Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 627: Evil and Filthy Things

The moment he saw the young man, Lin Yun immediately determined that this guy was the one who had just fought with Ren Xiuzhu.

Zhu Pingcang also looked at Lin Yun curiously.

There are too few people who have been able to escape their own perception over the years.

But Lin Yun did it perfectly just now.

During the battle, all his attention was on his opponent, Ren Xiuzhu.

But he shouldn't miss any surrounding details.

But who would have thought that such a boy could slip away from under his nose.

Lin Yun was also looking at Zhu Pingcang carefully at this time.

Since this guy can fight with Ren Xiuzhu and come back so calmly, it seems that his strength is not inferior to Ren Xiuzhu.

It's just that at their level, it's troublesome to decide the winner. Both sides have too many ways to save their lives.

If you fail to succeed and look for other opportunities, you will be in trouble.

【Name】: Zhu Pingcang

[Realm]: Yin and Yang realm

[Fate]: Sinful spirit (black)

【Fate】:? ?

【ending】:? ?

[Recent twist]: Three days later, he will have a life-and-death battle with Ren Xiuzhu, but he is injured at this time and needs to find a way to heal.

Looking at Zhu Pingcang's appearance, it was obvious that he didn't take any advantage in the battle just now.

Ren Xiuzhu's methods are still very powerful.

"My little brother is really good. He was able to enter the Lichen Palace right under my nose."

"If Mr. Fang hadn't told me in advance, I might not have known that someone had sneaked in."

Zhu Pingcang said with a smile.

There was no sense of distance at all between his words.

It may even give Lin Yun the illusion that he has a good relationship with this guy.

This kind of inexplicable

The wonderful familiarity actually made him more vigilant.

With Zhu Pingcang's current strength, there is no need to take Lin Yun, a sword cultivator in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, to heart.

But even so, he still communicates with Lin Yun in this manner, which is enough to show that Lin Yun must have something they urgently need.

"Senior is joking."

Lin Yun did not put on airs, but behaved very humbly, as if he completely trusted the people in front of him.

As for Situ Junmao, he couldn't say a word in front of such an expert, and he looked like a piece of wood.

On the contrary, Zhu Pingcang looked at Gu Santong twice.

"This old man is really strange."

"Although he is not a cultivator, he has tempered his body to such a terrifying level."

This was the first time Zhu Pingcang had seen such majestic power of Qi and blood, so he was even more profound about Gu San Tong.

But Gu Santong had no intention of paying attention to him.

Zhu Pingcang was asking for boredom, but there was no emotion on his face.

"Actually, what you have to do this time is very simple."

"There is an evil being suppressed under this Lichen Palace, you just need to refine it."

"When this is done, those of us who are cursed will be free again."

"Similarly, I will prepare all the materials you need. As long as you are sure that you can do it, these materials will naturally be handed over to you."

At this moment, Zhu Pingcang looked like the leader, and even Fang Wenshuo stood silently aside.

Although Lin Yun had many doubts before.

But I have to say that what Gu Santong is doing now is very sincere.

Under such circumstances, he seemed to have no choice but to

Why refuse such a good thing?

"Can I go take a look first?"

Zhu Pingcang nodded and moved away: "This is natural."

"Our cooperation will only begin after you are sure that you can truly refine this thing."

"If you want to leave before this, I won't stop you."

Lin Yun did not answer what Zhu Pingcang said.

"Guys, please come with me."

Fang Wenshuo greeted several people standing in the center of the second floor.

Then Lin Yun felt a soft white light shrouding himself.

This warm feeling is like sunbathing on the beach.

When he came to his senses, he found that he was already underground.

And the soft feeling just now completely disappeared.

Surrounded by biting cold evil energy, Lin Yun could feel the restless energy in his body just by standing here.

Faced with the erosion of evil energy, his Yuan Power began to be unable to resist the temptation.

But when he saw Gu Santong and Situ Junmao, he found that these two people were just like normal people.

Zhu Pingcang also noticed Lin Yun's abnormality and explained with a smile.

"Evil spirits also choose."

"The stronger the strength, the greater the degree of erosion by evil spirits."

The strength here naturally refers to the realm of behavior.

Neither Gu Santong nor Situ Junmao can compare with Lin Yun.

After hearing what Zhu Pingcang said, Lin Yun had a rough understanding.

"It's right in front."

"Little friend, if you see that guy later, be sure not to look directly at him."

"Otherwise, I might hurt my soul."

Fang Wenshuo reminded in a low voice from the side.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and they finally reached the end of the passage.

At the same time, Lin Yun heard the sound of wailing and roaring ringing in his ears.

At this moment, he felt like he was in the underworld.

It was windy and bitingly cold.

The energy in the body moves at an extremely fast speed to resist evil spirits.

He glanced at Zhu Pingcang beside him.

The other party still looked calm, as if these were nothing to him.

Lin Yun couldn't help but feel more fearful of Zhu Pingcang.

Although he looked harmless when he first appeared.

But his intuition told him that this person was not simple.

Lin Yun was also curious. After these guys chatted with him for a long time, didn't any of them think of Xie Chenan who was arrested by Lin Yun?

I'm afraid it's not that they don't want to.

I just don't want to bring up this issue.

Lin Yun was led by them to a huge underground cave. In the center was a green pool with a strange green light.

The surrounding walls are all green.

In this pool, there is a ball-like monster trapped in the center with eighteen chains penetrating its body.

This thing has countless octopus-like tentacles.

A huge cyclops-like eye glows red from time to time.

When this guy looked towards him, Lin Yun instinctively closed his eyes.

It wasn't for anything else, it was just that I had a bad feeling at that moment.

Seeing that the plot failed, the monster immediately roared again.

Zhu Pingcang, on the other hand, took a step forward and uttered the true words: "Quiet!"

For a moment, there seemed to be no sound in the entire cave.

And the monster turned out to be a lot more honest.

So strong.

This was the most intuitive feeling Zhu Pingcang gave Lin Yun.

The strength of these people is comparable to that of Lin Yun

The guys I met before were not on the same level at all.

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