Fan Wujiu roared angrily, drew his sword and charged forward.

"Friend, since this is what we are talking about, let's just take action."

On Ren Xiuzhu's side, he was also wielding a spear.

At this moment, the azure blue energy transformed into countless ferocious and roaring dragons roaring towards them.

At that moment, Lin Yun felt as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

Even the aura around him dissipated.

If Lin Yun really had no confidence in defeating these guys before this.

So under the current situation, he has some chances of winning.


"I still have to rely on you to help me solve some problems this time. Xiaobai took Duerdan. It looks like it will take some time to wake up."

Lin Yun knew that this battle was not simple. Even at this moment, the panel he looked at was still confusing.

You can only guess what will happen next through other people's panels, and then make the right choice.

In this situation, he didn't know whether he could complete it successfully.

Just understand that there is no choice now.

If he cannot win, the problems he will face next will only be more terrifying.

Chongqingniao also knew that Lin Yun was in a very difficult situation.

So he didn't say much, just hummed silently.

Fan Wujiu and Ren Xiuzhu in heaven and earth took action at the same time.

The terrifying momentum came over directly.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, immediately opened up his murderous area.

The moment the power of the rules unfolded, Ren Xiuzhu's figure froze.

He looked at Lin Yun with a shocked expression, never expecting that this boy's domain would make him unable to move.

In the distance, Fan Wujiu roared.

"This kid is doing something

There are so many sections, so don’t show mercy and just go all out. "

I have to say that Fan Wu Jiu is completely different from all the villains. This guy seems to know something.

When you come up, be prepared to explode directly.

Zhu Pingcang and Xie Chenan stood there and watched coldly.

"What did he mean when he asked me to help? This kid is not out of his mind. Although he took the initiative to release me, it is a kindness."

"But it would be too much to ask me to fight the master for him."

Zhu Pingcang did not answer Xie Chenan's question, but was thoughtful.

The purpose of their existence was to help Fan Wujiu solve some troublesome problems.

But now that the seal of Wugui City has been completely lifted, what will happen to them in the future?

But like Xie Chenan, he was also curious about where Lin Yun got his confidence.

If he is in two yin and yang realms, he can be so relaxed and at ease, which means he has some ability.

But with Fan Wujiu in the state of returning to his true state, his current behavior is more like a brain-dead state.

"I always feel that there should be some secrets about this kid that we don't know about."

"Don't rush to take action, just watch quietly here."

"Wait until the right time to make a decision."

When Ren Xiuzhu heard Fan Wujiu's roar, he immediately opened his own territory.

"The realm of delusional souls, open!"

The next moment, Lin Yun felt a terrifying shock coming towards him.

It turned out to be a spiritual attack.

It's a pity that if this method were used earlier, it might still pose a threat to Lin Yun.

But now his spiritual thoughts are only stronger than Ren Xiuzhu.

Ren Xiuzhu thought that Lin Yun could be immobilized at this moment.

Then he seized this opportunity to severely injure this boy, but when his spirit

The moment the divine attack reached Lin Yun.

It felt like a punch hitting the cliff.

This terrifying power feedback almost made his brain explode.

"What a powerful spiritual sense. This guy has actually cultivated his spiritual consciousness to such a powerful level."

Ren Xiuzhu took a breath of air. In the face of such a powerful spiritual consciousness, his field seemed to lose its effectiveness.

Fan Wujiu also noticed this.

After reaching his level, it is no longer as simple as using the field to fight as before.

But to truly master some of the rules of heaven and earth.

The next moment, Lin Yun felt that the spiritual energy around him instantly dissipated.

And Fan Wujiu's figure appeared in front of him almost instantly.

Lin Yun subconsciously clenched the Sky Sword.


Along with a terrifying roar, his whole body was blown away like a cannonball.

In the moment just now, he felt the spiritual energy around him dry up.

And he could only use the purest energy and blood to deal with Fan Wujiu.

If he hadn't strengthened his physique earlier, the collision just now would have been enough to kill him many times.

Fan Wujiu thought he could easily win this battle.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yun was only slightly injured.

Seeing the young man standing up slowly from the huge pit, he couldn't help but frown and said, "You are quite interesting, little kid."

Ren Xiuzhu also looked at Lin Yun like a monster.

The two of them were clearly completely crushed in terms of strength.

But for some reason, it was quite difficult to deal with Lin Yun.

"This kid has many treasures on his body, which can help him resist many attacks."

"You and I

It's natural that he can't be solved in a while. "

Fan Wujiu saw Ren Xiuzhu's worry, so he explained from the side.

Naturally, these words were meant to relieve Ren Xiuzhu from worries. At the same time, he also understood that killing Lin Yun would bring many benefits.

Ren Xiuzhu nodded, his eyes firmer.

"It seems like you kid really stole a lot of treasures from our Luochuan."

Lin Yun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up slowly, and looked up at Ren Xiuzhu.

"You're such a shameless guy."

"Are all the treasures on my body stolen from your Luochuan?"

Ren Xiuzhu sneered.

"As long as you make excuses here, I will kill you soon and take away everything my family has."

His tone was firm, as if he had already prepared for the worst.

Lin Yun also fell silent at this time.

Believe it or not, this battle is really not going any better at this moment.

With Lin Yun's current situation, it is not easy to solve the problem.

Lin Yun just glanced at it lightly. He naturally knew what Ren Xiuzhu was thinking.

But there was nothing that could be done at the moment.

And Gu Santong also immediately sent a message.

"You brat, just tell me whatever you need me to do."

In this case, even though he knew that Gu Santong was not suitable to deal with these two people, Lin Yun had no choice at this time.

"Senior, help me hold this guy in Luochuan for now."

"As for the Lichen Palace, leave it to me alone."

Lin Yun said firmly, without any hesitation in his tone.

On the contrary, Gu Santong began to worry.

"You brat, are you sure you're not kidding me?

True state. "

"Can you really solve it by yourself?"

Lin Yun glanced at Fan Wujiu in the distance but did not answer.

Does he have a choice?

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