Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 688 A pair of iron fists

Even Li Shuang in the distance found it unbelievable. He knew very well how powerful Hou Xuan was.

Looking at the entire Heavenly Prison, there are only a few people who dare to fight Hou Xuan.

But what is the identity of this young man now?

Just a look can make Hou Xuan so scared. Is this guy still stronger than Hou Xuan?

But Li Shuang looked like Lin Yun was just an ordinary human being.

In Heavenly Prison, they all know very well how weak human beings are in combat.

Hou Xuan shook his head and looked at Lin Yun with a suspicious look on his face.

"How is that possible? This guy is just an ordinary human being, and you can't feel any special fluctuations from his body."

"Today's human beings particularly advocate various kinds of exercises and neglect to cultivate themselves."

"Because of that, they don't have any power at all to counter me here."

It must be said that Hou Xuan became one of the top ten villains not because of his recklessness.

This guy still has some sense.

After the conflict with Lin Yun just now, he immediately began to observe Lin Yun.

It seems that he wants to find out the true identity of the young man in front of him.

For Hou Xuan now, it is certainly impossible for him to believe what Lin Yun just said.

It's not easy to defeat him with Lin Yun's strength. At least now, Hou Xuan doesn't believe that this guy has such ability.

"Hey, brat, you don't really think that I will be afraid of you with just a few words, do you?"

When Hou Xuan said this, he clenched his fist and stood in front of Lin Yun.

"I was hunting here just now. I was about to catch my own prey, but there was nothing I could do. You

Got showed up and interrupted my plans. "

"So I am going to change my plan now. I can deal with my prey later."

"Now I should rip your head off and use it as a ball, what do you think?"

After he said this, he started to laugh ferociously

I thought this would make Lin Yun feel scared.

But Hou Xuan soon changed his mind because he couldn't see any fear in this young man.

"Originally I didn't want to go against you, but it seems that we have no choice but to fight."

Hearing what Hou Xuan said, Lin Yun just snorted, then raised his head and looked in front of him. This guy had already clenched the weapon in his hand with one hand.

Hou Xuan took a breath of air. He really didn't understand what the trump card of the young human in front of him was.

Why can you act so calmly when facing yourself?

If it were anyone else, wouldn't it be frightening right now?

"Impossible, impossible. No matter how strong this kid is, there is absolutely no way he can completely ignore my existence."

"I am one of the top ten evildoers in the Heavenly Hell. How come I was defeated so easily?"

Countless thoughts flashed through Hou Xuan's mind, constantly denying Lin Yun's identity.

He simply didn't want to believe that a human could train his physique to the point where he was on par with him.

No matter, since we have reached this point, we can only fight to the end.

"You brat, today I will show you how powerful I am, Grandpa."

Hou Xuan jumped up high, and then grabbed him with sharp tiger claws.

Hou Xuan's attack was very fast, but Lin Yun's attack was more elegant.

No one saw him

How did he do it? He dodged Hou Xuan's attack so easily, then raised his right leg and struck with a knee.

This move directly hit Hou Xuan's stomach.

There was a crisp sound.

Several of Hou Xuan's ribs were broken, and then his whole body flew out like a cannonball.


Hou Xuan hit the ground hard.

When Li Shuang saw this scene, she was completely dumbfounded.

Who is this guy, that he can become so powerful in the process of fighting Hou Xuan?

I originally thought that it would be difficult for Hou Xuan to stand up after he fell to the ground, but he didn't expect this guy to get up again without hesitation.

In front of Lin Yun, this guy's injuries were recovering at an extremely fast speed. It seemed that the demon clan's recovery physique was quite terrifying.

Hou Xuan was very unhappy. From the strength of the punch just now, it seemed that Lin Yun had some tricks up his sleeve.

But it hasn't reached the point of giving him a huge headache, so it will be easy to deal with this guy.

"You brat, I didn't want to cause such embarrassment with you."

"But I must kill you today."

Hou Xuan was heard roaring to the sky. Not only had the injuries on his body recovered, he even had some strange tattoos.

These tattoos shone with a strange purple light, and then the power of his entire body increased several times.

Almost in an instant, he rushed in front of Lin Yun and punched out.

"Let me show you the power of my unparalleled iron fist."

Hou Xuan seemed to have completely released his restraints and moved around Lin Yun at super fast speeds.

At the same time, he can launch an attack at any time, leaving Lin Yun unable to respond.


Lin Yun had to summon up his energy to deal with every move.

Hou Xuan originally thought that defeating Lin Yun in this way would not be a problem.

But this situation did not last long.

Only a quarter of an hour passed, and Lin Yun began to show the same ease and ease as before.

It was as if he had completely seen through Hou Xuan's attack methods.

Indeed, Lin Yun already knew all this.

Hou Xuan's attack method was clearly revealed in the previous battle.

This guy claims to be strong, but he has many fatal weaknesses that even he himself cannot understand.

The so-called ten evil men are just a joke in Lin Yun's eyes.

He was very disappointed.

"I thought I could meet some powerful masters here to help me train my physique."

"I didn't expect it to be a scumbag like you."

Lin Yun said, and then raised the wooden sword in his hand.

This is the material he picked up from somewhere.

A sword carved casually.

He usually uses this sword to fight people.

Hou Xuan looked at the wooden sword in Lin Yun's hand, and felt even more insulted.

Now this little self still thinks that he wants to fight him head-on with a wooden sword?

"Arrogant boy, I must kill you today to make you realize your mistakes."

Hou Xuan roared, then jumped high and rushed towards Lin Yun.

A pair of iron fists turned into countless gun shadows and fell down at this moment.

Hou Xuan was really serious this time.

Even Li Shuang was stunned. Is this guy really angry?

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