Lichen Hall, the highest floor.

Fan Wujiu looked at Zhu Pingcang and Xie Chenan.

"You two should be observing that boy, right? Do you have any information?"

I have to say that Fan Wujiu is really stable.

In other words, this guy has been very careful now since he was stabbed in the back.

Although Lin Yun didn't show anything unusual this time, Fan Wujiu still didn't dare to completely relax.

No one can do this kind of behavior.

This is one of the reasons why Zhu Pingcang did not directly side with Lin Yun.

If one day they really take action, from Zhu Pingcang's point of view, only Fan Wujiu can win.

This guy is very cautious in everything he does, and every step he takes counts ten steps.

So what if Lin Yun is really a very powerful genius?

In front of such a cunning old fox, he lost all his ability to calculate.

"Master, we have already seen it. The karma has completely disappeared. Lin Yun must have really refined the karma."

"As for other things, I haven't felt it. This boy's cultivation has improved a bit, but not as fast as we thought."

After hearing this answer, Fan Wujiu nodded with satisfaction.

"It's best if this is the case, and you all understand our current situation."

"There are internal and external troubles. I will personally take Lin Yun out of the Lichen Palace later. You have to be smart about how to arrange the next steps."

Fan Wujiu said with a smile.

It could also be heard from his tone that Fan Wujiu didn't seem nervous about his current situation.

But all Zhu Pingcang can do is to keep

nodded in agreement.

He didn't know what would happen next.

Although Lin Yun said it very casually.

But at this time, it was really impossible for Zhu Pingcang to believe that Lin Yun was capable of defeating Fan Wujiu.

"Although I don't know exactly what this kid is capable of, I can only take one step at a time."

"If that time really comes, I'm afraid Fan Wujiu won't let me go so easily."

Zhu Pingcang sighed secretly in his heart.

He also understood that he was now on a path of no return.

Solving the problem is easier said than done, but now I still have the choice.

Regardless of whether Lin Yun or Fan Wujiu takes the initiative, they all have the right to choose.

This is already the best result.

In this way, the time soon came to evening.

During the entire process, Lin Yun did not show anything unusual, as if he had no idea what was going to happen next.

No one knew what Lin Yun was thinking, but it seemed that they should think more carefully about these issues.

Soon Zhu Pingcang came to Lin Yun's room.

"Little friend Lin, we can leave now."

Night falls.

These people in Lichen Palace regained even more powerful strength.

At this time, Lin Yun slowly walked out of the room.

He looked like he had just woken up.

"I'm sorry, I've been refining Karma recently, so I'm feeling a little depressed."

"I just took a serious rest."

Zhu Pingcang nodded.

There may be means and behaviors to monitor them everywhere in this Lichen Palace.

Therefore, Zhu Pingcang did not dare to say anything more, keeping everything in silence.

Lin Yun

He was taken to the entrance on the first floor, and Fan Wujiu had been waiting here for a long time.

"Little friend Lin, it seems that you have had a good rest."

Fan Wujiu took a look and Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Thanks to senior's care, I really feel better."

"But how senior is going to arrange it next, you might as well tell the junior first."

"In this way, this junior will be better prepared."

Lin Yun looked at Fan Wu Jiu with neither humility nor arrogance.

"I know that these guys outside are difficult to deal with. I have asked Zhu Pingcang to fight them before, and I also know their details."

"So this time I personally take action to give you more time to leave here."

Fan Wujiu replied, looking like he was sacrificing himself for others, but Lin Yun was secretly sneering.

I'm afraid you, an old guy, just want me to fight with Ren Xiuzhu, and then you will reap the benefits.

Lin Yun was almost certain that Fan Wujiu knew that he had other treasures hidden in his body, so of course it was impossible to let him go so easily.

Even though it was just some speculation at this time, after some evidence, Lin Yun already believed what Ye Sha said before.

"Thank you very much, senior."

Fan Wu Jiu laughed heartily.

"Absolutely unnecessary."

"I'm just making some contributions to what you did before."

After he finished speaking, he took the initiative to open the door and walked out, and Lin Yun followed closely behind.

Luo Chuan's disciples stood up one after another the moment Fan Wujiu came out. At the same time, more mind flayers appeared around them.

When Ren Xiuzhu saw Lin Yun following Fan Wujiu, his expression changed slightly.

Although the two met for the first time.

But at this moment, Ren Xiuzhu could feel the overwhelming anger surging from his heart.

"You brat, you've been running around for so long. I finally caught you, right?"

"I want to see where you can go now."

He stared at Lin Yun, speaking as if he had won the final victory.

"Luochuan is seeking death on his own, so he can't blame me."

"What's more, you have killed so many practitioners, do you think you can stay out of it?"

Lin Yun sneered and sneered.

In the entire spiritual world of Shenhua Great World, rules must be followed. It is okay to kill people, but they cannot kill innocent people indiscriminately.

This is also to ensure that the entire Shenhua World can have better development potential.

But what these guys did in front of them obviously affected the development of the entire world.

If you want those strong people outside to know what they have done.

I'm afraid that the whole of Luochuan will be exhausted, and that's why these people in Luochuan will spare no effort to catch Lin Yun.

Firstly, I came here to steal the treasure from him.

Another reason is naturally to cover up what he has done.

Over the years, they have really killed too many practitioners. Once this matter spreads to those outside, one can imagine what the consequences will be.

Ren Xiuzhu just sneered.

"Luochuan has reached the point where it is now. How can a kid like you know how much effort we have put in during the whole process?"

"So whoever stands in your way today means nothing."

"I will kill you."

Because of Lin Yun’s previous actions, he had already touched Luo Chuan

bottom line.

They would never allow such a young man to leave alive.

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