Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 669 Are you worthy enough?

Although Zhou Damao looked very powerful, Sun Yulong and Lao Deng didn't take it to heart at all.

There is strength in numbers and Zhou Damao is injured, how could they lose?

Soon the two sides fought together.

In an instant, Zhou Damao had the upper hand. In any case, his strength far exceeded everyone present.

Coupled with the protection of a white tiger, he also stole the show in this battle.

Zhou Damao was injured after all, but after briefly gaining the upper hand, the situation was immediately reversed.

In order to ensure that he can escape safely.

During the battle, Zhou Damao always retreated before fighting, slowly retreating towards the entrance of the cave.

He knew he had to break out from here now.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

But he didn't understand why these guys didn't mean to seal the hole.

Zhou Damao looked at these practitioners, and he could see from their eyes that he looked more like a big joke in the eyes of these guys.

It is obvious that Qianlong Continent has fallen into huge chaos.

It was the time when others needed help, but these people had no intention of helping.

Instead, they are still laughing at you everywhere. No one else would be able to accept this.

But Zhou Damao also knew that no matter what, he had to find someone who could give his true voice to Qianlong Continent.

At the beginning, Zhou Damao could persist for a while.

But when he came out of the cave, he saw more and more bounty hunters around him.

Finally understood why these guys didn't stop themselves in the cave


Because the space inside is small, these people can't move at all.

If he comes out and there are so many people outside, he will basically be defeated.

When you think about this,

Zhou Damao also smiled helplessly.

"You sinners from the Bailuo Territory are obviously just country bumpkins. If you insist on running to these big cities, do you think you can take root here just by virtue of your lowly status?"

"This is simply ridiculous. You deserve to live here."

These people sneered and mocked Zhou Damao in front of them.

Zhou Damao's face was quite ugly now, and he thought that there would be a proper solution to this matter.

But he didn't expect that after he came to Shenhua Realm, everyone he met had the same idea.

Their purpose was just to kill Zhou Damao, and other things besides that were unimportant.

Zhou Damao didn't understand how big of a mistake he had made to deserve so many people chasing him.

And he obviously has no interaction with these people.

"I don't know what you want to do, but since you insist on making this arrangement, I can only choose to resist to the end."

When Zhou Damao spoke, his breathing became rapid.

Only then did he realize that he was about to reach his limit. It was not easy to deal with these guys, and he had already used many methods in the process.

Is it really going to fall here this time?

When this idea flashed through Zhou Damao's mind, he felt quite helpless.

I thought I could find the best opportunity to change my destiny.

But I didn’t expect that the final situation would turn out to be

Then it turned into what it is now.

He didn't know what he was going to face next. He knew very well.

He looked at the people in front of him, and then said with a trembling voice.

"I know there may be some conflicts between us, but I hope you can do me a favor, even if I really die here today."

"But I also hope you can pass on this news. Now Bailuo Domain is experiencing some terrible attacks."

"This disaster will not only occur within the Bailuo Domain, but will soon sweep to more distant places."

"If you don't take action, no one will be able to stop it."

How many people just looked at Zhou Damao seriously and then laughed?

"What on earth is this idiot talking about? He actually wants us to help him solve the trouble in their hometown?"

"You're not kidding, are you? Who the hell is he? He actually came here and told us this."

Zhou Damao was completely desperate. At this moment, he didn't even realize that he was out of tune with this world.

They also don’t understand that in the eyes of these people, Bailuoyu is not much different from trash.

Sun Yulong frowned, snorted, and became a little impatient.

"Forget it, telling these guys is a waste of time, just go ahead and kill him, and then take the time to take him to the Night Watch Department to collect the reward."

It seemed like Zhou Damao didn't know many things, and there was no need for them to waste too much time on this guy.

Although not many sinners came here this time.

But now they have caught one. As long as they deal with this guy quickly, there will still be time to deal with the others.

of sinners.

After thinking of this, several people nodded again and again and immediately started to take action.

Zhou Damao's face was full of despair at this time. There were so many bounty hunters here, and he knew that he had no choice now.

I thought that when I came here, I could seek help from others and turn the tide, but I didn't expect that I would end up in this situation.

He slowly closed his eyes and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Master, I have disappointed you after all."

Zhou Damao thought he might die here so easily today.

But the next moment he heard the sound of swords.

Then a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

"I don't care what your status is, it's still too late to get out of here."

"Otherwise I wouldn't keep any of them."

Zhou Damao opened his eyes suddenly, and when he saw the familiar back, tears filled his eyes.

"Junior brother Lin."

He didn't expect that he would be able to see Lin Yun here. He thought they were separated forever.

Since Lin Yun disappeared last time, they could not accept this fact for a long time.

Although Lin Yun disappeared completely, he also changed the pattern of Qianlong Continent.

Let them have a chance to survive in this war.

It's just that this situation is unlikely to last for too long. At this time, various parties begin to actively look for external assistance.

And Zhou Damao is one of these people.

I thought I would get help after coming to this mysterious world, but I didn't expect to encounter obstacles everywhere and almost lost my life.

As a result, just when he was about to give up, he saw the temporary place that had disappeared for a long time.

this situation

How could it not excite him?

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