At this time, Song Jingshu had just left Blackwater City.

Song Jingshu had long known that the war between Blackwater City and Moyuan City would never last long.

Not to mention that the city lord of Blackwater City is a fool.

Many of his subordinates alone were infiltrated by Yu Minbo.

Although Yu Minbo is usually harmless to humans and animals, he seems to have a pretty good relationship with everyone.

But in fact, it was not like this at all. Yu Minbo secretly arranged his own affairs with the major cities.

The reason for this arrangement is to use this opportunity to completely resolve the conflicts between the major cities.

Just like Lin Yun said before, Yu Minbo has very lofty ambitions.

In the eyes of others, Yu Minbo may be just an ordinary city lord.

But in fact, he never thought of being just a simple city lord.

Ruins of the City Lord's Mansion:

"I still want to congratulate the city lord."

"Having successfully captured Blackwater City this time, your strength has become even stronger."

"The remaining two cities are just a matter of time."

Before, Yu Minbo couldn't wait to kill Blackwater City, hoping to use the power of Blackwater City to grow himself faster, so that he could cope with the next two major components.

In fact, Yu Minbo also succeeded in doing this. He is not in a hurry to launch the next attack. He believes that he will deal with Yu Minbo this time.

Large-scale cleaning operations will definitely be launched inside the two major cities, and preventive measures will be taken at the same time.

In the previous situation where the four parties were at odds, Yu Minbo was independent on one side, and every major city wanted to win him over, hoping that Yu Minbo could unite with them to cooperate.

But now

This is no longer possible.

In the case of three pillars, the other two components are very secretive about Minbo.

Only then did they truly realize what kind of person Yu Minbo was.

This guy seems to be very kind on weekdays.

But when he decides to kill you.

There would be no doubt at all. Lin Yun had known these things before.

Like Song Jingshu, Yu Minbo is also a hero.

Lin Yun even believed that Song Jingshu was able to take things from Yu Minbo's hands before because Yu Minbo had done it on purpose. All of this was his planned plan.

Of course, these are just Lin Yun's speculations, and there is no evidence to prove this.

"I will stop here for a while and try to stabilize the power in my hands as much as possible."

The irreconcilable conflicts between the major cities made the originally complicated situation more clear.

The few people who were still fighting with each other all stopped what they were doing.

Yu Minbo is like a sharp sword hanging above their heads. You never know when this sword will fall.

So before all this happens, it is best for them to wear all the armor that can protect themselves.

Yu Minbo is also very worried that the two major cities will unite to deal with him, so he must increase his strength as soon as possible.

"We are going to continue to hunt Song Jingshu, and we must not let this guy's plan succeed."

Lin Yun did not want Yu Minbo to follow him.

After all, this guy is too dangerous in Lin Yun's opinion. You can never tell whether what he promised you this time is for your own good.

Looking at Lin Yun's eyes

This trace of hostility.

Yu Minbo laughed heartily.

Of course he also knew why Lin Yun had such a change.

But this is not important to Minbo.

"I know you are worried, and I will still use this matter to take advantage of you this time."

"In fact, we have been a cooperative relationship from the beginning, and I am very satisfied with all your performance so far."

"Since you are also planning to kill Song Jingshu, and I happen to have this idea, why can't we cooperate?"

Although Lin Yun was very firm, he would not cooperate with Yu Minbo under any circumstances.

But the conditions given by Yu Minbo were too generous.

In the end, Lin Yun could only give up his idea.

And some things Yu Minbo said are right. Whether it is Lin Yun or Gu Santong, they know very little about the entire Sanli world.

If they want to find Song Jingshu.

Even stopped Song Jingshu.

That must be very low-key. Any behavior that attracts the attention of others may get you into trouble.

Otherwise, a careless move might alert the snake and allow Song Jingshu to escape from their hands.

For such a long time, several people have made a lot of efforts to catch Song Jingshu.

If all the previous efforts were wasted like this, no one would be able to bear it.

It is precisely because of this responsibility that Lin Yun chose to agree to Yu Minbo.

Even Yu Minbo looks so dangerous.

But how could Lin Yun take care of so many things at this moment?

He must catch the leader as soon as possible and leave this damn place.

He still doesn't know what the situation is outside.

"I think what I'm going to do should have been said

It's very clear. If you two have no objections, we can start taking action and catch Song Jingshu as soon as possible. "

On the other hand, after Song Jingshu left Heishui City, he headed to the location of Zhongzhou in Sanli Realm at a faster speed.

The four major cities in Sanli Realm are all located in the southeast, northwest, and northwest, so they did not choose the central location.

Firstly, it is because his current strength is not enough to intimidate the heroes.

The second reason is naturally because the most dangerous place is in the center of Sanli Realm.

There used to be a city there a long time ago, but then it completely disappeared for unknown reasons.

There are many opinions about this matter in Sanli circles.

But without exception, everyone is sure of one thing. The most dangerous place in Sanli Realm is at the central axis.

It was also at that time that all the major cities were unwilling to go to the center of Sanli Realm.

They didn't know that they were surrounded by such a volcano.

What kind of danger is brewing?

But at this moment, Song Jingshu's goal is here.

"The original plan has been successful, and that idiot should be able to delay some time for me. As long as everything can be done in time, then there is nothing to worry about."

Song Jingshu glanced at a ring on his hand, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a relieved smile.

For such a long time, Song Jingshu can be said to have worked very hard, step by step, laying out everything he needs to where he is today.

But he also knows that many times his own efforts are not enough to change some problems.

Song Jingshu didn’t know what Lin Yun was doing

Why would he suddenly choose to let himself go? Maybe it was because he really didn't react, but maybe it was because of other reasons.

But for Song Jingshu, this is no longer important.

After leaving this time, he will not be caught by Lin Yun again.

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