Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 662: The Secret of Shenhua Realm

Ren Xiuzhu originally thought that he was cooperating with Fan Wujiu, and that the next situation would be quite easy.

But now it seems that things are not like this at all.

Lin Yun completely dominated the whole matter.


Thinking of this, Ren Xiuzhu laughed awkwardly.

"I know we had some misunderstandings before, but I think as long as these misunderstandings can be explained clearly, there should be a chance to turn this matter around."

This is Zhu Pingcang's chassis. Now that Fan Wujiu is dead, Zhu Pingcang should be able to control everything here.

Ren Xiuzhu came here just to kill Lin Yun, but in this situation, he had already lost so much.

It's really not worth it if you continue to risk your own life.

So he only has one idea now, hoping that the person in front of him can let him go.

"What kind of place do you think Wugui City is? Can you come here whenever you want and leave whenever you want?"

"If you really think so, then I can only tell you that I am very sorry, but we can never let you go like this."

The moment Ren Xiuzhu finished speaking, a large number of demons appeared around him. At the same time, Fang Wenshuo and Xie Chenan also appeared here.

Two people surrounded Ren Xiuzhu.

Ren Xiuzhu's face looked quite ugly.

"You guys are seriously going crazy."

After all, I'm not that easy to deal with, but I just don't know what these guys in front of me are thinking.

"Don't talk so much nonsense to him, just kill him."

Xie Chenan gave an order and everyone rushed towards Ren Xiuzhu.

At this time, only a few Luochuan people were left.

Someone also rushed forward at this time, first helping Ren Xiuzhu to share the firepower.

But they still overestimated their own methods, and within a short time, most of them died at the hands of people like Li Chendian.

Lin Yun stood there gasping for air while recovering from his body's injuries at an extremely fast speed.

He still knew that his current position was not safe.

The surrounding enemies were eyeing him, and he had to restore his strength to its peak state as soon as possible. Only in this way could he be able to negotiate with them normally.

Otherwise, what awaits Lin Yun next is the fate of being at the mercy of others, and he knows this all too well.

Don't look at Zhu Pingcang and others, they want to help you deal with Ren Xiuzhu now.

But who could have imagined what would happen without Ren Xiuzhu?

After so many things, Lin Yun now dare not trust others easily. Instead of trusting others, it is better to trust the sword in his hand.

Although Ren Xiuzhu is a strong man in the Yin and Yang realm.

But neither Xie Chenan nor Zhu Pingcang were easy to deal with, and Fang Wenshuo, who was criticizing like crazy, gave him even more headaches.

The battle didn't last long.

Only a quarter of an hour.

Ren Xiuzhu was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Situ Junmao, who was in the distance, couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.

It's such a waste. Luochuan arranged for so many people to enter the Honggu secret realm this time, but they ended up in such a world.

If this matter spreads out, I'm afraid others will laugh out loud.

However, Situ Junmao has no particularly good solution now. He can only say that it was fate that led him to this stage.

If they hadn't met Lin Yun, maybe they would have already

All this has been accomplished.

But who can say for sure about this kind of thing?

After dealing with Ren Xiuzhu, Lin Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

This guy has been chasing him all this way.

Finally got it done successfully.

Zhu Pingcang looked at Lin Yun and asked in a low voice: "The matter has been completely resolved at this point. I wonder what you think next?"

Lin Yun glanced at Wugui Chengcheng behind him and said lightly.

"The matter in Wugui City has been resolved, and the evil spirit has completely disappeared."

"You people don't continue to carry the curse, so you can leave here."

Over the years, Zhu Pingcang, Xie Chenan and others have been practicing unremittingly, hoping that one day they can reach the strongest level.

Maybe this could break the curse on themselves, but unfortunately they failed in the end.

But this doesn't mean that what they are encountering now is the worst.

At least after this practice.

Both Zhu Pingcang and Xie Chenan were able to save their lives in this chaos.

For them, this is a blessing in misfortune.

Even Lin Yun didn't expect that the final result would turn out like this.

It's a pity that few people in Wugui City can leave here alive. This is what Lin Yun feels most helpless in his heart now.

Even if he has this ability, he also has this idea and wants to save everyone here.

But the end result is often just sad.

"We may stay here for a while to accompany these people through their final moments."

Zhu Pingcang glanced at the people in Wugui City in the distance.

We may have one last moment.

But Zhu Pingcang and Xie Chenan actually decided to stay here.

Lin Yun glanced at the two of them and said nothing.

Instead, Fang Wenshuo from a distance came up and patted Lin Yun on the shoulder.

"You little guy does have some tricks up your sleeve."

“This time it also successfully helped us get rid of our constraints.”

He stared at Lin Yun and suddenly asked: "But from the looks of you, you are not from the East Region, but from the Bailuo Region."

When these words came out, the expression on Lin Yun's face suddenly became quite serious, and even Situ Junmao, who pretended not to hear anything, pricked up his ears at this time.

People from Bailuo Region?

That was a long time ago.

This person in front of him seemed to have nothing to do with them.

And Lin Yun asked.

"What's the point of saying this, senior?"

Fang Wenshuo pulled Lin Yun aside and whispered a few words.

When Lin Yun heard these words, the expression on his face became more and more ugly.

Gu Santong just glanced at Lin Yun, although Lin Yun didn't say much.

But he could feel that Lin Yun's shock at this moment was no less than when he just came to Shenhua Realm.

Lin Yun came back soon, but his eyes became colder.

Gu Santong sighed.

But he didn't say much, he knew that it must be because the things in Shenhua Realm had completely angered Lin Yun.

After all, not everyone can tolerate such a thing.

And the things that happened in Shenhua Realm were far more complicated than they imagined.

"It seems that you already know some inside information."

Lin Yun nodded.

"I just didn't expect that this world

would be so cruel."

"Senior, it seems that we will have bigger troubles soon."

He smiled, with a sad face.

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