"How is it possible? This kind of thing is simply impossible to happen."

The man in white who was originally very gentle now looked like a different person. He shouted loudly and couldn't believe it at all.

Lin Yun also understood the mood of the man in white at the moment, and he probably wouldn't be able to act so calmly.

"The juniors know that the seniors must be in disbelief at what is happening right now."

"But this is indeed the case. This junior will never dare to hide anything. The inheritance of sword cultivation was completely cut off many years ago."

"And it was by chance that the younger generation received some inheritance and was able to embark on this path."

Lin Yun did not expect that it would evolve into what it is now.

In the Shenhua Realm, there is only one Qianlong Continent left that still has a legacy of sword cultivation.

Now it seems that the secrets in this ancient forbidden land of ten thousand swords are obviously not what they see in front of them.

The man in white was indeed crazy for a long time, as if it was hard to imagine what was happening in front of him.

"Senior brother told me personally at the beginning that I just need to wait here."

"I thought I would be able to do all this with my perseverance over the years, but I didn't expect it would be so long ago."

After going crazy, the man in white gradually calmed down and looked at this scene. He stayed here because of his senior brother's words.

As for the exact reason, it is now impossible to verify.

But what is certain is that according to the senior brother of the man in white at that time, the path of sword cultivation should not be completely cut off.

"I don't know who is so bold as to interrupt my sword cultivation inheritance."

When he said this, the man in white's voice became colder.


The four seasons here are like spring, but Lin Yun feels like the twelfth lunar month of winter.

It is enough to show how terrifying the aura of the man in white is.

Lin Yun just stood aside quietly, not daring to say a word.

Even Chongqingniao had completely fallen into a deep sleep, as if being suppressed by some force of the man in white.

He couldn't even tell whether the guy in front of him was a human or a ghost.

After half a day, the man in white let out a long sigh.

"You don't need to think so much in your heart, I have already left this world."

"Only a remnant soul is left here, waiting for a destined person."

"I thought I would soon be waiting for the destined person to let me reincarnate, but I didn't expect that this wait would last for endless years."

When he said this, the man in white smiled as if he was laughing at himself.

There are many tests left here.

But as long as anyone follows the normal path of sword cultivation and reaches a certain level of strength, he can pass the test and come here.

No one has reached this point in so many years, in fact, he should understand very well.

I'm afraid that the path to sword cultivation became like this because someone completely cut off the inheritance.

Combined with what Lin Yun said just now, he has now completely recognized all of this.

But he won't give up just yet.

Since someone wants to cut off all of this, what he has to do is to completely reborn the lost path of sword cultivation.

"Boy, since you can reach this point, you are destined to be with me."

"I do have a lot of inheritance about sword cultivation here."

"Would you like to preach for me?"

The man in white had sharp eyes, and it was as if he could see Lin Yun's thoughts at a glance.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, was embarrassed

He smiled awkwardly.

"Senior and junior will not refuse if they really have such ability, but senior has also seen it now. I am afraid that I can't help senior do this in my current state."

After all, Lin Yun has embarked on another path. Even if he has enlightenment in his heart, it is probably completely different from a normal practitioner.

Because of this, Lin Yun is now very curious about whether he really has the qualifications?

Looking at Lin Yun's serious look, the man in white then said.

"Although you have taken a different path from us, you are still a swordsman after all."

"So this inheritance method may not be a bad thing for you, since you want to suppress the Eternal Sword Cultivator."

"Then at least you need to know how the path these sword cultivators take is different from yours, and where do you start from?"

The man in white convinced Lin Yun directly with his words. Indeed, he had to take a very difficult road in the future.

If he can reach the top, Lin Yun will become a great figure spread throughout the ages.

"Since our path to sword cultivation has been cut off, it is an honor for me to be able to continue teaching today!"

Lin Yun nodded and said with a smile.

The man in white could tell at a glance that Lin Yun was not convinced at all.

The reason why Lin Yun didn't agree was actually quite simple.

The end of his sword cultivation path was indeed a trouble for him.

But Lin Yun didn't think that he was a good person to help others learn at all.

So when the man in white brought up these things, Lin Yun only felt very troublesome.

If it weren't for what the man in white said later, he might not have agreed at all.

And the man in white, in order to allow Lin Yun to do it smoothly,

Agreeing to all this, he continued: "I have carefully observed the swordsmanship in your heart just now."

"Can you demonstrate to me the swordsmanship you have learned?"

Now that the man in white had said it, Lin Yun naturally would not refuse, so he showed off all the swordsmanship he had mastered, including Qingyuan Swordsmanship!

The man in white looked silent for a long time.

"Although the swordsmanship you practice is messy."

"However, there should be one kind of sword technique as the main one, but...this sword technique seems to have been improved by others, and even I can't see through it."

Lin Yun's eyes widened.

what's the situation?

The man in white in front of me was, to say the least, a big shot from thousands of years ago.

But now there is a sword technique that even he can't understand?

"Don't feel so weird."

"The world is always changing. Some young talents are far more powerful than we imagined. This is normal. Maybe this swordsmanship was made by him."

The man in white wasn't surprised at all.

"In my opinion, this sword technique should come from the integration of the three sword techniques of "Qinglian Sword Song Technique", "Breaking Waves Sword Technique" and "Huagu Sword Technique", and then modified it with my own ideas."

"Perhaps you won't find the second half of this book of swordsmanship here."

"But you can find your own path by learning other sword techniques."

"As a sword cultivator, I never like to follow other people's old paths."

When the man in white said this, he had a feeling of looking down on the world, and even Lin Yun couldn't help but admire him.

Senior, you are really a pushover.

But Lin Yun really admired the man in white.

At least this guy's foundation in swordsmanship is indeed beyond Lin Yun's knowledge.

many strong men.

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