Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 596: We sword cultivators are fearless

Gu Santong coughed twice: "Boy, there are many strong men from the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm here. Is that okay?"

He also knew that these were demon puppets.

But even so, it cannot be underestimated.

However, facing so many strong men, Lin Yun just smiled indifferently.

"It's just the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm. I, the sword cultivator, have never been afraid."

Seeing Lin Yun's understatement, even Situ Junmao was dumbfounded.

Can't it be true? Is this guy really not afraid?

There are so many powerful people in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm who can drown him with just a spit of stars.

But for Lin Yun, it's just like this?

This is too unreasonable.

Gu Santong nodded: "It seems that you got more opportunities there. This is good, and the next things can be settled smoothly."

After all this trouble, he now understood that Lin Yun was indeed much more powerful than he thought.

It seems that Lin Yun was not joking this time, he really got some kind of inheritance here.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this guy to be so arrogant with his character.

Although Yuan Chenghe didn't understand the reason for Lin Yun's confidence, he had no choice at this time.

"very good."

"Go ahead, kill him no matter what the cost!"

A group of demon puppets from the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm rushed up.

These guys are fast.

But Lin Yun just raised the corners of his mouth.

That's it?

Some of these demon puppets cast spells from a distance.

Some used various weapons to attack, and they all looked fierce.

But at this moment, Lin Yun just sneered.

The sword box is opened.



Yuan Chenghe only saw countless flying swords flying out, and the next moment, the expression on his face became solemn.

What the hell kind of monster is this?

Yuan Chenghe didn't understand what he saw in front of him.

However, he was now certain that Lin Yun was the legendary sword cultivator.

Only those powerful sword cultivators can achieve this level. No one can be so relaxed about the problem.

"The Vientiane Sword Formation, rise!"

Lin Yun took out the sword technique with both hands, which was an enhanced version of the Four Elephants Sword Formation he learned on the Sword Peak.

However, I didn't have time to try it before, and I didn't know how powerful it was. Now I can finally test it.


Yuan Chenghe looked above his head, and a strange scene appeared in the sky.

On one side there were dark clouds and strong winds.

On the other side, there was a clear sky, which for a moment gave people a great shock.

Yuan Chenghe instinctively felt a hint of danger.

No, this scene must not continue to be wasted here. You must seize the time to leave this place of right and wrong, otherwise you will be doomed.


No matter how they viewed this problem before, the situation before them now made Yuan Chenghe aware of the danger.

Unfortunately, when he wanted to leave, he unexpectedly found that he couldn't do it.

Thousands of miles in radius, the sky is empty!

They are all trapped in it, unable to control the air and unable to leave!

At the same time, many practitioners have just entered the Ancient Forbidden Land of Ten Thousand Swords.

Fortunately, they noticed it the moment the Vientiane Sword Formation was formed, and then made an emergency retreat.

Of course, some real

The weaker ones were trapped inside without having time to escape at this moment.

Once you enter the Wanxiang Sword Formation, all your energy is almost blocked, unless your strength is almost the same as Lin Yun or stronger than him.

Otherwise, you are just a mortal in this sword formation.

"What's going on? Why is my Yuanli missing?"

"Oops, I can't control the air anymore. What the hell is this?"

"Is it some kind of restriction in the ancient forbidden area?"

Many practitioners were confused when they first noticed changes in their bodies.

They looked at each other and saw a hint of panic in the eyes of their fellow travelers.

And those powerful men in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm who had foreseen the danger in advance were wiping the sweat from their foreheads at this moment.

"It's so terrifying. Who is this senior's method? It's so powerful. No matter who it is, being trapped in it is like being instantly turned into a mortal."

The stronger one is, the more one can understand how terrifying the Wanxiang Sword Formation is.

At this time, several powerful men in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm couldn't even speak a word. This completely exceeded their previous understanding of this place.

Ren Xiuzhu's expression was quite ugly. At this time, they were already blocked from the Wanxiang Sword Formation.

He didn't even know what was going on inside.

Wei Shen, who was beside him, asked in a low voice: "Senior brother, do we still want to go in? Senior brother Yuan won't be in any trouble, right?"

Song Haoqian sneered: "Wei Shen, are you underestimating Senior Brother Yuan's methods?"

"What's more, Senior Brother Yuan has brought thirty-two Ten Thousand Dharma Realm demon puppets this time. Looking at the entire Eastern Region, isn't this kind of strength considered very strong?"

This kind of power is indeed powerful enough, and it can even sweep through

Some dynasties.

But for some reason, Ren Xiuzhu felt a strong sense of powerlessness at this moment.

When I faced the Wanxiang Sword Formation, I actually had a feeling of heart palpitations, which was something I had never experienced before.

There are also many powerful men in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm around them who are blocked here and unable to move.

Of course, most people don't dare to go deep into it, fearing that they will accidentally lose their lives.

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Ren Xiuzhu immediately scolded: "Now is not the time for you to quarrel here, follow me in to see what's going on."

After saying that, several people rushed in.

Behind them, there are several puppets and practitioners from the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm.

This is already Luochuan's strongest strength.

In order to get the things in the secret realm, they went straight to stud this time.

At this moment, on the frontal battlefield, Yuan Chenghe was trembling all over.

What kind of monster did he offend?

The moment the Vientiane Sword Formation was formed, he immediately felt that most of the energy in his body was sealed, and he could not even fly in the air.

The same goes for the demon puppets around him.

Everyone looked up blankly at the sky.

There was only a man in white with fluttering clothes.

There was a simple sword box floating in front of him, standing in the sky, overlooking all living beings like a god.

Those cold and emotionless eyes looked at the group of demon puppets on the ground.


He slowly opened his mouth, like an angry shout from the Canggu God.

The chilling spiritual pressure swept over him.

The entire sky was in chaos, and in an instant, all the spiritual energy in the Wanxiang Sword Formation dissipated.

I, a sword cultivator, should suppress all things in the world with one sword!

This is

The power of the Vientiane Sword Formation!

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