Lin Yun naturally saw Song Jingshu's confidence before. This is the result he wanted, so that Song Jingshu would think that he could easily end it all.

But when he hits a wall, he will find out how fragile he is.

Song Jingshu remained silent, but silently took two steps back.

Lin Yun's sword-controlling skills are indeed powerful. Although he doesn't know what the principle is, it does make him a little breathless in this battle.

"What a strong sense of oppression. Although I don't know how this kid did it, the force feedback just now is definitely real."

Now it can be ruled out that everything Lin Yun did was shown in a real state.

Song Jingshu can assert that all this is not an illusion.

But he is more curious about how Lin Yun did it.

Song Jingshu certainly can't ask these questions, but he will not let Lin Yun go easily.

"Among the many young people I have seen, you are the most special one."

"But the same."

"You will not leave alive today."

Song Jingshu turned around and left after sending him off.

Sure enough, this guy was stalling for time before. In fact, Song Jingshu had other steps that he had not completed.

I didn't expect this and followed without hesitation.

He glanced at Yu Minbo next to him.

The strength of the Ghost Emperor level is indeed very strong.

Even Gu Santong could hardly do anything to the other party, and the battle between them became more and more intense.

But it is obvious that this situation is not as simple as they see on the surface.

The battle between several people is still going on.

And Lin Yun saw that Song Jingshu actually wanted to escape, so he naturally

would not let him go easily, and this guy followed closely.

Song Jingshu's movements were fast, but Lin Yun was faster.

"Didn't Master Song look like he was sure of victory before?"

"Why do you have other ideas now?"

Seeing that Song Jingshu actually wanted to escape from him, Lin Yun couldn't help but sneer.

But no matter what Lin Yun said, Song Jingshu was always unwilling to communicate with him directly.

This guy seemed to have lost confidence in this battle, and knew that he could not do anything to Lin Yun in a short time.

The only choice now was to leave this place of trouble as soon as possible.

Lin Yun knew what Song Jingshu was thinking.

But it was impossible to push the formation and speed up everything.

Just when Lin Yun had this thought, the reminder of Chongqing Bird rang in his ears.

"Be careful, this guy is very cunning."

The moment Chongqing Bird's voice sounded, Lin Yun turned back.

And at this moment, Song Jingshu really launched a sneak attack on him.

I saw that the long knife in this guy's hand was replaced by a long spear at some point.

At this moment, it also stabbed directly at Lin Yun's heart.

All this came very suddenly, and several flying swords around Lin Yun protected him at the fastest speed, but they were still a step slower in the end.

The long spear pierced Lin Yun's body directly.

Lin Yun, who was wearing Xuantian Silk Armor, certainly couldn't die just like that.

But Song Jingshu's attack was still quite terrifying.

The tip of the spear had pierced his chest.

Blood flowed out from the wound.



Lin Yun’s mood was very complicated. Song Jingshu had been playing dumb these days.

Even in the process of fighting with him, he also exposed his so-called corresponding weaknesses.

The reason why Song Jingshu arranged it this way was actually very simple, just to make Lin Yun take it lightly.

Maybe everything was meant to prepare for today.

And now even though Lin Yun was very cautious, he still got hit. It has to be said that Song Jingshu’s methods were so clever.

“You are just a young man after all, and you are too smart to fight me.”

Song Jingshu said sarcastically. Looking at Lin Yun’s pale face, I am afraid that this blow to the heart will cause him a lot of trouble.

Xiaobai rushed forward with a roar and hit Song Jingshu with a stick.

Lin Yun took the spear from his heart.

Blood was still flowing on the ground, and he quickly ate a pill.

This injury is very serious, although not fatal.

But it must be pointed out that the blood is flowing, otherwise it will not be able to cope with the next high-intensity battle.

After taking this pill, Lin Yun's body really recovered slowly. He looked at Song Jingshu in the distance and snorted coldly.

"You can't calculate the heavens and the earth, even so, you can't kill me."

Lin Yun is still a little complacent now.

Song Jingshu smiled and shook his head.

"Young man, don't think things are too simple. You don't really think you can solve anything with your ability, right?"

"Before this, my formation did not succeed, but you have just made up for it for me."

Lin Yun suddenly felt his head buzzing.

Along the way, it seemed that when he faced Song Jingshu, this guy always left a line.

Could it be that Song Jingshu was

incapable of killing himself? The answer is naturally no.

If Song Jingshu wanted to kill Lin Yun, he would have a lot of options.

It can be said that the whole process was much easier than Song Jingshu imagined.

But in fact, Song Jingshu did not really do so.

He let Lin Yun go many times, and even asked others to let Lin Yun go.

Before, Lin Yun only thought it was because of this guy's weird personality.

But it wasn't until today that he realized that he had thought of things too simply.

Of course Song Jingshu had his own reasons and reasons for arranging it.

"It turns out that you have let me go on purpose for such a long time."

Lin Yun clenched his fists and looked at the blood on the ground.

At this moment, the blood had merged with the runes and disappeared in an instant.

This is the result Song Jingshu wants, to inject Lin Yun's blood into this huge formation in this way.

Although Lin Yun didn't know why he had to use his own blood to break the seal.

But now it’s more about making amends.

"You don't have to think about stopping anything anymore. Even if you destroy all the altars here, it will be meaningless."

"You successfully helped me accomplish everything, and the greatest king will be resurrected soon."

Song Jingshu laughed triumphantly, and the huge coffin had already flown into the sky.

Everyone's attention was focused on this special coffin.

Even Lin Yun is no exception. He is a little desperate at the moment, and everything he has done has only accelerated the final result.

"It's not your fault."

"You did the best you could."

Chongqingniao said at this time.

He knows today

This incident will definitely cause a lot of psychological pressure on Lin Yun.

So comfort him no matter what.

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