"What's going on with this kid that he can persist for so long?"

Xie Chenan muttered softly.

Even though he was slow to react, he realized that the current situation was not normal.

"Looking at it like this, all the master's attacks have been seen through by this boy, so in the current battle, there is no advantage at all."

Among these people, only Zhu Pingcang felt the most incredible.

He knew very well how strong his master was, and he should not have been dealt with so easily.

But that's what's strange about it.

No matter how Fan Wujiu attacks, he is always one step slower.

Lin Yun was not in a hurry to dress up Fan Wu Jiu, it seemed like he was stalling for time.

Under this situation, Fan Wujiu had no choice at all against Lin Yun.

In the distance, Ren Xiuzhu naturally noticed the changes here.

He originally wanted to go up and help, but the cooperation between Gu Santong and Chong Qingniao was perfect.

The two of them used a physical attack and a mental attack to completely suppress Ren Xiuzhu.

You must know that Lin Yun has now entered the realm of ten thousand arts, so he can also make Chongqingniao's strength reach a higher level.

One concentrates on cultivating the physical body.

An existence with extremely terrifying spiritual thoughts.

This guy is not easy to mess with.

But what troubled Ren Xiuzhu the most was Chong Qingniao.

This guy is very cunning, whenever Ren Xiuzhu is preparing to launch a huge counterattack.

Chong Qingniao would suddenly interrupt Ren Xiuzhu's rhythm, leaving him stunned and unable to react for a long time.

And whenever Ren Xiuzhu wanted to take action against Chong Qingniao, Gu Santong next to him would rush up to stop him.

This leads to

As a result, half a day has passed, but it has not been able to make a qualitative change in this battle.

Now even Ren Xiuzhu himself realizes that the situation is very different from what he thought before.

As for Luochuan's disciples, they were trapped in the surroundings and couldn't rush forward at all. You must know that those mind flayers don't care about the enemy or ourselves.

Any practitioner who dares to rush forward will be regarded as an enemy by them.

Even if Song Haoqian wanted to step forward to help, he couldn't do it and could only watch from the side.

What's more, with his little ability, he can't help?

The whole scene became quite dramatic for a while. Anyway, Lin Yun only had one word on his side: procrastination.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry to kill these guys, he just wanted to buy himself as much time as possible.

Ren Xiuzhu and Fan Wujiu also slowly realized Lin Yun's purpose.

"Although this kid has the advantage, it is still difficult to kill the master. But looking at his current appearance, it seems that he is more interested in delaying time."

"Zhu Pingcang, do you know what this kid is going to do?"

Xie Chenan glanced at Zhu Pingcang beside him.

At any rate, he had dealt with Lin Yun several times.

But for some reason, watching Lin Yun's every move this time felt quite strange.

I would say that this kid is very strong, but now he can only wait for time and cannot solve the problem at all.

But if you say he is weak, that doesn't seem to be the case.

After all, it is unheard of for Lin Yun to be able to persist for such a long time in a state of return to truth.

"Delay for time."

Zhu Pingcang has a flexible mind.

Just for a moment, he thought of what Lin Yun was going to do.

"Karma evil."

Xie Chenan glanced at Zhu Pingcang.

"You guy is out of your mind.

Come on. "

"Hasn't all the karma been completely refined? Why are you suddenly mentioning this guy again?"

Zhu Pingcang had no intention of talking to Xie Chenan at all. I'm afraid this idiot Shan Shan wouldn't be able to figure it out even if he was given a few more years.

Before, he was still wondering where Lin Yun's confidence came from.

But now he finally knows why this kid is so confident.

Lin Yun's real trump card is Karma, and he has not completely refined Karma.

It's possible that some kind of agreement was reached between the two.

So everything given to them before was just an illusion.

After all, no one knows what they will become after the karma is refined.

The curse has always been on them, and even after the karma has been completely refined, they still can't be sure whether the curse has disappeared.

But one thing that is certain is that Ye Sha's huge body has completely disappeared underground.

In addition, over the years, no one among them is willing to believe that karma can communicate.

So I can only think that Lin Yun really helped them successfully refine the karma.

And of course everything that follows will be simpler.

When they naively think that everything they see in front of them is the truth they want to know, they will only be confused by the real truth.

And the final result will only be more terrifying than they imagined.

At this time, when looking at Lin Yun, Zhu Pingcang's eyes had completely changed.

This kid is indeed more troublesome than he thought. If Karma is really still alive, then they only need to wait for a suitable time to release Karma, and they will be defeated.

By virtue of Fan Wu

It's impossible to win in his current state.

"Xie Chenan, you also know how Fan Wujiu treats us."

Xie Chenan's eyes widened and he glanced at Zhu Pingcang.

"Zhu Pingcang, you are going too far now. Do you even dare to call the master that? If he finds out, he will definitely be beaten."

Zhu Pingcang looked at Xie Chenan and didn't know what to say for a moment.

This guy is really a complete idiot, even now he still can't see clearly the situation in front of him.

But to Zhu Pingcang, this no longer mattered.

Now that I have the initiative, the next step is to get everything back to normal quickly.

"Our master is now in a very dangerous situation, can't you still see it? Lin Yun still has his trump card that he has not yet used. He is delaying time now to wait until tomorrow."

Zhu Pingcang said angrily.

And after hearing what Zhu Pingcang said, Xie Chenan finally realized what the problem was?

"You're saying that this kid already knew how to fight this battle and everything he did before was just to delay time."

"But what will happen tomorrow?"

Zhu Pingcang: "..."

If it weren't for the friendship between the two of them for so many years, he would really like to come up and slap this guy to death. It's so stupid.

I can't even understand such a simple thing.

"I really don't know what's going on in your head?"

"Have you forgotten? Fan Wujiu is full of strength at this time of the month. When he is at his weakest, he will suffer the backlash of the seal and be in agony."

"That's why he

Today I want to solve the problem as soon as possible. "

"Although theoretically, there should be no such pain after the seal is lifted, but he is afraid!"

"The memories of so many years are almost imprinted in his mind, so even now it seems that the seal has been lifted."

"But he's still worried that something like this will happen unless he gets more power."

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