura on his body became as heavy as a monstrous wave.

Only at this time did Yu Minbo truly show his true abilities.


Yun Ye had to admit that Yu Minbo was truly powerful at this moment.

Facing this guy, his eyes became sharper.

The expression on his face became solemn.

"Sure enough, you have been plotting against me from the very beginning."

Song Jingshu walked out of the room slowly.

"Actually, it doesn't matter to me. The reason why I arranged it this way is just that I didn't want to be exposed so soon."

For him there is a unified plan in all things.

Originally, these things could be easily solved.

But because of Lin Yun's appearance, the situation became more critical time and time again.

Now Song Jingshu knew that he could no longer indulge this boy.

【Name】: Song Jingshu

[Realm]: Yin and Yang realm

[Fate]: Lord of the Demonic Way (red)

[Destiny]: The genius of heaven (gold), the way of king and domination (gold),

【ending】:? ?

[Recent turning point]: He encountered a sneak attack in Blackwater City, but escaped from the battlefield with the help of a special spell. Although he was seriously injured, he was not fatal.

When Lin Yun saw Song Jingshu, he immediately called up his panel.

He didn't dare to be careless about this dangerous guy.

So no matter what, we must always keep track of Song Jingshu's every move.

No matter what this guy was going to do, Lin Yun would stop him as soon as possible.

Make sure that Song Jingshu cannot achieve his goal in the following process.

In fact, Lin Yun's plan was quite successful.

In this state, Song Jingshu's situation is indeed not optimistic now.

If he hadn't brought other props with him, he certainly wouldn't have been able to leave so easily.

But the situation now is different from before.

"Sect Leader Song doesn't

Going to call my bluff here. "

"Actually, you are just as confused as I am right now."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Song Jingshu.

If there were no panel prompts, Lin Yun really thought that Song Jingshu was completely sure now.

But it was precisely because of the panel that Lin Yun became more certain that Song Jingshu at this moment did not have much confidence in the future.

And his only thought now is to get out of here first.

Yu Minbo's general attack on Heishui City has begun.

If the city lord was still there.

Blackwater City would not lose the war so quickly.

But now the leaderless Blackwater City is unable to organize an effective battle.

Therefore, the outcome of this battle was actually determined long ago.

Song Jingshu also understood this, so he wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. He did not want to get involved in this trouble himself.

Just leave these difficult things to others.

But now that Lin Yunzheng was blocking him, even if Song Jingshu wanted to leave, it might be too late.

"I know everything that Sect Leader Song is thinking."

"But precisely because of this, I can't let Sect Leader Song leave like this."

Song Jingshu smiled.

"If that ghost king was following you, I might be a little more wary."

"But now you are the only one standing in front of me. I really don't understand where you get the confidence to think that you are still qualified to challenge me at this moment?"

The expression on his face became increasingly ugly.

Originally, I had an absolute advantage.

From Lin Yun's tone, it seemed that he was the one at a disadvantage.

I really don’t understand where this guy’s self-confidence comes from?

"Do I have the confidence, Song?

The sect leader will know soon. "

Lin Yun was not surprised by Song Jingshu's arrogance.

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