Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 694 Can you break the defense?

Lin Yun was a little serious about Wu Jinhou, but it was only to this extent.

This guy may think of how powerful he is, but in the end he is just an insignificant person in front of Lin Yun.

At least the battle hadn't started yet, and Lin Yun could already see many flaws in his eyes.

This guy really didn't consider himself an opponent.

But he will soon pay the price for his arrogance.

But before that, what Lin Yun needed to do was to shock everyone present.

Since he is going to challenge all the masters in Purgatory City, he must at least show his powerful side at this moment.

At this time, Wu Jinhou really didn't take what Lin Yun said just to heart.

He appears to be just a human being.

Even if Lin Yun was given more time, there was still no way he could be his opponent.

So Wujin Throat came in naturally.

"Is there anyone else who wants to challenge me?"

"If so, please come forward now."

Even when facing Wu Jinhou, Lin Yun still showed no fear at all.

However, his words irritated Wu Jin Throat.

Originally, Wu Jinhou was quite confident in his own strength and did not think that a human could pose any threat to him.

But now Lin Yun's words made Lingbang unable to accept it.

Before Lin Yun could say anything, he rushed forward.

It has to be said that Wu Jinhou was really fast. Lin Yun didn't even have time to react before Wu Jinhou was already attacking him.

Seeing him clenching his fists with both hands, he was blasting like a whirlwind.

Relying entirely on his own strength, he was able to drive

The hurricane nearby swept over.

Lin Yun avoided the attack with his feet lightly on the ground. The corners of his mouth raised slightly as he looked at Wu Jinthroat with a serious look on his face.

"Why are you so angry?"

"I didn't say anything to dissatisfy you."

"If it's just you, it might be really difficult to defeat me. Why don't you guys do it together and let me see what you're capable of?"

Lin Yun looked at Wu Jinhou standing in front of him with a smile, no matter how powerful Wu Jinhou was before.

But at this time, he seemed to have no chance of winning.

There was nothing special about the abilities Wu Jinhou displayed in front of Lin Yun.

"You brat, it seems you have some tricks up your sleeve."

The movement technique that Lin Yun used just now is not something that ordinary people can do.

The virtual sly step is also extremely mysterious for people like them.

At this time, Lin Yun slowly raised the wooden sword in his hand.

Although he cannot use the various treasures on his body, this wooden sword alone is enough to challenge most opponents.

"If you don't have any skills, how dare you come to a place like Purgatory City to provoke you people?"

Wu Jinhou did not speak, but stared at Lin Yun, and then stepped heavily on the ground.

At that moment, Lin Yun felt the ground shaking violently.

The guards in Purgatory City in the distance also managed to stabilize themselves with great difficulty.

Many people's expressions changed when they looked at Wu Jinhou.

"Damn, this guy seems a little different."

They originally thought that Wu Jinhou was also a human being, just a human being at best.

Just a mixed race.

But the power Wu Jinhou showed just now was enough, which showed that this guy's strength was far from as simple as they thought.

Of course, Lin Yun also knew that Wu Jinhou was not easy to deal with.

But Lin Yun didn't feel worried at all.

For him, having such a difficult opponent would be a better demonstration of his strength.

He not only wants to gradually strengthen his strength in the process of fighting these people.

At the same time, we must completely conquer these strong men of all races.

This is also a situation that Lin Yun gradually learned while chatting with Lishuang.

Some of the people imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison have committed the same crimes as Lin Yun, and some of them came here deliberately.

For them, killing is their only pleasure.

And in the Shenhua Realm, if they kill people indiscriminately, it will definitely cause some turmoil.

So I can only choose to lock myself here to release my nature.

These people are naturally quite crazy and don't even care about the life and death of others.

So this heavenly prison looks like a Shura purgatory, but it is also an opportunity for Lin Yun.

He knew that even if he came out of Heavenly Prison, he would never be able to treat the things that happened in Bailuo Domain as if they had never happened before.

So Lin Yun will one day stand against the entire Shenhua world.

No matter whether it is the Night Watch Division or the practitioners of the Shenhua Realm, they will not let him go.

It was just when I faced those powerful saints.

Lin Yun was completely woken up.

If you don't have enough strength, you won't have any qualifications to make demands when facing these guys.

So here he is today

Not only to defeat these people, but also to make these people completely surrender to themselves.

Only in this way can Lin Yun use their power.

Wu Jinhou was very confident in the powerful strength he had displayed. Of course, he also understood that Lin Yun would definitely be a difficult opponent.

But this is nothing to the current Wu Jinhou.

"I know you're an interesting guy."

"But unfortunately, there is absolutely no place for you in today's battle."

Wujin Throat roared and rushed over again.

His pair of iron fists gave Lin Yun almost no room to dodge.

But what is strange is that Wu Jinhou's power is obviously so strong, but the wooden sword in Lin Yun's hand is as motionless as steel.

"Bang bang——"

The terrifying force impact made everyone's scalp numb, and looking at Wu Jinhou's appearance, there was even more fear in their hearts.

This guy was so strong that he didn't even deliberately restrain his strength when fighting Lin Yun.

As for Wu Jinhou, he just wanted to see if Lin Yun was really as strong as he said.

But gradually Wu Jinhou realized a problem.

There is no way to break the defense.

Yes, as a human being, he should not be able to compete with aliens like them.

However, as a sword cultivator, Lin Yun's physique was quite powerful, and after a series of changes, he had already surpassed normal humans.

So in this battle, Lin Yun relied on his human body to suppress Wu Jinhou.

And the wooden sword in his hand.

Although it is so ordinary, it can still make all Wujin Throat's attacks blocked.

Resist them all.

Gradually, Wu Jinhou's forehead was covered with sweat.

It was too strong. The strength of this human being was the most terrifying one he had ever seen among so many human beings.

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