Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 620: Another Interception

"Actually, when it comes to the City of No Return, everything is very simple."

"The people here were just ordinary mortals from a certain empire."

"It was just that during a war, they were involved in the chaos and then cursed to be locked up in the City of No Return forever."

"Countless reincarnations, this is what the City of No Return really looks like."

When he said this, Xie Chenan shrugged his shoulders.

"So even if you kill me, it will be useless."

"Because I won't be affected at all."

He looked complacent, as if he was invincible now.

But Lin Yun's next words made Xie Chenan fall silent.

"I know you are free now."

"But it's probably still difficult to say that you are immortal."

"Although many people in the City of No Return may still enter the reincarnation, the fact that you are still here now shows that you are relatively special."

"Even if you are caught or killed, you will never have the chance to enter the reincarnation again."

Those ordinary people were in a daze all day long, and what they knew was limited to the day before they were cursed.

No matter how many times, they always look the same.

But Xie Chenan is not like this. These guys seem to have some special abilities.

And what Xie Chenan said just now is actually ambiguous.

The reason is still not clear. What happened before the city of no return to make it like this?

Even if Lin Yun is a fool, he knows that this matter is not that simple.

What Xie Chenan said just now is just some kind of guess in his mind.

And Xie Chenan looked at Lin Yun

The expression can be said to be quite interesting.

Originally thought that he could get away with it by making up stories.

But now it is found that Lin Yun seems to know something. Is it possible that the ignorant look just now was pretended?

"I said, as long as you tell the truth, I can let you go."

"But now it seems that you are not ready to cooperate with me. In this case, you should stay with this guy."

"Anyway, you also know that this guy is very strong. You will have a hard time next."

As Lin Yun said this, he stood up and prepared to really leave this place, which scared Xie Chenan.

Although I don't know how much truth there is in what Lin Yun said just now.

But this hideous guy did bring him a lot of pressure before, so it's better to stay away from him.

"We are also cursed people like those people, but we have some cultivation, so we won't fall into reincarnation every day."

"It's just that we have endless lifespan."

When he said this, Xie Chenan sighed.

What these practitioners have always pursued is nothing more than powerful power and eternal lifespan.

But it's a pity that sometimes many problems are far more complicated than they think.

Now they are trapped in Wugui City, although they have endless lifespan.

But it's a pity that they can't leave this city at all.

Maybe they will be grateful for this change for a day or two.

They think that as long as they work hard to practice, they will be able to break the ancient times one day.

But after a long time, they finally found that the tissues in their bodies cannot be changed at all.

Even if they have a strong obsession,

they still can't change their fate.

Slowly they will find that this long lifespan is more like a real curse for them.

Let them fall into reincarnation forever, so that they will never be able to recognize the reality.

"The Soul-Calming Pass is on the right side of the Lichen Palace. You will know it when you get there."

"In addition, there are four more passes."

"Once the Lichen Palace is in danger, these four passes will emit energy at the same time to protect the entire Lichen Palace."

This time Xie Chenan did not lie, it seems that this is what happened.

But Lin Yun was also curious about how strong the elixir was that could allow this guy to directly break through the Yin-Yang realm.

If he took it, could his body withstand the pressure?

But think about it, the enemies he will encounter next may not be simple, so it is not a bad thing to have such a method.

"That's all I know. If you want to ask anything else, I will try my best to answer."

At this time, Lin Yun was half lying: "You seem to know that I am a sword cultivator?"

Xie Chenan nodded.

"This shouldn't be a strange thing, right?"

"There are thousands of sword cultivators in this world, and you are not special, although your swordsmanship is indeed strange compared to other sword cultivators."

Generally speaking, sword cultivators only have one sword, and they will regard this sword as important as their own life.

But Lin Yun is different. This kid actually has two swords.

Lin Yun just smiled: "But what if I tell you that the sword cultivators in the outside world have been completely cut off?"

As soon as this was said, the expression on Xie Chenan's face suddenly became unbelievable.

How could the strength of sword cultivators be so strong, even among practitioners


Their combat power is also quite terrifying. Looking at the entire Shenhua world, who can destroy them?

Looking at the expression on Xie Chenan's face, Lin Yun probably thought that these people might not have experienced some things afterwards.

It seems that it is difficult to get the answer about the sealing of Bailuo Domain from him.

"There's nothing more to say next."

"I'll find a chance to let you go later."

Lin Yun's face looked a little ugly, and he left the Eight Realms Tower after he finished speaking.

Gu Santong and Situ Junmao saw Lin Yun open his eyes and immediately came forward.

"How is it? Did this guy confess anything?"

Lin Yun shook his head: "We got very little information, and some things about Wugui City are still ambiguous. It seems that we still need to investigate it ourselves."

"But time should be running out now, so we have to act quickly."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he did not hesitate, found the location of Zhenhun Pass and rushed over.

Zhuo and Situ Junmao followed behind.

As expected, according to what Xie Chenan said, as long as we get here, we can find Zhenhun Pass quickly.

And Lin Yun glanced at the panel.

As expected, the text on it has turned into his own opportunity.

You don't know what Xie Chenan will think when he sees the situation here?

Only half an hour later, Lin Yun finally found the Pohuan Pill.

It looks ordinary, and it is hard to imagine that the power of this pill is really as terrifying as they said before.

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