I think back in Liuyun Sect, a single magic weapon had already made countless people jealous.

Even in the later stages, powerful treasures are rarely seen.

At least in this area of ​​Bailuo Domain, treasures are actually far more scarce than they think.

This is completely different from other areas in the Shenhua Realm.

Just like the method of practicing Qi, it has been completely cut off in Bailuo Domain.

That's why these treasures seem so precious in the eyes of those practitioners.

Even an ordinary treasure can make a strong person in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm miss him.

It's because they are too poor and don't have that many treasures with them.

And if treasures are used properly in battle, they can turn the tide of the battle.

Lin Yun was able to turn the tide so many times, all because of the treasures on his body, each one more vicious than the last.

These opportunities alone are enough for him to instantly kill all the strong men in the entire Bailuo Domain.

And now.

Zhu Pingcang was about to hand Lin Yun a sacred weapon as soon as he opened his mouth?

And all Lin Yun had to do was to let one person go.

This was really such a good deal for him, so good that he had to seriously think about it. Is there any pitfall in it?

Gu Santong was also looking at Zhu Pingcang carefully. He had to say that this was too tempting.

This is even more terrifying than pie in the sky.

But Zhu Pingcang looked at the expressions on these people's faces, and of course he knew what they were thinking.

"Don't worry, I'm just making a deal with you sincerely."

"Although this treasure is a sacred weapon, it is already broken and its power is not even close to ten percent."

"But you are a sword cultivator, so this thing has some fate with you. Maybe you can learn it from above.

Learned something. "

Zhu Pingcang said as he took out a broken sword.

The blade of the sword looked rusty.

But even so, Lin Yun could still feel the powerful power.

Although Zhu Pingcang was right, this sacred weapon was incomplete and had no effect.

However, through some research on him, this sacred weapon can still be used to exert its residual heat.

It's just such a huge pie, of course Lin Yun still has to think carefully about it.

Although the value of this thing is not low, but now that it falls into Lin Yun's hands, it cannot enhance his combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

But he had to let go of this troublesome Xie Chenan.

I don’t know what this guy will do next time.

If it is someone whose teeth are bound to explode, it will definitely not be a good thing for Lin Yun.

Zhu Pingcang was not in a hurry, and looked at Lin Yun as calmly as before, as if he was sure that this young man would also agree.

Originally, Lin Yun had no idea, but suddenly, he felt a wave of fluctuations coming from the jade chili.

A thought occurred to him.

Is it the incomplete broken sword?

These things were originally brought out from the ancient forbidden area.

Lin Yun didn't know what this was at the time.

Just understand that this thing is not extraordinary.

So I kept it with me. I didn't expect it to cause a reaction in the intestines.

But Zhu Pingcang in front of him didn't know it at all.

After a moment, Lin Yun nodded and agreed, while Zhu Pingcang showed a bright smile.

Although I had expected it before, I was still a little nervous. If Lin Yun really rejected them, the next business would not be easy to do.

Fortunately, Lin Yun still has some brains on this issue.

He was so stupid that he had no choice but to fight them to the end.

In this way, Zhu Pingcang doesn't have to worry too much.

"Senior, you can go back first. Your companions will go back later."

Zhu Pingcang then looked at Lin Yun meaningfully, and then handed the broken sword and all the materials to Lin Yun.

"Little friend, I hope you won't disappoint me."

"It would be good for you and me to resolve this matter as soon as possible."

Lin Yun happily accepted these things and watched Zhu Pingcang and Fang Wenshuo leave.

Gu Santong leaned against the wall and waited until the two people were far away before asking, "Are you sure it's okay to do this kind of deal with them?"

"Even though they seem harmless now, if they really want to be cruel, not everyone can handle it."

Lin Yun smiled.

"Of course I know they are difficult to deal with."

"But this thing is also very important to me. I can only take one step at a time. At least they have no intention of killing me yet."

When he said this, Lin Yun glanced at Ye Sha behind him.

All of this is probably because of this guy.

Situ Junmao was squatting next to him. He knew how terrifying Karma was just now, so now he didn't dare to take another look at it.

Not to mention that this guy Ye Sha is really scary with his ferocious face.

Seeing that Lin Yun knew what was going on, Gu Santong stopped talking.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, put away everything.

He was not in a hurry to start refining Karma.

There was no choice to fuse the two sacred artifacts.

Instead, he directly summoned the Eight Realms Tower and entered it.

Xie Chenan has already been waiting here impatiently.

Of course he knows.

Zhu Pingcang and others will definitely not give up on him


When the time comes, I will definitely do everything possible to rescue him from this damn place.

It's just that such a long time has passed, and even if Xie Chenan can calm down, he still feels a little nervous.

What if something unexpected happened.

Lin Yun died in their hands.

And since they can't open this damn treasure, doesn't it mean that they will be trapped here for the rest of their lives?

Look at this ferocious behemoth beside you.

Even if Xie Chenan is a fool, he understands that it can trap him for a long time.

Just when Xie Chenan was still worried, Lin Yun's figure appeared.

In the huge cage next to Xie Chenan, the ferocious-looking monster began to struggle instantly.

He kept making roaring sounds, as if he wanted Lin Yun to let him go.

Facing this arrogant guy, Lin Yun just snapped his fingers, and a white light instantly enveloped the monster's cage.

Although the white light looks soft.

But soon all Xie Chenan heard was my screams.

At this time, Lin Yun snapped his fingers again, focusing Xie Chenan's attention on his side.

"We meet again."

Xie Chenan took a deep breath and looked at the devil-like boy in front of him.

Wails of pain continued to sound around him.

But all this is nothing to Lin Yun.

"What else do you want from me?"

"Everything I know has been told to you. If you still want to inquire about anything, I advise you not to worry too much for the time being."

He stared into Lin Yun's eyes, as if he wanted to see through all the thoughts in this young man's mind.

Lin Yun Gujing Wubo's eyes did not reveal any emotion.


"I'm here to let you out of here."

"I have to say, these people in Lichen Palace really can't let you go."

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