Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 523 Sorry, I am Lao Liu

This isn't right.

When Lin Yun saw the expression on Song Jingshu's face.

The first thing that came to mind was this. It was definitely different from everything I had planned before.

Song Jingshu's performance in front of him was too calm.

And there was no joy in their eyes, which meant that their mission had not been completed yet.

But Song Jingshu wanted to show that he seemed to be in control of everything.

This made Lin Yun instantly realize that this matter was probably targeted specifically at them.

It's just that it's still unclear what Song Jingshu is going to do.

But now that I have seen every move of this guy.

Then we must nip this situation in the bud.

Lin Yun immediately fell out of Song Jingshu's panel, and at the same time glanced at Yu Minbo beside him.

Originally this was just an unintentional move, but what Lin Yun didn't expect was that it was his own unintentional move that saved his life at the critical moment.

【Name】: Yu Minbo

[Realm]: Ghost King Realm

[Fate]: None

【Fate】: None

【ending】:? ?

[Recent Turning]: He has been cooperating with Song Jingshu of the Red Ghost Sect, and the two of them have the same goal, hoping to completely destroy the current situation in the Sanli world.

When Lin Yun saw Yu Minbo's panel, he finally found out all the truth about morale.

Why was Blackwater City the one who was injured this time?

Why did Yu Minbo come with him again this time?

It turned out that the two people had been cooperating a long time ago, but everything that followed was all disguised. Unfortunately, Lin Yun did not discover it in time.

But not now

It's too late.

Just when Gu Santong was about to take action, Lin Yun suddenly stopped him.

"Senior, don't be anxious."

Gu Santong frowned.

"It's already this time, do you want this guy to resurrect the emperor?"

What will be the strength of the demon emperor? Gu Santong knows it better than anyone else.

Therefore, even if he risked his life, it was absolutely impossible for their plan to succeed. He was ready to dedicate everything to it.

But for some reason, Lin Yun around him was blocking him at every turn.

Seeing Gu Santong's serious look, Lin Yun just smiled indifferently.

"Of course I understand what Quan Ben is thinking."

"But now we should face the reality. It's only the two of us who want to solve it. These guys can't do it by being reckless."

Lin Yun gasped for breath, and then swallowed a pill.

Seeing these two people stop, even Yu Minbo also stopped.

"What are you two doing?"

"Things have come to a head. Didn't you say the critical moment? If we don't stop this guy, we will regret it for the rest of our lives."

Yu Minbo said loudly, not understanding Lin Yun's current situation.

Lin Yun laughed when he saw Yu Minbo performing in front of him.

"City Lord Yu is really more interesting than I thought."

"No wonder he has been playing riddles with us for so long. Once some things are said too clearly, they will arouse others' suspicion."

Lin Yun looked at Yu Minbo with a smile.

For such a long time, Yu Minbo had taken very little care of him.

But that's just Yu Minbo deliberately trying to get closer

Lin Yun's method.

Of course, Lin Yun couldn't remember everything this guy did.

Especially under the current situation, Lin Yun knew that Yu Minbo now wanted to eliminate everyone.

Yu Minbo's plan would have been perfect without Lin Yun's panel.

I am afraid that even at this moment, they have no idea that Yu Minbo has already forced them.

Yu Minbo, who was originally smiling, looked at Lin Yun and his face gradually darkened.

"Lin Yun, what do you mean?"

"We were originally fighting side by side and facing danger together, but now you actually choose to retreat."

Yu Minbo was very angry and seemed to not understand Lin Yun's current behavior.

Song Jingshu laughed from a distance.

"Look, this battle hasn't even started yet, and there's already a conflict between you."

It seemed that it was really Lin Yun's fault that the two of them sang together.

But he wanted to make it clear that he didn't pay attention to the performance of the two of them at the moment. He was very sure that his panel would not be correct.


"Yu Minbo has been cooperating with Song Jingshu from the very beginning. The two of them hope to completely overturn the situation of the entire Sanli world and create a fact where they are completely in control of the entire Sanli world."

Taking a deep breath, even Lin Yun had to sigh, the ambitions of these two people were really huge.

They even made a lot of efforts to achieve this goal without caring about other people at all.

Lin Yun was also quite afraid of them at this moment.

After finally hearing what Lin Yun said, his expression became even more ugly, even though he had prepared for the worst.

But I have to admit it.

If things are really like what Lin Yun said.

It is not easy for Song Jingshu to deal with Yu Minbogen and Song Jingshu with just the two of them.

Not to mention there are so many Shura here, it is almost the opponent's home field.

"Why do you always act so smart and interrupt my plans at the most critical moments?"

After hearing what Lin Yun said, Song Jingshu no longer concealed it.

Only then did he realize that Lin Yun must have obtained very definite evidence to dare to answer so firmly.

For Gu Santong, it no longer mattered whether what Lin Yun said was correct.

Because he trusted Lin Yun very much in his heart.

So when Lin Yun said he wanted to stop, Gu Santong didn't even think about it.

But now looking at the two opponents in front of him, Gu Santong is also thinking about how he should respond next to better solve the problem?


"I have always wondered when I can truly contribute my own value."

"I think today is my true destiny after being in Sanli Realm for so long."

Lin Yun frowned, wondering what the ancient three links meant?

After such a long time, I finally came to Sanli Realm to seek death.

But it has never been successful.

This made him feel that he was just a dispensable piece of trash in this world.

No one would care about him at all.

But today, I finally felt this feeling of being needed.

If he didn't take action, Lin Yun would definitely die. Facing the two guys in front of him, he had no chance of winning.

But fortunately Gu Santong followed.

When Yu Minbo saw Gu Santong, his eyes were filled with victory.

He couldn't help but be moved by his fighting will.

Things have already reached this point, why should we be so persistent?

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