Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 569 There is something wrong with this note

"You two, please don't tell me that there is something wrong with this clearance guide."

Looking at Lin Yun's eyes, Baili Liyang thought deeply and couldn't believe it.

Many people in Tongtianya own this customs clearance guide.

And they never thought that this customs clearance guide would cause any trouble.

Just now Baili Liyang still believed in these two people.

But now there are some doubts. What kind of trouble can this customs clearance guide bring?

"Don't be so sensitive. We just have an idea now, but we are not absolutely sure yet."

Lin Yun knew what Baili Liyang was thinking, and was not in a hurry at the moment, but just smiled indifferently.

"Right now we don't have any evidence to prove that this matter is really related to the clearance strategy."

"It's just that through so many things, I can probably judge that there is some kind of connection between the two."

Seeing how nervous he was, Lin Yun could only explain the matter.

And as he said, there are indeed many problems that are different from what Lin Yun thought.

After hearing Lin Yun's explanation, Baili Liyang's mood became more stable.

"I'm just talking about how much trouble this little clearance guide can cause. I think you guys are making a fuss out of a molehill?"

Looking at Baili Liyang's serious look, Lin Yun smiled calmly.

This is easy to say.

But it is still quite complicated to do, and the mystery is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

What Baili Liyang can see now is only part of what others want him to see.

Neither Lin Yun nor Gu Santong struggled too much on this issue.

They are now

Still need to find out if this is true.

Now that I already have a rough guess in my mind.

Then the next step is to wait for time to pass and then let the truth emerge.

Baili Liyang followed Lin Yun, and whenever Lin Yun had any questions, he was always able to answer them.

In this way, time passed little by little.

Lin Yun and Gu Santong didn't find anything special after that, but they were probably certain of things.

Just as they thought, getting the clearance guide was equivalent to exposing their position.

Naturally, it will also attract others to chase him, but this person is indeed very strong.

And generally speaking, there is really no particularly good way to deal with him.

Lin Yun and Gu Santong were simply ready, although they didn't know what they would face next.

But with the combined strength of the two of them, it may not be impossible to successfully deal with these guys.

Soon the night came and Lin Yundang also got a glimpse of the situation in Tongtianya.

Although most newcomers trapped here have to have their hearts broken.

But there are always some newcomers who think completely different concepts from them.

Some people unite to help each other at this moment, hoping to defeat their opponents in difficult situations.

Since these enemies are hiding in the shadows, feel free to slaughter them.

So as long as they unite, can they face these enemies?

As the saying goes, one punch is hard to beat with four hands, no matter how strong the enemy is.

But it may still be difficult to deal with so many people.

Although it is not clear whether this idea is correct.

But so far they have reduced mortality, and

These people are really safe.

Because of this, this method quickly spread widely and was praised by many people.

Lin Yun was very impressed when he got the news.

However, this also further supported his previous thoughts. The other party already had the coordinates of these practitioners.

So I will attack them at will.

But when a large number of practitioners gather together, their chances of winning will definitely be affected.

So these people will not be in a hurry to take action.

But Lin Yun felt very strange, why did these people kill so many practitioners?

And from the looks of it, their methods may have been going on for a long time.

So far no one has been able to detect this problem.

Gu Santong shook his head after hearing what Lin Yun said. He had no clue at all. It was as if these people wanted to kill people here for no reason.

Not only is there no purpose, even the attacks on people are completely random.

The only thing that is certain is that the number of this group of people is actually quite large.

After all, it is not that simple to spread throughout the entire Honggu Secret Realm.

In the evening, Baili Liyang looked at the two people sitting next to each other and said with a smile: "It's good that you can do this."

"For so many days, many strong people have wanted to investigate the ins and outs of the matter, but they all gave up in the end. After all, not everyone can do these things."

Lin Yun curiously glanced at Baili Yang behind him: "So in your opinion, the reason why there is no movement between the two of us for the time being."

"It's because neither of us can figure out the truth of this matter."

After hearing this, Baili Yang

He nodded seriously.

"Isn't that how it should be?"

"You tried many ways, but ultimately failed. These things are far more troublesome than you imagined, and you can only do your best."

Baili Liyang thought he had seen the truth of the matter.

Lin Yun and Gu Santong looked at each other and showed a helpless smile. This guy was really much more interesting than they thought.

However, Lin Yun would not think so much when it was urgent.

After all, many things are not as troublesome as he imagined.

"Don't worry. Since we said we can investigate clearly, we will not let you down."

After saying this, Lin Yun closed his eyes and waited quietly.

He was also curious about when this black man hiding behind the scenes would launch an attack on them?

Lin Yun waited quietly, maybe others would be afraid of this matter.

But at this moment, there was no trace of panic in Lin Yun's eyes.

In his opinion, no matter what methods these guys use, there is always an insurmountable gap with him.

Baili Liyang still thinks that Lin Yun and Gu Santong are just pretending, so he doesn't take them seriously at all.

And Lin Yun had no intention of explaining.

In the night, two people were sitting under a big tree, and a bonfire rose not far away from the sun.

Somehow, Baili Liyang seemed to feel that something was about to happen.

He looked at Lin Yun and Gu Santong in the distance.

For some reason, after experiencing so many things, he began to trust Lin Yun and Gu Santong even more.

Just fine

These two people are really capable.

It's like being able to protect him from this danger.

Even Baili Yang didn't know where this emotion came from.

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