Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 565 Dirty things come to the secret realm

When Lin Yun and Gu Santong entered the Hong Gu Secret Realm, they quickly discovered that the Yuan Power in their bodies had been suppressed to a certain extent.

Come to think of it, this may be one of the reasons why most practitioners fall.

Other than that, they are very powerful.

The use of one's own power is also unique.

But when you come to the Honggu Secret Realm, no matter how much cultivation you have, you will eventually be forcibly suppressed according to a certain proportion.

These practitioners are used to it, and of course there is nothing they can do after outside forces come to the Honggu Secret Realm.

Get used to it in the first place, so all the fighting that happens at this moment is quite fatal to them.

These monsters obviously also have a lot of experience.

Knowing that after these human beings came to the Honggu Secret Realm, they were simply unable to display their true combat power in time.

So as long as they act quickly, they can kill many practitioners.

These guys have been lying in wait here for a long time.

I thought I couldn't wait for any enemies, but I didn't expect that Lin Yun and Gu Santong would appear here.

Facing these monsters, Gu Santong's face didn't show much fluctuation.

After hearing that Lin Yun was going to fight these monsters, he just nodded calmly.

"Very well, I'll leave the matters here to you, and let me handle the rest."

Lin Yun's eyes fell on these monsters rushing towards him.

Then the murderous realm unfolded.

Although the realm of cultivation will be suppressed to a certain extent here.

But his strong body was not affected at all.

Just like when I visited Lijie again and again.

So only if you are strong can you deal with all kinds of troubles, just like

Now switch to being an ordinary practitioner.

Facing these monsters, there may be no fighting ability at all.

But Lin Yun quickly entered the state.

When these monsters were not close, he went in the opposite direction, holding a sword in one hand and quickly greeted them.

These monsters saw that Lin Yun could react quickly. Although they were a little surprised, they did not choose to retreat.

They had been waiting for so long just to deal with these guys.

Judging from the appearance of Lin Yun, the old man and the young man, they should not be very strong, especially although the old man has very vigorous vitality.

But most of the old people who come here are looking for that glimmer of opportunity.

Lin Yun didn't expect these guys to be so upright, and there was a helpless smile on his face at the moment.

"Since you took the initiative, don't blame me for being rude."

A ferocious smile appeared on his face, and then he stepped forward.


It seemed as if the entire ground was sinking with this step.

And several monsters had shocked expressions on their faces.

They originally just wanted to pick up a few heads.

Unexpectedly, he kicked the iron plate.

The leading monster was the fastest and was already ready to turn around and escape at this moment.

Then he saw the corners of Lin Yun's mouth raised slightly, revealing a sinister smile.

"Since you are here, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

The moment he finished speaking, he saw him slash out with his sword.

This sword did not inject too much elemental power, but relied closely on its own strength and the general trend of the world.

Accompanied by a roar like rolling thunder.

Jian Qi caught up with him at an extremely fast speed.

Although the leader of the monster moves very quickly, even

Already prepared to return the same way.

But he had no idea that Lin Yun was faster than him.

The sword energy flashed past, and the monster's head fell to the ground.

Blood stained the entire land red.

Lin Yun's cold voice sounded in every monster's ears.

"I know you can understand. If you give up resistance now, you can still survive."

The moment the words fell, these monsters actually stopped in place and did not dare to move.

Lin Yun was very satisfied with their cooperation and stepped forward step by step.

"Don't worry, we are here just to pick some herbs. We don't want to kill you."

"I want to know now how to get out of here, and how many monsters like you are there in the journey after this?"

Lin Yun knew that the Hongshan world he was currently in was a famously dangerous area.

Very few practitioners are willing to come here, and most of the time they are teleported here directly.

And coming here at the beginning basically means that you will definitely die.

Not to mention there are too many weird creatures here.

Even those monsters hiding in the dark are enough to make you drink a bottle.

These monsters have now completely given up. Not long ago, they had some thoughts, wanting to defeat Lin Yun and then master everything Lin Yun had.

Just when they see their boss.

In front of Lin Yun, when he couldn't even hold on for one round, he naturally stopped having this idea.

The gap between the two is still very huge, and they have to admit that Lin Yun's power is far more terrifying than they imagined.

And they couldn't possibly be Lin Yun's opponents.

Lin Yun didn't expect this either

Some monsters can actually communicate with themselves normally.

After some questioning, he actually found a way to leave here.

Then he quickly headed to Dongfeng with Gu Santong.

It was bad luck for them to be teleported here at the beginning.

The next time is a race against time. You must go back to other areas to collect as many materials as possible.

The time for each opening of Honggu Secret Realm is limited.

Once the time is up and you haven't gone out, then stay inside and wait for the next opening of Honggu Secret Realm.

However, this is definitely a death sentence for most practitioners.

It is said that some practitioners once chose to stay in Honggu Secret Realm. They originally wanted to see what the scene was like after the closure of Honggu Secret Realm.

But when a wave of people came in after the Honggu Secret Realm was opened again, only dry bones were left when they found them.

And all of these people died tragically.

Since then, no one dared to stay in such a dangerous place.

After all, it can be seen from these things that Honggu Secret Realm is much more terrifying than they thought.

If you underestimate this place, it is equivalent to seeking your own death.

Lin Yun and Gu Santong also knew that this place was dangerous, so they didn't dare to be negligent at all.

However, this Hongshan Realm is indeed huge.

They walked for a few days before they succeeded in getting out.

"We failed at the beginning."

"We must be more careful next time, but we can't let this happen again."

Gu Santong said with emotion.

Although the two of them were delayed for some time on the road, it was not a problem for them.

After all, their original goal was not too complicated.

Although they also encountered some monsters blocking the road along the way.

But with the power of the two, they could easily "persuade" these monsters.

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