Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 544 Is this also your plan?

At this time, the man held the wine glass in his hand tightly, and his eyes fell on Lin Yun's back.

Once upon a time, I never took this young man seriously.

In his opinion, no matter what purpose Lin Yun had, he wanted to cooperate with Murong Chunfu.

But as long as you can give something of corresponding value, everything will be easy to negotiate.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Yun's attitude was obviously to ignore him completely.

No matter what, Lin Yun always had an idea.

He didn't know whether there was any grudge between him and Lin Yun?

But now that Lin Yun has chosen to cooperate with Murong Chunfu, it is really a trouble for him.

"Sometimes people not only have to think about themselves, but also think about the people around them."

"You have to know that you are in the Nandou Dynasty."

"And the Murong family's influence in the Nandou Dynasty is far beyond your imagination."

"If we wanted to, we could soon dig up your background by then."

"You can think about the people around you. Can you still stay out of it?"

The man was full of confidence when he said this, no matter what kind of person he was.

Once faced with such a threat, they will explode instantly and try their best to stop them.

But when it came to Lin Yun, the situation was different. Lin Yun didn't have any mood swings, and he couldn't even feel a trace of anger from him.

"That's great. If you can help me cut off all the connections in this world, it can be considered a good thing you have done."

Lin Yun said calmly.

It could be heard from his tone that he didn't take the threats he just made seriously at all.

Even though he was mentally prepared in advance, he was really angry at Lin Yun at this moment.

"You brat, since you are fearless, don't blame us for being rude."

"No matter what the final result is at that time, it will be your own choice."

After experiencing so many things, the man also understood what he was talking about to Lin Yun.

But it's just a waste of time. If this kid was willing to cooperate, he would have cooperated before.

Now I just want to see his jokes.

Lin Yun also felt a little disappointed when he left the restaurant.

Originally, he thought that this guy would talk to him nicely and then give him some benefits.

"It seems that these big figures in the Murong family are just like this. They don't have the courage to achieve anything big."

"So for such a group of guys, the final result can be imagined."

It is natural for the Murong family to be like this now.

Lin Yun didn't know what kind of trouble would be waiting for them later.

But it is certain that the situation of the Murong family is far worse than he imagined.

"The idea that there can be fights with each other in this place in the Eastern Region is enough to show that their situation is not much easier than you think."

Gu Santong also said it as a matter of course.

If the Murong family can really unite as one.

I'm afraid there are no other chambers of commerce now.

Lin Yun also nodded in agreement.

Just as he had guessed before, his own Murong family had already pushed him to a dead end.

As for where they will eventually lead, Lin Yun doesn't know and doesn't care.

Judging from the current situation, the fate of these guys is probably not much better.

When Lin Yun returned to the inn, Mu

Rong Chunfu just packed up everything.

"Senior, you are back."

After Murong Chunfu saw Lin Yun, he immediately came forward to greet him.

Not long ago, Uncle Long told him that Lin Yun had secretly contacted people from the Murong family.

However, Uncle Long is not sure whether Lin Yun is an enemy or a friend. After all, there is not enough evidence.

So I want to confirm this through Murong Chunfu.

And after Lin Yun saw Murong Chunfu, he didn't hide it at all.

"I just met with you Murong family members."

"You should know who is going to deal with you this time."

Murong Chunfu was stunned for a moment. He thought that Lin Yun would hide this matter, but he didn't expect that Lin Yun didn't care at all and just said it directly.

"Aren't you worried that I will doubt you after hearing what you said?"

Sometimes Murong Chunfu thought that he had seen through Lin Yun.

But often in this situation, Lin Yun could always make him stunned.

Like now.

He originally thought that Lin Yun would conceal this matter, and he would definitely not say more.

But in the end, Lin Yun told him the matter generously.

There was no hint of nervousness in Lin Yun's eyes. To him, this might be just a trivial matter.

"If it really comes to that point, I naturally have nothing to say."

Lin Yun shrugged, with a smile on his lips.

"For me, helping you is just a casual thing."

"If you think I'm in danger, I can leave now."

Now that Lin Yun has a general understanding of the Eastern Region, he may not still need the eldest son of the Murong family.


Of course, with the help of the eldest young master of the Murong family, many things will indeed become easier for Lin Yun.

But it doesn’t have to be him.

After Murong Chunfu heard Lin Yun's answer, he folded his hands into fists and looked apologetic.

"Senior Haihan please."

"What happened this time really made us nervous, so we are quite sensitive to many things. I don't mean to doubt you."

At this time, Murong Chunfu already regretted it in his heart.

In any case, Lin Yun had just saved his life not long ago, and now he should be grateful to Lin Yun.

But he actually suspected that Lin Yun really wanted to harm him.

If you think about it carefully, if these two people want to deal with him, there are many opportunities and ways before then.

Why make things so complicated? Murong Chunfu had just realized this at this time.

Lin Yun looked at Murong Chunfu's guilty look, but he didn't care at all.

He stepped forward and patted Murong Chunfu on the shoulder.

"It doesn't have to be like this."

"To me, this is just a small matter. Everyone has their own choice. I can't blame you."

He looked calm.

Lin Yun knew that after this incident, he had truly become Murong Chunfu's friend.

As expected, Murong Chunfu's expression also changed.

"Senior, from today on you are my friend, Murong Chunfu."

"No matter what your needs are, senior, just tell me Murong Chunfu, even if it means going up a mountain of swords and into a sea of ​​fire, I will definitely help senior get it done."

Gu Santong glanced at Lin Yun in surprise. No wonder this kid was willing to go before.

Meet those people from the Murong family.

I'm afraid Lin Yun has already planned it.

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