Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 573 Collection Completed

Everyone looked at each other and felt a little incredible when they heard what Lin Yun said.

After all, so many people have never investigated the cause and effect of the matter. How could Lin Yun know?

"Stop making fun of us here."

"We know how dangerous Tongtianya is, so we should be more careful and vigilant at this moment and not be careless in the slightest."

A group of monks sneered.

And Lin Yun didn't care what they were thinking at the moment.

"Each of you should have a so-called clearance guide in your hand."

"This thing can pollute your consciousness."

"In this way, the enemy can discover your location, and at the same time, you can use this method to greatly enhance their capabilities."

"This is why many people are killed without knowing it."

"It's because you can't detect the enemy's presence before they take action."

As soon as Lin Yun's words came out, it immediately aroused discussion among many people.

However, a large part of them still didn't want to believe what Lin Yun said.

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he crossed his arms and glanced at everyone coldly: "Actually, the life and death of everyone present is not important to me. Now the matter has been investigated clearly."

"If you still want to live, throw away this so-called strategy secret book in your hands as soon as possible, and then eliminate the evil thoughts and malicious thoughts in your consciousness sea."

"This way, we can ensure that we won't be easily tracked by these monsters."

Lin Yun just said the solution to the problem, but as for which one these guys should believe.

That has nothing to do with him.

Anyway, the reason why he came to Tongtianya was just because he wanted to start from here

Get Snow Mist Grass.

Not long ago, he had completed a wave of exchanges with Baili Liyang.

At this moment, the materials for making alchemy are complete, and rescuing these people is just a casual operation.

As for the final result, it depends on their own abilities.

Anyway, with Lin Yun's strength, it won't be a problem to deal with those monsters.

If these practitioners cannot solve the problem, the best course is to avoid them.

And Lin Yun has given them this choice.

Everyone looked at each other, a little surprised when they saw Lin Yun and Gu Santong leaving.

I originally thought that these two people would use this opportunity to ask for some benefits from them.

But I didn't expect that in the eyes of these two people, they were like a drop in the ocean.

But now the performance of Lin Yun and Gu Santong made them realize the seriousness of the problem.

Because these two people didn't look like they were joking, otherwise they wouldn't behave like this.

Soon the first person began to try to clean up the evil thoughts in his sea of ​​consciousness.

He didn't really believe it at first.

After all, this kind of thing is too mysterious to talk about. It is really impossible to imagine how Lin Yun and Gu Santong knew all this.

Unexpectedly, he found a bunch of empty evil thoughts here.

And after he got rid of this group of evil thoughts, he seemed to feel a lot more relaxed.

If there is one, there are two, and more and more practitioners immediately started to learn.

At this time, Lin Yun and Gu Santong were already preparing to leave Tongtianya and go deeper into the Honggu secret realm.

According to their current understanding of the Honggu Secret Realm, there should be more than just monsters and humans here.

There are even other races.

After all, except Bailuoyu and Dongyu.


There are many other races, and some races are even inherited from ancient times.

Baili Liyang followed closely behind the two of them.

"Thank you so much to the two seniors this time, otherwise I don't know how I would have died."

Thinking about what happened before, Baili Liyang felt a lingering fear in his heart.

Fortunately, he was lucky and met two seniors, otherwise he would be the one dying here now.

It was a pity that these two seniors had no intention of saying anything more to him, and showed a completely relaxed attitude.

Lin Yun glanced at Baili Liyang, then patted him on the shoulder: "We can't take you where we are going next."

"As for how you want to arrange it, that is your own business."

"Now that you are completely out of their control, it can be solved as long as you don't use the so-called cheats to pass the level."

Baili Liyang stopped, looked at the two of them, and realized that there was a huge gap in cultivation between himself and these two.

So there is no benefit even if you follow.

"If you have time, I hope the two seniors can visit Baili's house!"

Baili Liyang came here just to find an opportunity for himself, and he didn't take it too seriously.

I didn't expect that I would encounter so much trouble this time.

However, it can also be seen from these things that some people have already started to have the idea of ​​​​this group of practitioners in the Honggu Secret Realm a long time ago.

It's just that it was done quite secretly before, and because no one noticed it.

But this time, because of Lin Yun, their trajectory was broken.

"After we leave Honggu Secret Realm this time, we

You can go. "

"But I still hope you can leave safely."

Lin Yun said very seriously.

Baili Liyang is not too bad.

After the two of them finished talking, they quickly led into the jungle.

"I thought you were going to help those guys get rid of all the monsters."

Gu Santong followed Lin Yun and said with a smile.

After all, with Lin Yun's current strength, he only needs to summon the mysterious fire.

You can easily defeat all these opponents.

But when Lin Yun heard what Gu Santong said, he just smiled indifferently.

This matter was obviously much more dangerous than they thought, and Lin Yun certainly had the ability to do it.

But there was no need for him at all.

Even if I really help these people and get rid of all the monsters, in the end I still can't fundamentally solve the problem.

What's more, everyone has their own choices and opportunities.

If Lin Yun helps them solve all these problems, other troubles will still come to their door in the future.

So Lin Yun just reminded them how to avoid danger.

As for other means, they were not told, so they could only solve it themselves.

"Senior, now that we have found all the alchemy materials, I think we should find an opportunity to refine the elixir properly."

Lin Yun now couldn't wait to break through his physical limit.

Seeing how eager he was, Gu Santong nodded: "As long as you find a safe place, I will protect you. You can rest assured."

After all, the method Lin Yun was going to use this time was not simple, whether it was Xuan Ming Yi Fire or Panlong Cauldron.

Those are the existences that the entire cultivation world looks upon with envy.

Just when the two of them left

It didn't take long to open.

Immediately, a group of men in black followed closely.

"Is this the way to go?"

"Confirmed the gas machine, yes."

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